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Status Updates posted by Love7Poppi

  1. A Horn??? On My Head??? Buggar! I Hate Horns......

  2. *squeaky kiss* Just making sure you're still here!! Thanks for your tweet, I did reply but I guess your twitter has gone mad!! Loves Ya!! xxXxx

  3. HELLO!!


    I am sooooo going to try for my mega tattoo!! I don't want to puts pressure on him after Fringe gig to create a masterpiece, so i've been trying really hard to get a msg to him to ask him before hand, through twitter & my space (only joined my space to send him a msg & MY GOD! What a horrid weird place that is!!) but haven't been successful...:crybaby:


    To be honest....I am close to accepting defeat...:giveup: which is sad...I've even offered him a foot massage, but I don't think he's seen any of my msgs..


    I understand to him I am some random freak, but I have tried hard to convince him I'm not a nutter - maybe I've tried too hard & scared him..? Hay-Ho!! I will make my signs & see what happens...If you have any ideas, I would appreciate your help... :wink2:

  4. New on here..??? I don't really know..! I am obviously a bit slow on the uptake!! :boxed:


    But I'm here now..! WOO-HOO!!!! :thumb_yello:


    btw.....I likes a nice red dress *nods* uh-huh...

  5. OMG!!! Are you that mad MonsterCharlyx from twitter???? :yikes: *hides* :aah:


    YEY!! New friends!! :clap:

  6. Of course i will forgive you.....:wink2:

    *question* will you never tweet again or can you sort it..?

    Miss you!! xxXxx :tongue2:

  7. *big happy waves* I am sooooo glad you are still alive!! You had me proper worried for a minute then.. Phew!!!

    Me... Not so good - long boring story that I'm sure I will share with you when all these cheeky eyes aren't looking! :shocked:

    On the up side, I saw The Meeks at Eden & acted like a complete twat... so thats a positive pahahahaha..! :clap:

    Don't hide for so long next time you bad, bad fella! :wags_finger: *squeaky-glad you're alive-kisses*

  8. Hi My Gorgeous "Strange" Friend!!! Check us the F*ck out!!! I loves you!! xxxx:huglove:

  9. Hello Lady!! You will have to bare with me on this... took me ages to work out twitter!!! Pahahahaha!! x :groupwave:

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