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Cecilia Barrios

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Everything posted by Cecilia Barrios

  1. Hola!!! Gracias :huglove:

    Feliz año Nuevo!

    Espero que andes bien, y que hayas tenido un buen comienzo de año :)


  2. FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!!!! Espero que hayan pasado una hermosa noche junto a su familia y amigos que este año llegue cargado de buenos augurios. Les mando un fuerte abrazo las quiero mucho y siempre las llevo en mi corazón
  3. Hello Everyone! I leave my greetings and wish you a Happy new year! This thread always was fantastic with me like all in MFC. this smile often put me in a good mood thanks all ♥
  4. Hello Dear :bye:


    how are you doing?

    long ago the last time I talk to you.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

    Best wishes for 2012!




    sent him a *big hug*

    I hope to talk soon with you :huglove:

  5. Hola :bye:


    Estoy bien gracias! Si últimamente no me conecto tan seguido como lo hacia antes.

    Trato de disfrutar mas el tiempo libre junto a la familia, ya que en este momento no estoy trabajando.

    El verano entro en el hemisferio sur y los días son cada vez mas calurosos.

    La navidad fue muy linda, y planeando pasar un bonito fin de año en familia.

    Le deseo un buen comienzo de año y que el 2012 venga con buenos augurios y muchas sorpresas con respecto a MIka :wink2:



  6. Hola! Gracias!!! Felicidades lo mejor para el 2012
  7. FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!! Espero que hayan tenido un hermoso fin de semana. Yo también escuche Relax, por la radio Beso grande y Muchas felicidad!!!
  8. Hello! Dear :bye:

    If I've read that you were going to be out for a long time.

    thank! I hope you had a nice Christmas :huglove:


    hopefully talk to you soon...



  9. Hello dear friend!!!! :huglove:

    sorry for no reply to messages :tears: I spent a long time without connection.


    how are you?

    you've done at this time? is on vacation or time studying...


    I'm fine, I'm working so hot in the week and a bit tired. happy because the weekend about :teehee:

    Thursday we set up the Christmas tree.




    sent him a big hug and hope you are fine :wink2:


  10. Hello!!!! hasta que por fin me pude conectar! Que se cuenta, como andan ustedes??? Yo biem jaja... escuchando music y chusmiando el MFC... trabajando un poco y confeccionando algunas prendas. vieron que MIKA esta nominado como mejor arista extranjero (algo asi) en los premios NRJ music awards 2012 espero que anden bien! Beso grande
  11. Hola!!!! Chiquissss como están?! Ando media desaparecida xD y complicada para conectarme entre trabajitos y nuevamente problemas con la pc.. Ufff :@ Empezó El hormiguero! lo ven? yo me me#*@ de la risa jajaja. Taza! Se me complica para ir a la fiesta, la verdad que tenía muchas ganas de ir :'( Pérdida tu cel te paso el mío por cualquier cosa 094412876. Ceci, Taz, Sofi espero que estén bien!!!! Se las extraña un montón! Besos
  12. hola!!! como están? vieron el video del payaso lindo??? les dejo un y espero que anden tod@s bien
  13. Thank you! :huglove:

    I hope that you too you passed cute weeks :wink2:


    Here the days are becoming hotter, early October be advanced one hour here.

    long days, short nights :aah:


    enjoy the Sunday :huglove:

  14. Hello!!!! dear :bye:

    sorry for late reply :blink:


    I'm fine, and you?


    has been a good week, on Thursday I went to my grandmother's house, and I had a family member's birthday on Friday, today we visited my godmother and your baby daughter, here between to catch up with the forum.

    I'm listening to Mika concert in Porto :wub2:


    As has been the week?

    I imagine very glad to have received your friend!


    Anney have a beautiful Sunday :huglove:

  15. :bye:


    I had an idea, a cute gift surprise, I will prepare the trousseau :blush-anim-cl:

    a basket decorated, apparel and accessories, talc, cologne brush, savannas.

    My bedroom is a mess :aah:, I have organize, Today is a beautiful day with bright sunshine.

    I am going to eat and then go out with my mother and sister i-l a fair.


    take care :wink2:

  16. You're right, it's better Sometimes reserving Some comments. but I think we all have a right to speak our minds, but some maybe people may get offended.

    The same thing happens here, when I hear a song on the radio the celebration :pbjt: haha because that's not very often :aah:


    that's great to spend a week with her best friend :thumb_yello:

    I'll be at home with my family, my brother this weekend , the meteorologist gave good prognosis :lol3:, seize the day for a walk along the Rambla.



    dear that passes very nice and enjoy :wink2:

  17. So I was not the only person who sees that little detail in Under Water :aah:

    but it is an amazing song :naughty: Mika and his voice that makes you put the chicken skin :teehee:


    the day was good, I woke up early. yesterday and today passed two song Mika at the station I listen to :blush-anim-cl: unfortunately not heard as often :emot-sad: Hopefully the next album to be successful here, the fans eager to MIKA see it live in our country :tears:

    wine Nick Jonas, Mika then can also come :mad3:



    you have plans for the weekend?


    :bye: have good day:wink2:

  18. I like making clothes for other people, I've done some clothes for my but I like to do for others.

    I have some summer fabrics and I thought about doing something for me,

    but not yet decided :blink:



    :huglove:Enjoy the weekend!!! :thumb_yello:

  19. Ahí va cuando se pueda comenzar a votar cuelgo el link en Mika Uruguay para que la gente vote Siiiii el viernes pasado dieron el recital en TNT es un especial en Londres y este sábado lo repiten (no recuerdo la hora) Esta con esos Rulos divinos yo lo vi por la pc en una señal de colombia me quede hasta las 3am esperándolo Bechos... que pasen lindo
  20. I really liked the song, is fantastic :fangurl: hopefully soon to hear the study version, the sound of piano at the beginning is so cute :blush-anim-cl:but I must confess that when I first heard,

    the beginning reminded me of a song by adele :teehee: .



    Have a nice day too dear :wink2:

  21. Hello darling!


    thanks! I also think that a boy will :blush-anim-cl: I get very happy when

    I think about it. I soon shall begin to prepare the trousseau.


    Saturday was funny, was about to go to sleep and and connect me to take a look :aah:


    that you think of Mika's new track " Underwater" ?


    you have a nice day!!! :thumb_yello:



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