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Posts posted by Jojotje

  1. i'm on my way home from berlin and it was a-ma-zing!!! :fangurl::wub2:


    it's gonna take me a while to write a report on my phone,so i'll first post the pix, report will follow. ;)


    mika with the present i got for him on the oktoberfest. bine,graciosa,tina and mariposa also contributed to it - he loved it! :wub2:




    and the pic of us... no, he wasn't talking,he just opened his mouth. :aah:




    Aaaaw, love your dirndle!

  2. Just got a call from Germany. A lady, an editorial assistant, she asked me if I wanted to be in the show via Skype or something. They want to have contact during the show with viewers from abroad.


    Had to admit I did not know the program. My only reason for entering is a change to meet Mika.


    The lady thanked me and said, my name will be on the list, and maby I get another call.....:wink2:

  3. Nee, maar er zijn wel wat mensen die het geprobeerd hebben.


    Ja wij hebben al onze connecties geprobeerd, en gebeld met de redactie van het programma.

    Maarrrrrr, er zijn geen plaatsen meer vrij. Voor het programma kun je van te voren opgeven, en dan krijg je kaarten toegewezen.

    Ze hebben voor zondag 120 kaarten uitgegeven, terwijl er maar 114 plaatsen zijn. Die extra 6 zijn om uitvallers aan te vullen.

    Dus helaas.

    Gaan wel ri studio, zien dat we Mika voor of na het programma treffen. Het is voor ons maar 15 minuten met de auto.

  4. First of all I want to thank DutchAnnie for taking me to this wonderful and cosy showcase! I had a lovely time in Amsterdam with you and Smokesignal :huglove:


    It was a very special showcase and I'll never forget this. I loved the simplicity of the show: it was all about the music! Mika's voice sounded amazing and the interaction between Mika and the fans in front of me (Jojotje, Maaikie and Navah) was just lovely!


    Before the showcase I had the hope that Mika would sing one of the songs from the album, that I never heard before. So a dream came true when he sang Kids and Step with me. The songs sounded beautiful: although I couldn't understand everything he was singing (I was in a sort of dream world, I guess)! I didn't mind listening to those songs; the album version is always different (and off topic: why the hell is the release date in the Netherlands deferred?).


    I did not wait for Mika after the gig, because I had to travel back to Maastricht (I had a hearing before the Board of Examiners on Tuesday morning). I'm glad you all get the chance to meet Mika afterwards (no annoying LMFAO fans this time). In Brussels I will join you again!


    Nice, will make sure to spent some more time with you then!:wink2:

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