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Everything posted by ping

  1. 之前re左你個msg唔見左既可能食左! 我係係903 forum見過一張大合照不過好濛下.... 其他真係搵唔返啊||||
  2. Oh Michelle! Love your detail report!!! your words remind me how sweet it was yesterday! (hehe..i am still at work now so didn't hv time to type my reports yet:sad:) (just share the image of the TOFU stickers, i hv answered the 3rd question so i got 1 set of it XDDD)
  3. Wow!! thank you for the mp4! i am just trying to google the method to dl this vid!
  4. some more photos: http://pic.music.sohu.com/group-218630.shtml#g=218630&p=1933919 http://images.yule.tom.com/vw/201234-2.html#picchange Tofu event TV report: http://video.sina.com.cn/p/ent/y/2010-06-17/111661035373.html
  5. Thank you for your report:thumb_yello: you told us what has happened on your zone last night~ we were also weird why the emply zone suddenly filled with ppl! it was great that the hall looked like FULL XDDDD may be you can also post it at: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3046620#post3046620 i think more gig reports will appear later. add oil ladies! i will post some photos tonite:naughty:
  6. WA!多謝你D NEWS!!!!! (等我岩岩仲SEND左個E-MAIL去UNIVERSE MUSIC問詳情XD睇來都無人RE架喇) HOLLYWOOD PLAZA EVENT POSTER 我想知貼紙...7張...會係點....||||
  7. hi~ 記得呀~尤其記得你張畫~v 唔係呀我咩都唔知//// 我假設佢去到唔會行行企企吧 真係丫咩都唔講, 我諗佢下星期應該會講下吧... Magic number好難加呢 上極都上唔到去高d lv xd
  8. Hi Hilary*U* 你好啊我叫呀PING~ 好歡迎你啊雖然我自己都潛水中~ 好快就到16-6點解時間突然過得咁快!//// BTW我重未買TOFU碟(?) 我驚到時佢會係HOLLYWOOD PLAZA買碟簽名會XDDD 都係到時先算////
  9. 琴日出左去,同唔到大家一齊分享呢個激動!!! 嗚呀呀呀!!!!原來時間已經唔多!!!! 無錯!今次不容有失!! 之前講果d有幾多會做得來呢||xdddd 我都整理下有咩送俾佢先!!!
  10. Haloooo~~Olly~~~ i miss mika's gig sooo much too. the gig reports from other countries even make me more miss him//// did you find yourself in the vlog:biggrin2:
  11. 妒忌啊xddd 那時拍些照片來看看啊xdd yap!! 大家也申請了~雖然也不覺得會有機會,不過幻想一下也很開心vvvv
  12. 說來那個Mika for Coca-Cola: The Happiness Bottle 真的好想要! 法國出的COLA是不是只有在法國才買到呢! 有朋友在那時會去意大利,會不會有呢 好像香港在百佳也會買到日版美版一樣XDDDD 為什麼沒有郵購呀可惡XDDD///
  13. :thumb_yello: 加油啊!!! 說來我總覺得很快MIKA就會來中國的啊~ 我們也要一起加油給他一個好印象! 你也叫你的朋友一起來這邊啦V 只是近來天氣比較冷這邊才比較靜XD 大家一起來炒熱氣氛XDDD
  14. 也不是太遠啊~!!! 你這麼說就像是黑龍崗那邊~ 不過真的比較少接觸四川的朋友會聽MIKA呢!!
  15. 不介意的話可以告訴我你是來自哪裡的呢? 有沒有興趣來一起做些東西,等他們下次來亞洲的時侯可以給他們驚喜啊VVV
  16. Hi, nice to meet u:thumb_yello: 哈哈~ 其實你見唔見到遲D我地會攪個網聚(?)XDD 我諗到時會傾多少少細節~ 你有無興趣一齊來呀V
  17. YAHO! Here is a gd news for our HK MFCers: http://twitter.com/account/profile_image/jimmyplaysbass?hreflang=en It is Hong Kong! He seems to like HK~Thank~you~Jimmy!!! We must do sth for the band too!! Our project is sooooo huge and the time is getting limited XDDD After discussing with suisuimeko yesterday, we think It's time for our 1st gathering*U* Date: 26/2(night) or 27/2(afternoon-night) Place: a café in MK Hope all of u can join it and please vote for the data for this significant meeting XDDD:aah: 1.Ping / 26-OK,27-OK
  18. 其實我有想過這個問題 會不會好像漸漸把chinese thread轉成hk thread? 會不會因為hk朋友談得太興高采烈而令其他地區的朋友難以加把口/轉換話題呢? 我又想過可不可以開一個新的thread,也未必一定是hk thread... 只是在討論我們的project時可以集中一點 (有什麼可以不斷更新在頂樓麻~~)
  19. REALLY~~~ Your msg is really meaningful for us/// This issue has made us feel upset and worried for quite a long time! Looking forward to seeing #40!!
  20. WELCOME~~~ Add oil!!! just focus on your AL exam first. after that you can spend your long vacation on this grand project:aah:
  21. YAP~i am so grad to hv ppl make more than 1 piece!!!! and for the word "MIKA", you guys want it be yellow/ pink / green ......etc XDD actually i hv many many many bits of fabric XD my mum always ask me to throw them out.... so i think my mum must definitely love this patchwork project:naughty: ----------
  22. sorry guys/// I got a heavy heavy cold so hv disappeared for last few days ;n; For the patchwork i think it would be like this: the yellow part will be in PVC material, but it could be any colour : the whole patchwork includes 147 pieces deduct 56 pieces of "MIKA" we still need extra 91 pieces.... if we cant collect enought quantity... i suggest just fill with plain cloth in different color, then ask ppl sign their name/ leave a msg to Mika before the gig XDDD the size of each piece is 15cm X 15cm otherwise it would be too large for hanging on his wall
  23. Thank you suisuimeko:blush-anim-cl: So lucky that we have u in our chinese thread!! Sorry that i hv no time to help u translate it and the development of the stitch part (OT every day///):hypo:
  24. Woooo!!! you're kinda COOOOLLL! We have many talented ppl involve in this project!CHEERING!! For the radio play part, i really like this idea. we have discussed the idea of finger dolls before. I hv decided to Make those characters into finger dolls. So is it possible to use them to make a skit?
  25. He will love things with Chinese feature definitely:blush-anim-cl: How about using 我愛米卡. At the same time teach him how to write his name in Chinese XDDDDD Would it be more interesting XD I love your idea!!! umm... LOVE______ might be too many words for putting in a card, Or we just only put our name on it. The whole picture would be: .......... ........ "PETER"..."PAUL"..."MARY"...... "L" "O" "V" "E" "M" "I" "K" "A" (Waa...even i can not understand what i wanna exprese XDDDDD)
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