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Perfect Angel

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About Perfect Angel

  • Birthday 03/17/1976


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  1. That's Stephen Thanks everyone for the kind words. Great to know that you're supporting the song as well. It's been a very emotional day having to listen to the song for the first time. Tomorrow the videoclip to the song will be online on boyzone.net and that's another thing I'm dreading. It's just bittersweet.
  2. Hiya, I'm a STEPHEN GATELY fan. Nice to read all your comments. Just thought I'd let you know that they will play the song tomorrow on Chris Moyles show as well. I hope all the Mika fans will support this song 100%. Let's not dwell on the fact that Mika didn't want to give BZ the song in the first place and instead concentrate on making this song a hit. Boyzone themself actually never said a bad word against Mika. Stephen actually really liked Mika. There used to be a section on his official website called "Stephen recommends" and he used to mention some movies, books, songs on there that he liked. And a few years ago he recommended Mika's album and encouraged his fans to buy it. I don't know what all this talk about GAVE IT ALL AWAY being cheesy is about? Aren't most of Mika's song cheesy as well? Like BIG GIRLS for example. And I think Boyzone have a lot songs that are much cheesier than GIAA. I think there are quite a few people on here that don't know much about Stephen. Hope it's ok to post some YT clips to show you who he was? Stephen singing Bring him home on the lyrics board: Stephen's solo single I believe - it was on the Soundtrack for Billy Elliott: And my all time fave BRIGHTER DAY - written by Stephen himself for a Panto he starred in as Dandini: And one clip that shows how much Stephen's voice has improved during the last few year, singing I can't make you love me with Boyzone on an asian show in 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz2GFe9fgtM I can't tell you all how hard the last 3 months have been. I never cried so many tears in my whole life. You are all so lucky that you still have Mika alive and happy. I hope you all know how good you've got it and hope you appreciate every day with Mika. It could be over any day, never forget that! I never thought that Stephen would leave us at just 33 years of age. It was such a big shock. He was such an amazing person and so down to earth. I've met him over 100 times and he was just a wonderful, kind and good guy. He will be sadly missed by so many. R.I.P. Stephen
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