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Status Updates posted by Feiticeiro

  1. Great weekend? Yes, it is good. I did see it, Hachico, that was a dog like few people. I just wonder if they would take him to the cemitery, he would understand what really did happen to his friend (although I know the film intended to show other human value here, the patience of waiting, loyalty). And in the last day, that moment of doing something the he never wanted to do just to satisfy his friend, like a goodbye, gee, it was a strong movie, specially because I had a dog. I was seeing with friends, one started laughing at certain point because couldn't show his tears. Very emotional to everyone in that room that night.

  2. Sure, no problem:thumb_yello:

  3. =D You just arrive in time :huglove::yay:

  4. I think that when we assume our responsibilities for what we do, we shouldn't blame for that. If we can solve or make things better its the best. Blaming is no solution. What's the point of doing it? Feel bad so that others forgive us? Feel bad to declare that you're the looser and the other won? That's no sense. If we made a mistake we can't turn back and do right but we can assume and do different next time or even surprise someone the good way. We're not perfect, but imperfection its perfect for making us learning, growing, making friends and give love.

  5. When you say you have better things to do than travel, what are those things?

    Unfortunately money is the center of this world, otherwise, I believe we could have a better balance in life. By other hand its important to value the money of our effort, although no money can pay what we do for him.

    I didn't saw that movie yet :teehee: but I would like to see it.

    Time, there's always time. The things we have to do sometimes are too many and there's no time for them all.

  6. I just have it as an open channel where I can see people behavior.

    And in FB people can connect with lot of people in few minutes just by making some clicks. So much more easy for them and in the end, no one to count as friend, or just a few (family and friends from school/work/childhood).

    Anyway I always believe FB works in a different way to different kind of people, so I believe, if there are many that depend on FB there are others that don't.

    Yes, Portugal is in EU but I don't know how much of being part of that organization can give a better standard. In certain point yes, but there's also a responsibility from the government to apply the funds that we receive. And in that point I don't know what really is done to improve our economy. And we see clearly when they have to adopt extreme measures which lead to a 23% VAT and other things.

  7. But obviously people don't resume to words, we should try to know them better always when possible and if others want to meet you too.

    Maybe because of a less availability from people to meet others because of the deceptions they had, or the selfish individualism they feel, leads people to FB and other networks.

    :clap:-> for the comment about FB. Do you believe I have exactly the same opinion? That doesn't happen only in FB. Many people see their social network as the group of "friends", some divide people into people from the internet and people from elsewhere. Some people just live in FB. I always tried to establish, with people that I meet through internet, a real friendship. And it happens sometimes.

    But you might ask why I have FB anyway, its not to cover myself from reality, its not to publish some words and think wow, many people read me. Its not to kill the lonely moments and its not to show I have a long list of "friends".

  8. Hello! :huglove:

    Yes I was there, so great, so great! Report, I hope to do it this weekend... and I hate you too, not =D but I like your hair, for real.

    Me a little devil? Usually people say I'm an angel =)

    About work and school, I understand your point, I agree with what you say. It happens sometimes, people don't have subject, they don't trust enough the other person to speak about their things and so they end up talking about school, work and weather.

    Here wasn't the case, I think we have a great selection of subjects to talk about. We just can't get an instant reply to the thoughts we share here. Anyway I love to write and always comment everything.

    Don't know if already happened to you, when you write a lot of stuff to someone and that someone reply back to you with only two words.

  9. That's a really busy schedule then. Mine too, although not much pleasure I drain from it.

    No, you can't blame you, neither other people:teehee: Things happen, we're not perfect. As long as you don't act with bad intentions, I know you don't, everything has a reasonable reason that others should understand.

    If you're overloaded of stuff and have no time or there's any other reason that doesn't allow you to prepare a special moment, what's important is that you were there. And you by yourself are special for the moment.

    Forgot to answer, I'm great and happy. The weather is the one sad:teehee:


  10. Surprise!:teehee: (don't know where I've put it)

    I'm great, working but great :D

  11. :huglove:that's ok, I was just wondering what's up with you. No rush for the reply (ok maybe a little =S just to read you).

    For what? well, for everything in which you blame yourself.:teehee:

  12. YOU! =P How are you?

  13. Oh sério? Anularam o nENEM, isso é crime!:teehee: Tu queres é fazer de novo eheheh É dificil o ENEM? Que corra pelo melhor. Tira ai alto resultado.

    Abraço de Portugal amigão, fica bem também.

  14. Always home? I want a job like that! =) Everything cool? Lots of movies seen lately? Did you see Ondine?

  15. Always! And how's my fave stalking target?:teehee:

  16. You can't blame yourself :teehee: I miss your words in my wall. I know I write a lot, that's my nature :teehee:

  17. Oh and I miss that too!

  18. Andrianakl, you wont be home this next weekend? Or the next weekend after this next weekend :teehee: Hi! =P

  19. Sure, always! :teehee: I'm great. Can't say the same about the weather. Happy mood is good, so I'm happy too. =D

  20. Hello, hello! How are you?

  21. Hello amigão!

    Tudo óptimo por aqui e contigo? Dias cheios de emoção estão quase a chegar ai. :yay:

    Espero que a semana passada tenha sido excelente e que esta seja ainda mais!

    Aqui mutio trabalho, ai já sei que andaste a fazer nENEMs né? Vida tá dificil para cuidar deles eheheheheh :teehee:

    No McDonald's dai servem sumo de uva? =P Não sabia disso.

    Abração e fica com Deus também!

  22. My birthday was great! Hello, How are you? Then I got a special present, Mika gig, hoooorray! yyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyyy! I'll post report this weekend I hope. And another weekend is here, Halloween is here!:teehee:

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