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Posts posted by Shine

  1. Welcome Anthusa!!!!!! :flowers2:


    Hi there! I've already started work (sort of) I looked on the introductions thread and introduced myself to a new English member on there. I don't know if Ruth already contacted her, but I told her we are both English Reps now and asked if she had any questions and said Ruth and I are here to help.


    I also suggeted she look at the FAQ. It is fascinating isn't it, and I should have looked at it when I first joined.


    I also, of course, pmd Ruth. She'll probably get back to me soon.


    I may have altered my settings on my message wall. I changed something to allow Registered Members access. But I'll only know if I've done it okay if someone who isn't one of my "friends" contacts me. Then I'll know it works okay.


    I am very happy and proud to be a member of the team.


    Congrats to both :flowers2: You'll do the great job :thumb_yello:

  2. (3rd and last part) .....


    Then Relax started, and OMG!!!!! ...the festival blew up!!! :boing:..... soo amazing!!!!!!!!.......and finally our moment!!!! During the song Big Girl, we went to the stage and danced!!!!! In my case, I danced a looot with IMMA!!!....we danced together during all the whole song!!! she's sooo sweet!!! love her!!!


    then we saw the wonderful show at the venue, casue Yasmine let us go outside to see the show better, and during Love today, we had to come back, and that's what we did!:thumb_yello:...Finally, we did our last appearence in Lollipop! OMG!!!! what an amazing feeling and energy!!!....can't believe it!!!! :fangurl: Then we said 'Goodbye' and took a bow for the crew who was ON FIREEE!!!....and I was next to Cherisse!! she's soo sweet!!!


    The show itself was fantastic!!!!


    Then we changed our customes and had our special Meet and Greet with a pic included (my second one!! :wub2:) he was soo cutee!!! and for some of you..in this one he did 'LIPs Biting' :das:


    And finally, my moment!!!....I had made a Toy Boy's paint for him, with relief, and I gave it to him:


    Me: Hi Mika!

    Mika: Hi!!!

    Me: I have this for you (shows the paint)...

    Mika: OH GOD!!!...you did this???....

    Me: yes...I wanted to make you something special for you, because it was your first time in South America, and it was my first time in one of your gigs!

    Mika: IT'S fantastic!!!!!...soo amazing!!! I absolutely love it!!!!! Thank you so much, it was very kind from you!!! :wub2:


    and then, we stayed like for 5 seconds, looking and smiling at each other, and that's the best moment of my life!!---I'll never forget his smile and eyes looking at me...it was like for 5 seconds, It was just us!---*fangurls* such a special moment!!....then we said 'Goodbye'.



    So, all I can say is these two days have been more than amazing! I can't find a word to express how I'm feeling and how I felt!!...I never expected all this!!! at all...! I've made real one of my biggest dreams!

    Finally, I want to make 2 special mentions:


    *to the amazinf fans I've met before the show!! I think one of the most wonderful thing about gigs, is that you met fantastic people and spend a wonderful moment with them!!! it was a big pleasure to meet all of youuu!!!!! specially my friend Sweet_pixie! without her nothing would have happened!!! :huglove:


    *and to Mika's sisters!!! I want to thank her a loot!! they work soo hard backstage for the entire show!...and they were soo kind with us, that made us feel very comfortable and so good!!!we talked, laughed, having a wonderful moment between the fans and them!!...btw, we asked for Paloma, and Zuleika told us she's fine!! :thumb_yello::wub2:


    so, thank you soo much to the band, to Yasmine, Zuleika, Mika, and the new friends I've made after this day, and to the friends who ( via twitter, or Facebook or sms,) sent me excellent wishes, for being part of the most wonderful moment of my life!!!!


    GRACIAS!! huugs!!!

    THE END!



    Lovely report my dear!!!:swoon: I've told you you'd have luck with him.:wub2:

    Even though it wasn't in your country, but still...it sounds unbeleivable:boing:

  3. aaajjj nice pictures!! :wink2:



    I found a nice quality trumpet solo! sorry if it has been posted yet.

    I'm lovin' it! :)




    and also a better quality Happy Ending! :wub2: a lot better view on the banner




    my mom loves Mikas voice in his live performances of HE :thumb_yello:

    i don't have to mention i do (of course) too :)


    the only missing video is Touches You. Can anyone find it somewhere on YT?:blink:

  4. THANK YOU VEROOO!! :biggrin2:


    OMG! it was AMAZING! I cant believe it yet! his voiiiiiceee :wub2:


    and then the meet and greet...he walk in front of us and i think... "look! mika!" like he was a friend... and then i realize OMG MIKAAAAA! :aah:

    he was so scared... there were too much people and we are a bit expresive... (latin amercian blood :blush-anim-cl:)...

    he took each our hands and said "thank you" and "gracias"... I gave him a bracelet... and he gave me his hand to put it on!!! :shocked: im still shocked and HAPPY! :biggrin2:

    he is SOOOO tall... and lovely :wub2:


    but i must admit... i felt like i already know him... i saw for 3 years yours pics and videos! i cant believe now i have my own lollipop and "meet and greet" picture :naughty:

    i cant express all my feelings on words

    i really hope he come back soon!


    Sorry for my bad english!


    Report part 2

    We met a lot of fans and we had a great time even during the queing. They let us in I think 3.30 pm (which was before the time they’ve told us), so we were separate by that time, it was a mess and the organazation was terrible. No one knew where we were supposed to stay and enter. So, we weren’t in the place we were supposed to be, we where further. But we managed to be first and second row. There was a technical problem and a band didn’t manage to play (everybody freaks out), but the next band could make it, and that was the band before Mika’s show, when they were leaving, but they were still there we all started screaming “Mika! Mika!”. By that time, Zuleika appears (yeah, out of nowhere) and asks for 4 big girls and 3 of my friends managed to go (apparently she asked for LG somewhere else and the bride was someone from the radio organazing the festival). When it was about Mika’s time we all yelled again. Then the band appears and he starts singing Relax and we all went crazy (yeah, we were already crazy) and he cames out! I’ve cried the whole show. It was so magical, it’s something I’ll never forget and anything will be like that, even if I see him again. We were all singing and screaming and jumping the whole show. One of the times we were singing “olé olé olé olé, Mika! Mika!” and he was at the piano he smiled and told something to us (don’t remeber it), but he was so happy! He spoke in Spanish the whole show and he said everything afraid that he might be saying something wrong, but he did great! I had took there my brother’s cellphone because it films HD and a friend managed to film the whole show! And I took a lot of pics, it was difficult cause of all the lights and the jumpnig and cause he moves so fast! I wanted to take a pic and when I managed to press the bottom he was already somwhere else doing something different. The sound was perfect and the sound of all us screaming like crazy we are was perfect to. I am convinced he really enjoyed the show. In one moment he gets out of stage and gets into the audience! But he went the other side. He separated us in Blame it on the girls and I was in the side that won!


    Report part 3


    After the last song I had to go somewhere because I’ve won a M&G, I was with two friends running everywhere like crazy cause nobody knew where that place was, when we got there they told me I had to go somewhere else, got there and they told me they didn’t know the people I was looking for. There were a group of fans there and I asked them if the were there cause of the M&G and told me that they were. A while after, one of the people I had to meet calls me and tells me to wait there. She comes and starts giving us bracelet calling by our names. There were two people who weren’t there so I’ve managed to make my two friends meet him. Everybody treated us terribly, but who cares? We were gonna see Mika! We go there and he was there with other group pf people. He looked so clean! I wonder how he managed to do that LOL He shacked our hands and singed things and I managed to talk to him and give him my presents, he thanks me and smiled at me twice (when I asked him to sign two things for me and when I asked him if he remembered ChickenFM and he did!), I also managed to make him sign a t-shirt for other friend who didn’t see him and I’ve filmed it all! We took a groupal pic (mine is blurry) Then he left saying bye and I chased him! I’ve actually staked him! It wasn’t my intention, I just wanted to ask him about Paloma and he told me she was ok.

    Then we all got separete and I stayed there alone watching scissors sister, crying, jumping, singing, yes, all alone like totally crazy. Then I met some friends who were there and left with them and I was totally hyper, when I got home I watched the M&G vid so many times and the pics too and had a shower. And I am just back from an exam and I got burned and my teachers were like “you went to a show??? Did you study?? Are you crazy???”, but one of them wanted to qualify me with a 0 cause she was jealous. I’ll get my grade later, but I think I did very well! I was SO happy! Every single part of my body hurts! I almost can’t move! But it was all worth it. Definetely the best day of my life.


    That all I gotta say now, if you want more ask me, I am sure I’ve got lots more to say, but can’t remember. And again thank you all for being so happy for us, it made it even more special.

    I’ll upload vid and pics later, they are not perfect, but it’s just amazing.



    Girls, you all have wonderful and unforgetable experience.:blush-anim-cl: You dreams finally came true. And it happened in your country, that's always the best thing.:wub2:

  5. They play in the same Festival that Mika does on 19th November :biggrin2:

    i`m so f*cking happy


    Their new album is fantastic!


    Agreed. :thumb_yello: Especially I love the cover of the album.:naughty:




    aaaaawww, mika and the scissor sisters are hanging out in south america right now! :blush-anim-cl:


    would love to hear something about the SS from somebody who was there...

    or maybe we'll find more funny pics...:teehee:


    This pic is absolutely horrible.:aah: I thought first it was some of Mika's crazy fans and not Jake Sheers. :lmfao:

  6. :roftl: ehm, I have to admit it's true :aah::teehee:




    But he's a cutie ^^


    Omg, song is good! :wub2: and video is cool(Felix's again in white) :biggrin2:


    This pic is really odd, but if you watch video it' quite different:wub2:

    In the video Felix also wears black suit and looks amazing!:mf_lustslow:

  7. Hmmmm...ja sam iz dzindzer pobegla u smedje...:mf_rosetinted:Ali sam pre dzindzer bila plava :biggrin2:


    Wooow, kako to kosa izdrža?:boxed:

    Ja imam neki prirodni crveni pigment, tako da mi je teško da prelazim u druge boje (inače sam bila lešnik plavo-smeđa), a sada mi mešaju neke 3 nijanse da dobijem šta želim i još ponekad Ehoton na srebrnasto.:aah:

  8. Jonah will pass away in the next hours, I don't know if this is the right place to write this*I'm not going to start a thread for been closed in less then a minute*, or if someone will care, but I think those who love him, or have been his friends have to know.


    If you have something to tell him and you want to make him know, please tell me and I will give his family your message.


    Thanks :wink2:


    Awww, what a horrible news:sad:

    I sent you PM.

  9. Good luck to you if you want to be a mod. I've often wished I could be more use myself. I'm here every single day and I don't work so I would be available to do more on the forum. When the "World Reps" thing came up, I thought that would be good to do, but I didn't think there would be a UK rep so I didn't apply. But there is one for the UK after all.

    I do like the idea of being a moderator. But someone would have to help me to understand the forum better. I've never even used the "Go Advanced" button because I don't know what it does. But even if I applied to be a mod, I'd probably not get picked anyway. I never get picked to do anything worthwhile in the real world, so would it be different online? Probably not.

    But I have tried to participate in various ways on here. I've joined in with some of the projects. I did try and get a North West England Cell going, but it didn't take off because no one really bothered with the thread I started.

    I hope I can be useful someday. We'll have to wait and see.


    Oh really?:boxed:Sorry to hear that.

    I would certainly pick you to be a mod. You'd do it perfectly IMO. The techical skills are something you could learn and train for some time. The more important thing is how you manage to deal and coordinate with so many different people. I beleive you have that gift Marylin. :huglove:

  10. Finally the new album on 18 th November :boing: :boing: :boing:



    It's called FREE (Frei)!!:wub2::wub2::wub2:


    And a new single Unendliche Sinfonie (Neverending Simphony):mf_lustslow:



    and video


    And Felix has a blonde hair, it suits him perfectly:blush-anim-cl:


    I'm sooo happy, waiting for ages for the news:groovy:

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