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Posts posted by Edoclaire

  1. Re-coucou tout le monde :bye:


    Juste avant le weekend, une petite recette, ca faisait longtemps :naughty:


    Pour rester dans le mood de l'Epiphanie et des amandes (au passage, est ce que l'Epiphanie est fetee au Quebec? :blink:), voici la recette du Gateau Nantais :licks_lips:


    125 gr de sucre en poudre

    (15 gr de sucre vanille - facultatif)

    125 gr de beurre

    100 gr d'amandes en poudre

    40 gr de farine

    3 œufs

    6 cl de rhum brun (plus ou moins selon les gouts)

    50 gr de sucre glace


    Fouetter énergiquement le beurre mou (en pommade) avec le sucre. Ajouter les amandes, puis incorporer les œufs 1 par 1. Bien mélanger jusqu'à ce que le sucre soit fondu. Puis y ajouter à la spatule, la farine tamisée - sans trop mélanger - et 2 cl de rhum.

    Beurrer largement, ou mieux, tapisser le moule à gâteau de papier sulfurise, y verser la préparation et cuire le gâteau à 170°-180° pendant 40 minutes.

    Démouler le gâteau en laissant la partie supérieure en dessous et sitôt sorti du four arroser avec 2 cl de rhum.

    Quand le gâteau est froid, mélanger 2 cl de rhum environ avec le sucre glace (pour obtenir une consistance fluide) et napper avec ce glaçage à l'aide d'une spatule et laisser durcir.


    Enfin deguster. :drunk_sing:.. Non, je plaisante, c'est tres bon :naughty:


    Pour la petite touche culturelle, le rhum dans la recette vient du fait que Nantes a été un des pincipaux ports negriers de France au 18e siecle :thumbdown:. Il était donc rapporte des Antilles



    Au cas ou, voici une version tout public :naughty: :

    Remplacer le rhum par du citron (zeste et jus), c’est tout aussi delicieux et plus adapte aux enfants


    Bon week end a tout le monde



    Waw C'est cool qu'on est aussi des recettes ici... J'adore^^ J'ai envie de l'essayer demain, mais faut que j'aille acheter un moule à gâteau alors.

    J'irai faire les soldes ... Yihaa^^ plus glamour tu meurs...

  2. It's been a while since no post has been made on this thread.:blink:

    So last news of iMMa. She's been off to Japan to visit her grand-mother. She has started rehearsing, writing again ... but for the moments, not many gigs


    Don't forgot the one in Paris on Feb 24th :mf_rosetinted:: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124722920928956



    New blog of iMMa (it's been a while too) :thumb_yello:: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/notes/imma/happy-new-year-all/190336524311539

  3. Ok, I voted for I think everything... I' did it 3 times this w-e, I'll try to do it 2 more times today...


    We should definitely find a way to make this go much faster... No, really, there may be more than 20 000 mfcers, so if at least half of us vote once, Mika would definitely wins all this competition... We should find a way so that for each competition, new sing on Mika, he wins, and we broadcast him and his music to most of people... but I don't have much idea a part from putting this thread in the home page for the big/important competitions...

  4. fallait pas lui laisser son iphone:roftl:

    J'adore^^ Axie, occupe toi en bien, enfin je me fais pas de suschi ;-)

    Il me semble qu'il a tweeté d'un ordi (via web) donc ramasse son mac et l'iphone


    Chanteuse, ça me plairaît super, j'adoOore ça! :woot_jump:

    Mais j'espère que vous ne serez pas trop exigeantes... :naughty:

    Par contre, styliste, c'est bien dans mes cordes, en effet!!!


    Ce soir j'ouvrirai un sujet pour le groupe, ce sera plus simple pour en parler et voir si ça peut devenir sérieux


    Bonjour les frenchies, 38°5, courbatures, mal à la tête etc...et j'ai du monde à midi, non je ne peux pas décommander...

    Allez , on y croit....:aah:


    Ça va mieux? J'espère que ton repas c'est bien passé. bon courage

  5. Je chante juste mais pas extrêmement bien quoique j'atteigne presque les 3 octaves :blush-anim-cl:

    Pour être honnête je suis plus musicienne que chanteuse, chacun son métier :mf_rosetinted:


    Je suis persuadée que tu chantes très bien Axie :wink2:

    Tu joues de quel instrument ? Tu joues des musiques de Mika je suppose :thumb_yello:


    Ok, bon il ne reste plus qu'aux MFCers à monter un groupe :mf_rosetinted:. Axie tu joueras... bon, tu choisis, on trouve d'autres artistes parmi les mfcers..., je veux bien chanter un peu... et on se fait une super soirée pour se rencontrer avec un petit concert entre nous à la clé, Mika's songs only !:thumb_yello: ... who's in ?...:naughty:

    Bon d'accord, j'arrête avec mes idées débiles ! :blink:

  6. I absolutely agree with you sweetie and this column also reminds me of his vlogs and blogs that I miss so much :tears:

    It's true I shoud l have posted this in Wonkaland which is meant for it but we grow so desperate because we have no new gig to look forward to and not a tiny bit of a new song, so we just go crazy...like lions in a cage and we end up misbehaving ...do you know the song by Sabine Paturel "Les bêtises", that's what we do when we miss him...:blush-anim-cl:


    I didn't know this song, but it's funny...:das:

    I put the link of it if some French speakers or anyone actually wants to hear it


    Love the "lions in a cage" :insane::roll1:


    PS : and I miss vlogs, blogs... and him so much tooooo !!!

  7. Like you, I LOVE this song :mf_lustslow:. And even Mika has not writen it I strongly believe it suits his style, music so well.

    Actually, I would definitely have appreciated to have it included in the Imaginarium tour... maybe instead of Billy Borwn (which is definitely cool, but we heard it now a lot, in both tour !)It would have been perfect with the red line of this tour, with the astronaut, the planets, the stars... :thumb_yello:

  8. Poor Mika, we're turning him into ridiculous there ...:shocked: I think it's was cute that he admit that to everyone.. usually, it' s a kind of experience that everyone tries to hide.

    But he's been honest by saying so probably to begin this column and made us understand his point better. And I prefer to think that anything in which he dressed up for this night was more class than the displayed photos :boxed::blush-anim-cl:


    I was very fond of this column like most of you, because compared to the previous one, I had the feeling as I read it, to know him a little bit better. It's nice in those times when his appearances, interviews... are really scarce. By saying his resolution, we can try to understand his feelings now, his value...

    I'm glad to have that evey month. How long will it last ?

  9. Bonjour tout le monde.


    Pour mon premier post sur le French Thread (la honte !!!!) Je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous une très bonne année. :flowers2:



    J'espère pouvoir faire le maximum de concerts cette année pour pouvoir vous rencontrer sur la tournée (si elle commence bien en 2011) :wub2:


    Gros bisous à vous toutes et tous


  10. Here finds the photos of Mika visiting sick people in an hospital in Milan (italy) on Dec 3rd, 2010 (= 3 days before the unveiled of the wax figure in Paris.


    You'll see him giving his blood (lucky nurse... hope she did not hurt him :wub2:)


    Link for the website : http://www.purepeople.com/article/mika-retrouve-le-sourire-a-l-hopital_a70719/1#scrolldown




    Traduction of the article :


    After the tragedy that his family has been throught and of which we remain with no news, Mika has been discrete. In December, he came back in Paris for the unveiled of his double of wax in Musée Grévin. At this occasion, we thought he would mention the terrible accident of his sister Paloma but nothing. In the last announcement of the singer, Paloma was stable at the Royal Hospital of London, after a fall of her window in her building.


    Some days before its coming at Musée Grévin, Mika had already appeared in Milan. The singer, composer of TBWKTM, visited the hospital San Raffaele. He benefited from this coming to show example by giving his blood in front of the cameras. Mika also visited some sick persons and offered them presents. undoubtfully does he now understand the loneliness of the patients, blocked in their hospital bed. Anyway, he appeared on the photos a little bit thinner, but very smiling.

    Sur le site officiel du chanteur, il n'est pas encore question des projets de Mika. En revanche, et en guise de cadeau à ses fans, Mika a (re)posté sa reprise du classique Let it snow. Déjà interprété en 2009 avec la pop star japonaise Hikaru Utada, Mika revient à ce titre seulement accompagné d'une guitare et de son piano. On vous laisse redécouvrir Let it snow dans cette version dépouillée.


    On the offical website of the singer, it is not about any projects at the moment. Anyway, as a gift for his fans, Mika (re)posted his version of the classic "Let it snow". Already done in 2009 with the Japanese pop star hikaru Utada, Mika came back to it only backed with a guitar and his piano. We let you discover this "simple" version of Let it snow.

    Let's just say that Kylie Minogue also recorded it for the Christmas holidays.


    I have to say that this writer of this article does not seem to know Mika at all... And I hate the way he says things on Him... But at least we have photos :wink2:

  11. John wanted to wish MFC'ers a Merry Xmas, so he asked for this message to be posted:

    "John Dubuque, Mika's tour manager, would like to wish all the MFC'ers around the world peace, love and riches for the holiday season and the New Year.

    For the past 3'5 years you have all enriched my life, and I hope that this seasonal message will in some small way enrich yours. Happy Christmas!"



    Isn't that a nice message? Especially from a grumpy bugger, eh Bab? (previous post) :roftl:


    SO nice of Him !!! Merry Christmas to you John and by the way to all MFCers (before I forget..)


    oh! how sweet!


    so john... does that mean we are on the "nice" list and not on the "naughty" one? :teehee:


    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Relax and enjoy! :wub2:


    You're always on the naughty list, Missie! :biggrin2:


    :shocked::naughty: but i've never met john! how can this be?? :aah:


    Hmmm:naughty:...Some people just "are" :roftl:. It's genetic :thumb_yello:.


    :roftl: ... you guys are awesome... make me laugh !!! (so good at this time : tomorrow, 've got exams, not ready at all and physical and psychological impossibility to study right now... better to spend some time on MFC :wink2:)

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