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Posts posted by southeast

  1. :lmfao:



    If the third album turns out to be self titled, I'll eat my hat. And you can quote me on that, quite literally!

    I love the idea of semi-improvising on stage with some new songs though. Actually, I'd love it if they experimented with real-time recording/looping their voices or instruments to create the repetitive effect. It can be very trippy and never really gives the same effect twice. Their 'jam' sections (for want of a better term) in the concerts are already quite trancey anyway.


    I'd be more than happy to hear a mix of Oracular and Congratulations styles on the next album, plus a magic third ingredient which even they haven't thought of yet :biggrin2:.


    May I quote that in my fan letter? :naughty:


    Somehow I am sure whatever they do on their third album it will be good. I am such a fangirl! :teehee:

  2. OK, before we get on topic...they blew out the speakers during the Handshake? :wub2: my favorite...




    I can't wait til the third album! It's going to be self titled? MGMT's new album: MGMT. Hmmm. I wonder if they'll actually do that.


    I hope they get cracking on making it soon. AND I hope they record in Malibu again since Malibu is literally 20 minutes away from my school...:aah:


    "Yeah, this is a big deal. ‘Cause we’re not joking." Hahaha.


    Did you read this:!!!! “Something that’d be fun to do is have a decent number of songs on the album that can easily be extended or have sections that could turn into a really trance-y, repetitive thing live,” he said. “Start off with something and take it somewhere different every time.”


    How did they know exactly what we want? I am so exited about the 3rd album now! :boing:


    Self-titled! MGMT of course :doh: But do you think they'll really do something as boring as that? I can't imagine it, really. More something ironic like "Losers". :roftl:

  3. Did I ever mention on this thread how much I LOVE them? :mf_rosetinted:

    Cause I do...




    Read this and rejoice girls! I just jumped around the room after reading.


    Also, from now on we are accepting suggestions for the title of the third album. Perhaps 3rd? Three? Tres?

  4. Haha, this is all so funny! I did like Ben's look, though he really has a man stature, you know man's legs and movements. And his skirt was too short on the back. :roftl: They are just so crazy, love them for doing this...


    Andrew's way too thin if you ask me. I mean look at his thights, they are so thin! :blink: But he's a perfect girlie, hehe, beautiful both ways... :mf_lustslow:

  5. Heyhey, I guess y'all have already seen these??










    The vid is really putting a HUGE smile on my face right now, and I literally have laughed out when Velma pats the head of the dog:aah: (What's the dog's name? I ain't familiar with this animation)


    I am sure when people who do not know about MGMT as much as we do (?! :teehee:) see these, they'd think they're just some weird crappy popstars :naughty:



    Yeah, I LMAO. Hope pink tights aren't going to be the next "headband" thing. :shocked::teehee:



    I am sorry, I just had to do this! :biggrin2:

  6. Thank you girls for the translation! TBH the posh appartment in Brooklin doesn't match the somewhat hippie image of Andrew in my head. But hey, we don't really know them well, do we?


    Thanks also for your feedback about the letter. Now I feel better about writing it, I wasn't sure if it is not a stupid idea after all. I want it to be a fan letter but without being fangirly. That's already difficult. But also handwritten? :shocked: You should see my handwriting....terrible. Since I write almost only on my laptop I have forgotten to write properly with a pen on a sheet.

    Or I'll write it in Bulgarian, so they'll have to translate it first. :naughty:

  7. i'd say if someone posts here that they'd leave their husband for mika, and the husband stalks her here and finds her post, it IS time to talk - why hide that fact in the members only section?! :teehee::fisch:


    In a way, you're right mellody..:naughty:


    You know, EVERYBODY can read those threads, I mean everybody who's surfing around in the Internet. I forget this myself sometimes. And as a shrink you're always careful about privacy. But hey, this is just professional deformation. Just ignore my post.

  8. I am sorry, but I just LMAO. Did you read this one? It's an old one. But good:




    Hahaha: "So MGMT is not post-ironic yet. If “Congratulations” doesn’t take, the band mates have already invented a future rock hagiography for themselves, picking up where “Time to Pretend” left off.


    Mr. VanWyngarden: “Once we get really depressed, we’ll do the hard drugs.”


    Mr. Goldwasser: “We’ll make our heroin album. It will be all slow and depressing. It will be critically acclaimed but not sell very many copies, and then nobody will hear from us for maybe 10 years. And then we’ll make a comeback.”


    Can someone of the native speakers tell me what: "cavorting with groupies and acting debaucherous" and "is a furniture and design buff" means?



  9. I just read the second part about the Jimmy Kimmel show. How cool is this! I would kill to get that close to them while they are playing. Just standing there and listening. *sigh* So happy for you for going in there and having this experience!


    You know what? I have decided something about my gig in December (sold out, btw!). I don't know if there will be an M&G at all and who from the band will show up at that M&G. And since I am sure that I won't be able to say anything coherent to them except "Thank you", I thought about writing the whole band a letter and just giving it to whoever shows up (band, manager, whatever). At least this way I could tell them that I really like "Congratulations". What do you pple think about that? Is it a stupid thing to do?

    I mean, I don't want to write something like "OMGOMGOMGOMG", I just want to tell them that I understand and appreciate their music and the hard work behind it. And that there are pple out there who go to gigs because of Congratulations and not inspite of it.

    And I wanted to tell them they should release a CD with the prolonged versions of their songs. Or at least a live CD. It would be amazing.

    I dunno, I always think a letter lasts at least a bit longer than a spoken "Thank you".


    Oh, yes, I could sign with "puppets". :mf_rosetinted:


    EDIT: If you guys want to add something to that letter, you're welcome. (socks incidents, ale throw incidents, James incidents :teehee:) or anything else you wanna tell them, just go on. At the end I'll print it out and sign it with "Your fans". Or with our names. Or whatever.

  10. oohhhhhh :shocked::teehee:

    Im taking a 7 hour train trip just for him next month... again... first of all to take part in something ive signed up for and 2nd to say thx for last time i met him. Hopefully say thx in the way i wanted last time. With a simple kiss on his cheek :wub2: cant believe i forgot to say thx last time :doh: :doh: .doh:


    Have fun! Hope you can say and do what you want! :thumb_yello:


    I've been reading the first part. It's such fun! I wish I was there with you.


    Haha, James sounds real stoned.


    I am sure he remembers you like some kind of beautiful angel that floated at that gig in the air around him and smiled and waved at him and understood what he thinks in a kind of telepathic way...


    But hey, can you explain to me how can one play such beautiful music and at the same time be as stoned as that? :blink: I mean, I think I would just collapse on stage and sleep or vomit or something, it's really weird for me that he still can play the right notes... But I am not that experienced with weed, so I don't really know how it feels to be as stoned as that.


    I really enjoy your report, will read and write something longer about it tomorrow! Thank you, Taylor! It's even better reading this that watching a lifestream gig, it feels so real.

  12. I dunno if you people are following @Destrokkers on Twitter, but it seems like the gig last night at Fillamore in Miami has been absolutely amazing. Pple were tweeting about it like crazy and were stunned by their live show (ha, we knew it all the time, right) and @Destrokkers were RT all the time. I wish I was there to witness it. *sigh*

  13. Phewww, such a nice silly thread - I am tired of all those serious discussions on MFC in the last weeks. Go on speculating, it's fun to read. And please don't get earnest!


    I don't have any ideas about Albert's identity. He/she sounds like they are in love with Mika & they also have a very fine sense of humor. I like Golden Albert.

  14. r-stevie-moore-mgmt-1.jpg


    You remember those shoes?

    Do you know the song: "Walking in Memphis?" by Marc Cohn? Here sung by Cher:



    It's actually a hommage to Elvis Prestley. So it could be that Andrew bought them because of that, you know he's from Memphis too and Elvis lived & died there. If my theory isn't true at least it sounds good. :teehee:

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