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Everything posted by Branquignole

  1. It is! I never thought I would write 50,000 words at all, and now I even finished way ahead of time. I can't wait for the verification date. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  2. BLOODY HELL! Guys, I did it! I just finished my novel which is at 50,028 words. How awesome is that? I hope it is going equally well for the rest of you! Oh my gosh, oh my, wow. *wanders off being totally overwhelmed*
  3. I've almost reached the 44k. How's it going for you guys?
  4. Wow, I just reached the 35k! That's 10k above my original goal for this week. (Hell, this means I wrote 23k in one week.) Now I'll be able to sleep well. How about you, guys?
  5. Hey there and thank you! It's rather weird, but it has happened to me more than once that I met people in internet places because of one shared interested and then discovered that we had tons of things in common. Great, that.
  6. Thank you all! @Pearl: Hello, fellow post Baden-Baden Mikaddict.
  7. Thank you! Don't know if this is going to work though, since I have to revise for a huge history test the following week. :/
  8. I want to officially announce that I want to have reached at least 20k - 25k by next Sunday.
  9. OH. MY. GOSH. (Guten Morgen.) Ich sehe grade, wenn Stuttgart ist, habe ich Nudel Osterferien! Also... vielleicht. Ganz vielleicht.
  10. As NuttyGummy said, never read over what you wrote! Most horrible mistake. Don't we writers always think what we just wrote is crap? The nearest thing I do to reading my NaNo story is scanning through some pages to get into the mood again or to remember what I already said or didn't (I'm not a very organised kind of person when it comes to writing - no notes etc.). That's exactly how I feel as well. I love English, mostly as a communication tool and to read, and I honestly think I'm not too bad at it either, but I'm just not good enough to write a novel in English.
  11. I write in German. It's the language I'm most familiar with so it's obviously the language I will manage to write the most words in.
  12. Well, I would love to go, too, but my mum wouldn't let me. And I still don't have my driving license and won't be 18 by then anyway. Life's such a hardship.
  13. I'm actually in awe of myself for writing so much. Writing obviously works better under pressure for me, in terms of quantity at least. (Let's not talk about the quality, alright? ) I got more than 3000 words done today, with word battles or whatcha call them I did with some fellow NaNo writers.
  14. Thank you, Sabine! @ mellody: You mean, there are ghosts in this forum? *gulps* And no, unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. The two I'm nearest to are Frankfurt and Stuttgart, but the dates are really... crap. And yay, Last Unicorn! One of my favourite films ever. And I love misunderstood wizards with huge noses. (Um, yeah. Still trying to figure out what this says about me.)
  15. Ja? Ah, Moment. Ich werde es für euch rekonstruieren! FRANZI: Hm, Frankfurt: Scheißtermin. Aber es gibt ja noch Stuttgart! Ah, Scheißtermin. Alles andere: irgendwie weit weg. Aber hey! Amsterdam: toller Termin! Und eine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit hätte Franzilein auch! [...] Scheiße, ausverkauft. Daher meine kurzzeitige Verwirrung.
  16. Don't know if that has been posted already, but this is one of the things he said in Baden Baden that were really funny. MIKA: D'you wanna sing? AUDIENCE: not very convincingly Yeah! MIKA: mocks audience "NOOO. What's wrong? You're on stage!"
  17. "Familiar with forums" is a rather nice euphemism for being addicted to them. I mean -oooh, look, there's Mika poking his head around the corner! (I'm so good at changing the subject and diverting everybody. ) Thank you und danke.
  18. Nein. Für alles bei mir in der... ähäm... "Nähe" gibt es leider keine Karten mehr, wenn ich das richtig gesehen habe, und die Termine sind sowieso richtig mies.
  19. He should try it in heels. (Which reminds me strongly of the Tango scene in RENT. ) He should know how people suffer by his hand. I guess the balloon thing will stay with me forever.
  20. Oh, just remembered. Next week, I'll go and see Kind Oedipus with my German class and our English teacher booked tickets for A Christmas Carol in December. Really looking forward to seeing both of these plays!
  21. Thanks, laura! Ah, babuccia, my everlasting love will be yours.
  22. Yes, actually, I haven't heard much from him yet. He seems to be sleeping in a comfy corner of my mind. Thank you! Good luck to you and everybody else as well! (And by the way, I'm so proud at the moment because I managed to write more than 2,000 words today despite of a massive lack of motivation.)
  23. Since I can't tear myself away from the forums, I will now eat my internet stick or something and then write some for NaNo.
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