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Posts posted by Branquignole

  1. BLOODY HELL! Guys, I did it! I just finished my novel which is at 50,028 words. How awesome is that?


    I hope it is going equally well for the rest of you!


    Oh my gosh, oh my, wow. *wanders off being totally overwhelmed*

  2. Hey there and thank you! :)


    It's rather weird, but it has happened to me more than once that I met people in internet places because of one shared interested and then discovered that we had tons of things in common. Great, that. :)

  3. I wrote around 3000 words but now after reading it again I think it's the most boring crap I've done in a long time!:sneaky2:I don't know....


    As NuttyGummy said, never read over what you wrote! Most horrible mistake. :D Don't we writers always think what we just wrote is crap?


    The nearest thing I do to reading my NaNo story is scanning through some pages to get into the mood again or to remember what I already said or didn't (I'm not a very organised kind of person when it comes to writing - no notes etc.).



    And I'm definitely writing in my own language, Swedish; I could never get the right nuances or mood choosing English.

    I read and write a lot in English but it's not my creative language, it's like if I was a painter with only half of my colours!


    That's exactly how I feel as well. I love English, mostly as a communication tool and to read, and I honestly think I'm not too bad at it either, but I'm just not good enough to write a novel in English.

  4. Well, I would love to go, too, but my mum wouldn't let me. And I still don't have my driving license and won't be 18 by then anyway. Life's such a hardship.

  5. I'm actually in awe of myself for writing so much. Writing obviously works better under pressure for me, in terms of quantity at least. (Let's not talk about the quality, alright? :D) I got more than 3000 words done today, with word battles or whatcha call them I did with some fellow NaNo writers.

  6. Thank you, Sabine! :)



    @ mellody: You mean, there are ghosts in this forum? *gulps* And no, unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. The two I'm nearest to are Frankfurt and Stuttgart, but the dates are really... crap. :(


    And yay, Last Unicorn! One of my favourite films ever. And I love misunderstood wizards with huge noses. :wub2: (Um, yeah. Still trying to figure out what this says about me.)

  7. Ja?


    Ah, Moment. Ich werde es für euch rekonstruieren! :D


    FRANZI: Hm, Frankfurt: Scheißtermin. Aber es gibt ja noch Stuttgart! Ah, Scheißtermin. Alles andere: irgendwie weit weg. Aber hey! Amsterdam: toller Termin! Und eine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit hätte Franzilein auch!




    Scheiße, ausverkauft.



    Daher meine kurzzeitige Verwirrung. :aah:

  8. Don't know if that has been posted already, but this is one of the things he said in Baden Baden that were really funny.


    MIKA: D'you wanna sing?

    AUDIENCE: not very convincingly Yeah!

    MIKA: mocks audience "NOOO. :shocked: What's wrong? You're on stage!"

  9. "Familiar with forums" is a rather nice euphemism for being addicted to them. I mean -oooh, look, there's Mika poking his head around the corner! (I'm so good at changing the subject and diverting everybody. :cool:)


    Thank you und danke. :D

  10. Yes, actually, I haven't heard much from him yet. He seems to be sleeping in a comfy corner of my mind. :)


    Thank you! Good luck to you and everybody else as well!


    (And by the way, I'm so proud at the moment because I managed to write more than 2,000 words today despite of a massive lack of motivation.)

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