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Status Updates posted by MANGO

  1. 야 ....저건 연줄된샷이아니야 ㅠ

    나 평상시몸짓이 어색하나봐....

    새로 안 사실이야

    나 충격받아쓰


  2. oh! god ! again cold!

    besides exam! oh ....

    are you okay now ?



    I eating a lot of food (I'm not hungry)

    but I can't stop eating

  3. I'm in the future than you XD

    now monday..11a.m !

    I have to consulted with studying abroad company today.

    Everything's a bother today ..I still sleepy u.u

    I don't want to go work too...


    yes my dog ! very charming :)

  4. MANGO

    but last thursday, He continued to ignore everything I was saying.

    I was so put off by the way he talks and rude behavior.

    I don't like him anymore..but I still feel maternal love:mf_rosetinted:


    friday, he affectionate towards me again.


    he's never been take a trip .

    so I gave him book(essay about trip).

    I hope that book help to him



    ha.........my .........love life.............




  5. MANGO


    too long story

    but now 12 a.m and I listening damien's music.

    I'm really sentimental now :naughty::naughty:


    this time is about manager :mf_rosetinted:

    as I said before , he's still unable to forget an old love.

    always he's very depressing.

    It's true he's so handsome and kind person.

    I have to help he feel better.

    It's really hard

    one day, he in a good mood.

    Such a day is we Laughter flowed amids.

    when we started chatting and just hit it off .

    He drove me subway in his car.

    Despite he have to drive the long way round.

    we're... I think we have fit in nicely with.

    but next day, he become testily person.

    even didn't say hello to me.


    he seems Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :mf_rosetinted:

    but I felt maternal toward him

    so I tried to understand and encourage him

    and please him with my friendly attitude.


    but Sorrow has left its traces on him face !

    probably depth of sorrow is 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000m:boxed:

    he's fatigued with manything. I know.

  6. What?4?

    Go to the bed right now! XD

    yes yes I slept till 2p.m yesterday haha I love weekend xx

    after 40min.. monday begin again here ... oh no :shocked:

  7. 11hour??

    I slept for 20hours.......but I'm still sleepy...


    have a nice weekend xx nice dream hehw

  8. 아 ㅅㅂ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    카메라만들이대면저렇게되는걸어떡하라고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ새기 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    너도 블로그시작한거지?



  9. when you was 2? XD hahaha

    yeah! I really hope you and your family will be go to there !!!!

    I sleepy these days.. I think that I need hibernation like Bears..hahaha

  10. I want to that too !

    I'll go to the his all gig at france ! *O* !!!!!



    awww South France!! I like to just look at the pictures of nice !

    will you come to the nice with your mom ?

  11. yes! That's really relief !

    me too! I found it hard to settle to my work when I knew the news :P

    but Now we are all right :)

    The sun is spreading its beams here ! The weather is perfect for a walk. :-D

    I'm gonna walk in the park

    Have a nice day !

  12. ah! a.m 4 here now hahaha :naughty:

    these days, I falling love with traveling books...

    I've just finished france traveling book :mf_lustslow:


    Leonidas..making chocolate and coffee , tea, some drink , waffles.

    and part-time job is make coffee and roasting coffee beans.

    roasting coffee is rare in korea :P I love roasting work hehe


    we'll get lot of snow. then, we need a nice boy friend -_-

  13. I'm just happy I could help :)

    I hope everybody include HollyD, Paloma, mika and wonka 'll be okay.

    also they'll stronger than before after riding in the whirlwind.

    I'm thankful we're not alone.:)

    btw, are you okay now? I was totally shocked by paloma too..

    I was working when I knew about that =(

    but Thank God she's safe !

  14. MANGO

    wow you did seached about that ?

    yeah looks good but I can imagine how much of a exhausting time,if I decide to work there :P no quitting time, no a break time, no kind boss xD

    It's very prominent question in my mind. haha


    I saw the sanborns's food in book ! My mouth is watering at the sight of those food ....!


    yes I really love love the necklace ! thanks too much :)


    yep!! He's very tall! as mika haha

    I'm not interested in short guy and too thin guy.

    he's tall and well-built hahahaha besides speak the same language.

    um... but not long after he broke up with his ex- girl friend.

    about 3 month.

    and They had been going steady for 6years! 6!6!

    he's still unable to forget an old love.

    His eyes darkened .. but I can feel he's good guy.

    I don't know :P I I thought I love him but I just like him but not love.

  15. haha yes thanks :) but As it stands now, don't get to tired is nearly inevitable =(

    but I'm okay. I was unfamiliar with this work at first, but I have adapted much more since then ^^.

    I'll go to the lyon of france next year ..about late in summer or in early autumn.

    I love snow too! but I'm easily affected by the cold XD.

    but I'm sure that I love snow much :-D

    yes ! we need heavy sock and boots!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. ouch!:shocked: sorry for my tactless remark..

    oh..I see now..

    I'm worried her more than before ...

  17. yes we're family :) I feel as you too !

    oww that's nice ! I'm happy she feel better !

    I hope she can find her soon..!!!

  18. Looooooooooooooooong time no see !!!!

    I still hard work for my plan!

    ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yesterday, It was snowing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg yes! winter is in!

  19. yeah! I'm join just now.

    I hope she'll be better :-)

    I always want all mika fans are be Okay. !

  20. Yes!! I hope so !!!!!!!!!!!!

    and I hope I'll be LG with you hahaha XD

    you know what .. I'll go to the france next year.

    so we can meet :-)

  21. MANGO

    I think a guy (my part-time job's manager) is interested in me...

    actually , I told my friend about all that's happened between us.

    she told me " You idiot! he loves you !" without hesitation.

    (idiot is not swear word in korea.It's okay among familiar terms !:P)

    I sometime too slow dense to take a hint..hum hum

    I only can know that someone love me when he speak directly 'I love you' .

    but I can realize quickly when someone I hate loves me. -_-


    anyway he's 29. and his height's 187cm.

    He is a prudent person but humorous :-)

    I'll show you a his pic haha

  22. MANGO

    Yes ! your mum was a great help to me :)

    I send her BIG thanks! hehe

    Leonidas isn't super famous in korea yet :P


    yes yes yes yes I'll surely go to the mexico someday!

    and I'll eat lot of mexico food!

    ah! I want to visit sanborns casa de los Azulejos!



    I used to dark brown eyeliner in pencil form.

    but it makes me look like panda ! haha

    my entire eye area be black over time hahahaha

    so I use to liquids style or jell-liner :-) It's good for me !


    wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow !

    skull necklace !!!!!!!!!! really? ????????????????????????????????????

    Thank you !!!!!

    I love love love love that necklace !! wow ....Thank you very much !


    I can wait ! long wait is my forte :)



    I’m poor at manythings..It's true !

    I shouldn't check more meticulous ! It's all my faults!

    so sorry ! ㅠ.ㅠ

  23. MANGO

    and parcel.................

    son of my boss who seasoned traveller , told me

    'Be glad it's not a bring an action for damage against you'.

    he's have confidence the parcel was eruption long before and other parcel be harmed around our parcel ....

    “You shouldn't have sent by ship.” he explained.

    I was also called a ninny by him :mf_rosetinted:

    but....post office staff said 'ship send kimch by sea mail is OK'.

    I hope special korea edition CD will be OKay..........................


    my best friend told me 'I think your knowledge is on a professional level you’re interested in. but in other things, you're inferior to baby.'

    yes.. There is no gainsaying her remark ! haha :doh:

    yes yes yes yes I am ! ! XD

  24. MANGO

    I'm proficient mismatched eye makeup. -_-

    my eyes irregular in size! right eye is double eyelid!

    my left eyelids are wispy :naughty:

    My face has a tendency to look very different according to the make up I use.

    but the harder makeup my eyes , the my eyes looks more small !

    and when I paint over mascara , I look like cheap -,.-

    makeup..is difficult.

    I have been looking for makeup way !


    oh! your sister looks very marvelous!!!!!!!!!!

    cute skull !!! ♡♡ I like a humorous skull!!!!!!!

    I love skull necklace and dress in the picture:mf_lustslow:

    you're very talent ! good ! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

  25. MANGO

    Yes! I ate lot of bananas!! and I was healed of cramp !

    Thanks sweeeet ana :D !!! hehe


    yeeeeeees getting a good job is very difficult !!!!

    I got called for an interview tomorrow. It's Leonidas.

    I used to work in Leonidas last Valentine's Day.

    he remember me :P

    I find out what terms they offer , I have to work 9hours , six days a week!..six days...hm...

    I'll try to negotiate salary with them tomorrow !

    I can make chocolate (and eat *O*) again..I'm happy


    awww..........I'm deeply moved by your word..!

    Yeah! If we hold on to our dream, we can do it!

    Keep dreaming and always be happy :)


    I read a mexico travel book yesterday!

    I finished it up in a day ! the book is very interest!

    It's diary style ,daily life. love it

    I was under the illusion that I was in mexico!

    I want to visit mexico more than before ! +_+

    especially, I'm inspired by brilliant primary colors of house!

    and people who have warm hearts! how lovely....

    I'm hooked.. oh....

    mi casa, su casa ... I couldn't be warmer !!

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