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Status Updates posted by DoodleMaster

  1. :drool:

    nice... Picture.... Me... Very... Much... Likey....


  2. Wow, that is one strange internet cut! Sure, lets try!

    My email is: randomrandomchicken@gmail.com

    send me one so ill know yours, ok?

    Aww thats sweet for jonah, are they moving in together?

  3. Oh, wow, that must be a huge change then!

  4. Ahaah lol! That must have been fun! And i missed it :(

    wait, how did he get hold of mikas sneakers??

  5. Haha, i dont mind telling you, it was just a crush at camp, we were just close friends :wub2: but were still im contact and by some trick of fate he happens to be the son of a lady who has a farm that we go to very often near my ski appartment, which my mum knows quite well!

    I havent been in london for so long! Hes lucky. Where did he used to live?

  6. Ohhh, yeah, I do my best!

    Aww, that sucks for her :tears: If i find the thread Ill send her a message.

    Thats awesome! What was the competition??

  7. Yeah, i heard about that. I hope he settles in soon, i know moving is never fun.

    Me neither, but in the ones ive seen, he does that!

    I havent had a fangurl attack for a while now (appart from now :aah:) cause ive been busy and last week, well... Lets just say another guy than mika filled my mind. But i still love mika to bits!

  8. A what??


    Omg, poor her! What happened??

  9. You know what? I think that Mika still believes in puppets. I don't know if you've noticed, but everytime there's one in an interview, he leans over to see the hand underneath, just to make sure. HOW ADORABLE IS THAT?!!

  10. :lmfao: I love it!

    Especially the kiss at the end- he looked like he was about to move in for a snog! :aah:

    Oh, Mika, you crack me up!

    Anything else???

    Still doing your robbie article??

  11. Some of them! :floor:

    Yeah, I know! And I havent had the time to go read all the threads I joined so far...

    Can you fill me up on the main stuff?

    I am loving Fireflies by Owl city- you should check it out if you dont know it!!

  12. Haha lawl we HAVE had some awesome conversations! But then again, (i almost forgot to say) we are awesome! :groovy:


    Aww, poor snowman, you should give him a face :aah: or at least a nose. Thats the most important. Everyone deserves to have a nose! (although when I sit next to certain people in class, i sometimes wish I didnt have one :teehee:)

  13. Yeah, well it just so happens that MOST things are easy for you! :bleh: Now I just sound jealous (which i am, but not that much :aah:)

    good, how was yours? Hows the snowman?? :teehee:

  14. Yes, talented in everything!!


    Ooh good for you! I had a maths test and it went quitr bad... :doh: I shoulda revised!

    Anyways yeah I tweeted you again! :original:

  15. OOh la la me likey!!

    Its happy and funny... But at the same time sad...

    NIICCE! I love it! I'm jealous cause you're really talented in everything!!


    Aaaww **** your curfews past... :tears: well then, bye! xx

  16. *rolls around excitedly and falls off the bed*


    *grace kelly starts playing*

    *jumps up and starts dancing*

    :aah: that actually just happened :doh:

  17. Its a race against the clock!!

    I tweeted u anywayz so youll see!


  18. *dances*

    I knowww, I saw your twitter!!

    Me want see!!! :groovy:

    Woohoo big girrl now!!

  19. *puts in Rain too*


    I'm good!! Very very very good! How about you??

    Oh btw i listened to santa mika and my oh my you have a really great voice!!

  20. I know... :tears:

    No i'm back for good!! :boing:

  21. I'm back in Europe!!! :boing:

    I'm so happy it's a wonderful 3 degrees here in Geneva although it feels pretty strange wearing a jumper and trousers :bleh:

    I know you're offline I just wanted to say HAPPY NEW DECADE! And to tell you that unfortunately I'm going on a ski camp tommorrow already so unless there's Internet over there... :tears:

    Oh that's awesome for France whereabouts are you going??

  22. YES im sure ^^

    I leave tomorro ill get back the 1st or summat, i think!


    OMG once again i g2g som1 else needs the comp BYE xxx :bye:

  23. No, I like 'the nameless version'

    It's original!

    I'm rubbish at that too :teehee:

  24. Aww pssht i cant listen to any cause im on someone elses comp in the living room with lots of old people around me....

    But i'll see when i get back!!

  25. :boing:

    It was good!

    No, I'm still stranded in a remote part of asia, I'm just back on the MFC :aah:

    But imma go see it anyway now :bleh:


    And OMG your sig is amazing!!!

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