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Posts posted by kate2310

  1. And did I mention I love horror and sci-fi movies and tv shows?



    I like you already! I'm a big sci fi fan!



    I must be a Librorpio, considering I'm born the 23rd...


    Daww thanks :pinkbow: That would be 23rd of october? Bye Wonka, I have a real twin now! :roftl: (apart from whatever age difference :teehee:)

    Yes I forgot too! I love horror/sci-fi movies!!!

  2. He does, we connect everyday with the Colander hat...:mf_rosetinted:


    Whenever you quote and there's too many smilies, you can always delete part of it or add a space in between them to disactivate it...:thumb_yello:


    Ohhhhh riiiiiiight...:blush-anim-cl: ta :teehee:

    I was looking at the CCDC thread earlier, thinking of joining :teehee: except I'm not sure I have a colander :aah: I could TRY and convince my mum she needs one :teehee:

  3. I'm back (damn you used up all the smilies >( I shall have to improvise :P)


    Me: Yo, Penniman...:bye:

    Mika: Only one person calls me Penniman...:hair: Wot now Wonka?

    Me: It's just that they're calling me a legend and i should dress accordingly and i thought you could ask Louboutin for a few hints...:pinkbow:

    Mika: No freckin way!:mad3:

    Me: I can always cancel your last fresh products shipping...:wags_finger:

    Mika: Glup! Wait! No! don't do that!:yikes:

    Me: And some free shoes, too...:das:

    Mika: Noooooo, don' ask me that...:crybaby:

    Me: shipping may never happen...:fisch:

    Mika: Ok, you'll gt it tomorrow...:emot-sad:

    Me: ktnxbai, then...:tongue2:



    xD Surprising Mika even speaks to you anymore :P

  4. oh right, maybe i should translate the phrase :lmfao:


    she says: Mika, i love you, marry me, lets have kids and get a dog named Gertrude



    Hehe lol :roftl:

    If you can't remember it was probably rubbish...:mf_rosetinted:


    Happens to me all the time...:roftl:


    Ooh yeah I was asking if you've seen the new shrek movie :roftl:

  5. *Kaitlin calls mika*


    K: HI MIKA!!

    Mika:... another one??:blink: wait... i know you... youre a crazy ChickenFm member right??:aah:

    K: YES!!!

    Mika: and you keep tweeting me about a tour in North America??:sneaky2:

    K: yes!!!

    Mika:... how've you been?:biggrin2:

    K: great!!!! i just wanted to tell you something!

    Mika: go ahead, im all ears *plays with his TOFU dolls at the same time*

    K: Mika, je t'aime, épouses-moi et ayons des enfants et un chien nommé Gertrude!!!

    Mika: ok, i do shirtless gig because its h.... wait... whatr did u say???:shocked:

    K: i have no idea!! Roxane taught me that phrase!!!


    K: Okay, bye!!!! *hangs up*


    *mika calls me*

    Me: missed you!!!:wub2:


    Me: :blush-anim-cl: nothing!!!

    Mika: its not good!!!!!!:aah:

    Me: i could teach them "chicken tonight" instead?! :das:

    Mika:.... my dogs name is not gona be gertrude... *hangs up* JOOOOOOOOOOHN!!!!!! get yourself a french-english dictionnary... you'll need it:mf_rosetinted:


    Hehe lol xD and I understood most of the french!!!

  6. Can't stand Scorpios???:sneaky2:


    We're soooo nahce...:mf_rosetinted:


    PS - There are a loooot of Scorpios in this forum, edit what you wrote, quick...:mf_rosetinted:

    Nuh-uh :shun:


    We sting, we mock, we criticize, we rant/moan/whine about every little thing...

    Tell me about it, my sister's a Scorpio :naughty:

  7. Thing is some say Scorpio starts on the 22nd, others on the 23rd, others on the 24th...

    I stuck in the middle...:naughty:I've always considered Scorpio from the 23rd onwards...

    My youngest daughter was born on the 22nd and we consider her a Librorpio, which is a though mix of one and the other...

    Me, i am purely Scorpio...:devil:


    Aww I wish my mum had thought of that :( Ah well, I'm just glad she didn't decide I was Scorpio. Can't stand them :mf_rosetinted:

  8. And you're a Scorpio, born one day before me, right?:mf_rosetinted:


    Ooh yeah, we should have a joint party sometime :biggrin2: And it's LIBRA!!! Apparently some people say Libra is till the 22nd of october but some people say it's till the 23rd... My mum always said I'm a libra, so I'm Libra :biggrin2:

  9. I think i never did this so i will now...


    Hi, there...:bye:


    My name is Wonka and i am a lovely 12yo girl (though Freddie thinks i'm 40) who never misbehaves...

    I'm an angel my parents say and i hate naughty captions and frisky innuendos...

    I never changed a Mika pic in order to make silly captions and i do my best to behave in the forum...

    I always help old ladies crossing the street and i didn't moan about the volcano postponement when i met Mika...

    And when i tell each mod he/she is my fav is just a joke, of course i have no fav mod...lolz

    I was forced to open Wonkaland thread, it was never my intention to mock Mika senseless, dark forces make me do it daily...

    And that's pretty much about me...


    Hey Wonka, I've seen your work and can tell from it that you tell nothing but the truth in this post :mf_rosetinted:


    Yeah I forgot to say my name's Kate :roftl: But you can kinda see that from my username anyway so ya...

  10. :roftl: This is one of the least weird threads. I mean spend time on the Gasmics or in Wonkaland and this is totally normal!!


    Sounds like my sort of place :naughty: I shall have to visit sometime

    My room :das:






    OH. MY. GOD. May I come and live with you? :teehee:

  11. Oh peeps, the talk is interesting, but I'm starting to have a headache... I think i need to close my eyes for now >.<'


    But I still would like the pic for the Mikaish room of yours, mika-maddo! 8D




    Bye :tears::huglove:

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