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Status Updates posted by Feiticeiro

  1. Not the war fighter but the fighter that measures difficulties and stands for a better world, that knows the hard achievments and do to conquer a place of opportunity to show your value in this world. =D

    "but the list is very short.Sadly! *As you can see I’m very AGAINST fb :teehee:*

    I’m not going to start about politics..No I’m too young :aah:" - Yes, I noticed you love FB :teehee:

    Too young for politics, nah, don't think so =)

    Only 700 euros for one year? Here much more expensive, still I'm aware its a lot of money, its a month work for me and at the same time not enough for the living of this country.

    I understand your point of view and only now that I work I do some travelling. When I was a student like you I didn't dare to ask my parents a trip to Europe or elsewhere as well. We should give some value to money but when it comes easy to people they just don't give the value. I know you do and so am I.

  2. "I mean come on…Who do we kidding I have much more realy life then them.And on what the hell ppl spent hours and hours watching some other ppl pic, and comments.And comments are always the same “Ohh you’re so pretty”, “OMG I haven’t seen you, you’ha changed…You’re so beautiful”-“ooohhhh thanks :*” :sneaky2:…No personality just big L on there face :teehee:." I couldn't agree more with you, what you say its true. Many people finds it more easy to express something in easy clicks and when reality comes they escape. But not always is that way, there are people that have FB and almost never go there. I go there but usually to speak with some Mika fans or to speak with people I know in real life. But this is my case. Because, the video and what you say, I agree too. But I really love the way you put things, you have a fighter perception of reality.

  3. But don't worry with that people, there's always someone to listen you, always :thumb_yello:

    I saw the video (actually no longer available) and yes FB it resumes to that. Still though yes I have it but I still prefer to ask for a mobile number and trade mobile messages or speak on the phone (love the last one). Even international calls :teehee:

  4. About special coworker, there's no one that I can talk the whole day about other subject besides work. Neither there is any special cowork to whomm I speak about of work all the time.

    But there a few great coworkers to which I speak some no-working subject. But just one is in my room. With others just at lunch or after work.

    Your situation at university reminds me some many situations when I scream in a group of friends to be heard and they keep on talking.:aah:

    Liked your expression: Since my “lovely” university change me in different model and I’m not in the marketing *:tears:* anymore…They asked me about that… Ehehe neither I am a marketing model, anyway I don't care, I have my own marketing :teehee: . Don't know if it was this the way of your phrase or if you were referring to Marketing school subject. I suspect you're referring to school but I find curious to point out about being ourselves a marketing model =P

  5. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! =DDD :huglove: :huglove: :huglove: Miss you lots! How was your exam?

    I just read you, can't hear anything, maybe someday =P But yeah, I admit, I just love your hair, no wait, I only love the curls of your hair =P So I'm only your friend here because of that... not only =D

    Annoyed when people say that I'm an angel? well, no, my wings start to grow when ppl say it :teehee: Just a few say, besides, I'm an angel and a sinner :teehee:

    Yeah, I like weather talk too its like I can think on snow and throw some snowballs to you :teehee: Don't know by the way if you have in your country some drops called snowballs. We have, so great!


  6. Oi Mara!

    Verdade, faz imenso tempo que não nos perdemos nas estradas das letras. Já ouvi dizer que faz muito calor por ai, aqui é o frio e chuva. Em alguns locais a neve.

    Acredito, de certa forma até eu vivi o vosso show, ver videos e fotos foi tão contagiante. Fiquei tão feliz de se proporcionar esta grande união. Primeiro levar o vosso video a Edimburgo e depois o sonho chegar até vós e nós também. Por serem um mar de amor todo o amor flui em vocês e não só. Eu vivi completamente esse show e o vosso M&G que foi tão fabuloso.

    Ainda bem que corre tudo bem no Colégio nesta época de Natal e entrada no novo ano. A familia como se comportou/reagiu à tua ida e emoções libertadas em relação ao show?

    Beijos e abraços! Um bom domingo!

  7. Também estou bem =) E vais ter férias para breve é? Está a chegar o Natal =D Como têm sido tuas aulas? Uma boa noite para ti :huglove:

  8. You're my second family too! We have here a great and wonderful family! Never before I could live such a dream. It was my pleasure to do the surprise to you, although a bit late.

    I'm great besides the cold and rain. Work goes the same, I do administrative tasks. How going school? Still in boarding school right? Why that kind of school?

    The gig of October was great, just loved it, are always unique moments, but no M&G that time.

    You were jealous of me but it was so great to read that you had the chance to speak with him for awhile at the hotel, the same hotel both of you, geee, that yes was so lucky.

    Have you got great gifts by your birthday? I can already feel Christmas coming.

    I'm so curious to know new Mylène Farmer CD, I will order it tomorrow =)

    See you soon :huglove:

  9. Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! :huglove:

  10. Hola e olá Karla! Me lembro de ti algumas vezes apesar de já não falarmos já faz um século :huglove:Espero que estudos e tudo o resto esteja a decorrer bem =)

  11. Must be great, I'm sure =)

  12. You did color your hair?:shocked:

    Now I'm curious:naughty:

    No, I'm always curious, so I'm very curious!:teehee:

  13. Me too hopes to read you soon, hope you did get my small email :teehee:

  14. Missing you a million stars. :huglove:

  15. That knowledge flow as needed to answer your questions, go and good luck. :huglove:

  16. That dizziness its from much study :teehee: And yes you can do the exam without trouble, I believe in your skills. If you dominate the subject you can find the right answers, instead of answering by the book (funny, there's an expression with this sentence "by the book"). Didn't heard columbo expression either. :teehee:

    I'll answer very soon =P And Helena show us the background =S


    Oh and I can tell you in advance that I loved your reply. You have great point of view.

  17. I agree Spoony, no one best to blast a crazy great party like Helena :teehee: crnobeli liked your expression "Talk to me God damn it :aah: :teehee:"

    Helena, helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :huglove:

  18. What picture of the background? I want to see it too! :teehee:

  19. I like to comment pics. I even like when people show me their photos and tell me their stories.:teehee:

    But you have to put new pics:teehee:

    I'm great and you?

    I like as well to do break at work and stalk you :blush-anim-cl::teehee:

  20. Hi! =) :huglove:Did you see my comments in your pictures? :teehee:

  21. I was stalking =P (You are here)

  22. Just because I missed you!

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