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Posts posted by southeast

  1. You know the joke about a scientist, a RK priest and a Jewish rabbi who discussed the question „When does human life begin?“


    The priest said: “Human life begins in the moment when the egg cell has been fertilized even before she has settled in the uterus.”


    The scientist said: “No, no, the life of a human being begins only after the fertilized egg cell has reached the uterus and has settled in there.”


    The Rabbi said: “Life begins when your children move out and your old dog dies.”



  2. Actually, we didn't queue at all! We could just walk to the front, and we weren't ridiculously early there, so that was quite nice.

    I really liked the gig, they played very well (but otherwise I wouldn't have bought tickets to see them, I always check if the band is good live before I go to see them). They played Siberian Breaks, Indie Rokkers and Destrokk here too, so that was a very nice surprise.:biggrin2: I really liked the new songs live too, especially Siberian Breaks and Congratulations, with which they opened. And The Handshake was also very beautiful.:wub2: The projections on the screen reminded me a bit of the projections of Montreal used, only a bit less extravagant.:naughty: The crowd was a bit boring, but after a while they got into it (or maybe it was the alcohol :naughty:). But we did a bit of jumping, which is always good. :aah:

    I was really surprised that Andrew has such a high voice when he's talking. I thought he looked very shy..


    Full setlist is here.


    Oh, thank you so much!


    I hope we don't have to queue too - hate it, especially in winter!

    I would love to hear those songs live - really hope they'll play them.


    About being shy: Andrew said in an interview they aren't the natural born performers, they prefer recording much more to performing and added: "Ben never talks on stage". To which Ben said: "No" & and looked very embarrassed. :roftl: Funny, if you compare them to Mika, then he's not shy AT ALL! Or perhaps they are shy on stage (as I would be) and not shy in the real life? Anyway that's why some of us here are afraid that sooner or later they'll stop performing and switch to producing only. I pray to God they continue performing till they look like Methusalix. :teehee:

  3. Mgmt and Jorge from Violens in Magic mag :teehee:

    I wish I could read the article.


    I could translate it, if I could have a closer/better look at the whole text. :wink2:


    And yeah. The first night they played Kids, Andrew gave high fives, but Ben didn't. And the second night, Andrew went crowd surfing, while everyone else just did whatever. I saw James sitting on a speaker drinking a beer at one point. They don't care. :naughty:


    I can only imagine. Well, they'll have fun at their California show. Did you see what the whole point of the festival is?:naughty:


    "We don't care" :teehee: I tried to buy the album, but it's not available anymore :no:.


    What's up with that festival in California? I don't know anything about it. :blink:



    They played all three at Manchester :woot_jump:


    I'd love to hear Love Always Remains too, but I think a live version would have to be so different. The vocal harmonies might be a bit too much. :teehee: I reckon Boogie Down would be easier. Anyway I just want to hear Andrew sing 'I wanna check out your components' :das:.


    Oh, you lucky woman!


    Yes, I agree, I would love to hear/see that too....:naughty:



    Btw. it just dawned on me that they are singing a bit of German in Flash Delirium! :shocked:

    "die wolken drifting blinding smiles circling (einkreisen)"


    "the clouds drifting blinding smiles circling (encircle)"




    EDIT: Have you girls ever read this?




    He's such a great guy.


    Yeah, it was :teehee:



    Tell us something about the gig. Did you like it? Which song did impress you most? How was the crowd? How was queueing? You know, the usual stuff. :teehee:


    Yeah, it was :teehee:


    Idd. :naughty: Andrew said they loved playing in Amsterdam (most bands do, all because of the same reason :aah:)


    :naughty: For them it must be like some kind of paradise...


    You were at Brussels? Did they also play Indie Rokkers there?


    No, I watched it on a live stream in Internet. :no: But I have tics for December! Looking forward to that!


    They didn't play Indie Rokkers at Brussels, they played Destrokk and Sib. Breaks. I suppose it would be too much for the fans to play both.


    I actually wonder why they don't play Love always remains? PPle would love it. Personally I would die to hear Boogie Down live, but I am not sure they can make this on stage. :dunno:



    All of us in the front row singing along to Siberian Breaks, and encouraging them to sing all the Congratulations songs. They'd love us, and then bring us all onstage to sing backing vocals with them on songs like Brian Eno :naughty:


    I remember at the show I went to, someone next to me yelled "Play Kids!" And I turned to him and just said, "No." Because at that point, we had no idea if they would. It was their first full set since Coachella where they DIDN'T play it...and I didn't want them to play it...but they did, and it was amusing to watch in the end.


    And right after that we will drop dead cause it can't get any better and go directly to MGMT heaven. :wub2:

    But we must all be wearing matching sexy black outfits with high heels. :mf_rosetinted:


    Yeah, at the live show from Brussels they played Kids and at first I was like: Noooooo, poor guys. But then, Ben came out behind of keyboards :shocked: and went to the first row and ....how do you call that in Englisch? :blink: touched hands with the audience and they both somehow seemed to have fun doing it, although they really can't dance :teehee: so I was...ok....wouldn't have anything against Kids if I were in that first row...


    Saw them live yesterday, they were really great.:biggrin2: Their guitarist was VERY stoned :P


    Hihi, that's why he said it was the best evening of his life. At least I heard that on Twitter. IF you saw them in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam show must have really been amazing. I mean, they are always amazing, but this one evening must have been WOW. :shocked: And now we know why.... :doh:


    It'd be great if we could all go to a gig together (and sing along to Siberian Breaks :naughty:).






    I love that :roftl: Who is the beardy dude?? :teehee:


    It's just begging for a caption, but I can't think of one!!


    The new background singer. :mf_rosetinted:


    No, I don't have an idea. Will look it up on tumblr.



    btw, did anyone else see Bruce's tweets this evening? :roftl:


    Yeah, he's one funny man! #imgonnaboreyoutodeathbitches

    It's a pity I can never thing of anything witty to answer in that very moment. All the great answers always come to my mind few days later :doh:


    They admit they have started talking about writing new material, but that they'll concentrate properly on it in "January or February" next year.


    VanWyndgarden hinted that they could return to writing more 'big hits' such as Kids and Time To Pretend from their first album. They initially planned not to release any singles from their second album.


    "I think playing all over the show you want a track you can play all over the world and just be mindless and the crowd goes crazy.

    "We have a couple of them but it would be nice to have more," he said.


    Sarcasm?? :shocked::blink:



    Hahaha. This sound a bit arrogant, doesn't it? Like they already know exactly what's going to work and what not. And sorting out their songs: Ok, this one's for the dancing dudes and this one's for the psychodelic ones...


    I am so happy to be going to the gig in December, but I really wish I could take you girls with me. I have someone to go with me, but he's not so much in MGMT as I am and it would be more fun to go with you, because you'll know what I am talking about...ah, well, one can't have everything...


    Hey, I found this very very old article. I like it somehow. And it shows they haven't changed at least in the last years, which is good! And they have a four record deal with Columbia. This means 2 more albums at least! Yay!



  11. My videos (not from the front row as usual :naughty:):




    That was rock, guys! sarcastic.gif


    Brandon's voice is beautiful! :thumb_yello: It's a pity that the music was too loud during some songs.

    Being used to Mika, after ten minutes I felt like shouting: honey, you are singing on a stage, do something! :roftl:

    Anyway it was a very good show. He is really a professional artist. All the songs were good and the crowd was on fire at the end of the show! :biggrin2:

    He did one cover (my friend knew it, of course! but I don't remember the title) and he sang a soft version of a Killers song at the end, just voice and guitar.

    It was worth going despite meeting a hurricane on my way back home. :shocked::teehee:


    *reading report*

    Hmmmm.... What about some OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGs!!! And: :swoon::fangurl::mf_lustslow:



  12. I applaud Mika for having the courage to say what he thinks, and there would never be a "right time" to do that. I'll admit that when I first found out about Mika's column I expected it to be all about his music, his gigs, maybe bits about his past.

    But now; even though I have always respected and admired Mika, through his work and the way he's overcome so much, I have a whole new respect for him now!

    He's expressed his views in a mature and honest way, and I think that for every person who disagrees, or takes offence at what he's said, there will be twenty people who will agree with him for voicing his beliefs in such a well rounded, well thought out, way..

    Our boy has come of age! I'm really proud of him, and I don't think the latest article will have a detrimental effect on his career at all.


    Yo, that's what we all think. :thumb_yello: But we're his fans. Hope the press over there thinks the same way.



    Unless this column is picked up by the wires, the S. American press probably won't even know about it. :dunno:


    Hope so! :wink2:

  13. My son, in fact both my kids, are massive fans of the Beatles. Proper fans, by which I mean they love The White Album :roftl:. My son also really likes Radiohead and Kraftwerk :naughty:, and they both like MGMT. I hope they'll grow up with diverse musical taste, although I expect at some point they'll rebel against the music we've brought them up on, as all teenagers do :teehee:.


    I totally agree with you about a live version of Congratulations! It would be :rasta::groovy::insane:They should play it in the album order too, as it flows so well. I do really love Kids and TTP and EF but (and this is hard to explain) somehow they sound to me like a different MGMT, as if they are two different bands: one who do Kids, and get the masses up dancing, and one who do for example 4th Dimensional Transition or Siberian Breaks and put us more discerning (yes, I will say that :mf_rosetinted::naughty:) fans into a trance, where we don't want to dance, we just want to listen and soak it up. Does that make sense?


    I think I did say in my gig report that as much as I love 'the hits', it annoyed me that I felt a significant percentage of the audience were only really there for those three songs. But I guess that happens with a lot of bands/artists. Even with Mika to a large extent :wink2:.


    Yes, yes, yes it absolutely does!!! Without any pauses btw. songs would be cool. Even if I love to hear Andrew's voice...


    And at the entrance of the gig:

    "Caution! :ghostrider_h4h: Scary! MGMT play Siberian Breaks tonight! No KIDS! Only for hardcore fans!" :mf_rosetinted:

  14. Hmmmm, reading all this I am not very sure it was such a (searching for the right word).....wise thing to write this text before doing his first gigs ever in South Amerika in few weeks time... Perhaps it would have been better if he would have waited with this specific text. I hope he doesn't get problems at interviews with those things over there. :dunno: I wouldn't be extremely happy with it, if I were his manager :doh:

  15. It was great wasn't it? I managed to see it all. My son (he's 8) watched most of it with me too and he LOVED it, he kept saying "this is better than the CD Mum!" and asking me all about the band, what instruments they play, etc, it was lovely!


    They sounded fantastic. Loved the ending of Brian Eno. It was weird, knowing that exactly a week ago I was watching them in person, and talking to Andrew :wub2:.


    I was annoyed how little they showed of Ben, too :sneaky2:. FFS, he is half of the band!!!! And utterly essential and irreplaceable. I confess that last week at the gig I kept shouting out 'We love you Ben!!" when things went quiet :aah:, I wanted him to hear and realise he is loved :biggrin2:. I was quite gutted that we didn't get to see him after the gig.


    Oh, how sweet of your son! I always find it cool when kids like the music their parents are listening to. Perhaps one day he'll be a Indie Rokker too and when asked about it he'll say, well my mum listened to MGMT, Violence...


    They were great. I could listen to hours and hours and hours of them... And you know what? It almost irritated me that they played "old" songs from OS. I almost wanted them to play only "Congratulations"... :blink: No, that's not right. I was irritated by Kids and E Feel and Time to Pretend. I only wanted them to play the "real" MGMT songs, like "Youth" and "4th DT" and the new ones... I must confess that Of BT&M never was one of my favorite songs, but last night it was one of the best! It sounded so great live. Amazing. Also "The Youth". I could have cried listening to it...


    I know it'll never happen, but it would be cool if they could make one gig only with Congratulation songs... it would be like some kind of trance.

  16. Wow. Wow. Wow.


    They were amazing. The end of the gig was brilliant. Andrew was brilliant.


    Didn't saw Ben's face once (stupid camera). Destrokk but no IRokkers.

    And: a bit of playback in Time to Pretend, right? Andrew was too slow to sing in the micro and playback-Andrew sang instead of him. Real Andrew noticed and smiled wickedly...


    Such an experience...Cool.

  17. That Jedward pic is giving me nightmares, seriously :boxed:


    They only answered 3 questions on the Vevo thing? Bit of a waste of time or what.


    Anyone tuning into the live streamed gig from Brussels tonight? I'm going to do my best, but it's an awkward time for me. Will try though.


    Yep, me! :biggrin2: If I manage to get ready with my stuff till then.


    I won't worry about that Jedward thing too much. Remember: those guys have a VERY weird sense of humor & even if they do something with those clowns it will surely be a very MGMT-sarcastic-kind-of-thing.

  18. Anyway, going "on topic" again, and back to Mika's column, I must admit that when I read the first comments about it I had great expectations, and that I didn't feel the same once I read the whole thing. I guess that I just can't see where he's coming from, where he talks about picking bits that he agrees with and others that he doesn't. The way I see it, if one supports a particular church, they will be part of the driving force behind it, so if they disagree with fundamental aspects of it, it is their social responsability to not support them, and perhaps find a different church to be a part of, which they agree with more.

    Otherwise, things never change, and these churches just carry on more and more powerful, counting on the "numbers" behind them.


    In Germany thousands of pple have left the church in the last months because of the recent scandals about money, child abuse and idiotic commentaries of some cardinals on sensitive topics. Pple leave the church all the time, but at the moment the exodus is really amazing. Most of them just don't want to pay any church taxes to support the church and the pretty comfortable lifestyle of priests and cardinals. Many of my friends prefer to donate the same sum of money they should otherwise pay as church taxes to some charity organisation they want to support. Not such a bad idea imo. :dunno:



    Did you see that:


    The Management General Info

    Member Since August 21, 2004

    Band Website bgoldwasser.web.wesleyan.edu

    Band Members you and you and you and you and you

    Influences none

    Sounds Like upzipping of sleeping bags in the wilderness and it's cold but your sweating but you don't want to expose yourself because you're afraid of spiders If you like our music please let us know!

    You are the management. mgmtkittens@yahoo.com

    Record Label Big Time Records


    That's where it all comes from....



    About The Management

    "If you could smell the dirt of our birth, the steaming mess of mud and sand that coated our placebal ceilings, our linoleum floor, our plush livingroom carpet, that dripped slowly as if from a broken egg shell, falling silently and forming in lumpy conical piles on magazines and empty ash trays, on dvd cases and unmopped floors, covering every inch of every possible space in a thick black skin until nothing shone through and all was dull and quiet like the inside of some ****ing strange hole, if you could smell that dirt, then you could taste the very essence of our souls. love, the management"



  20. Can you imagine how hard it would be if someone wanted to change these "rules"? :boxed:

    Luckily you can choose nowadays, but in the past your family could force you to become a priest or a nun. That was really sad, especially if you wanted a family.


    Yes, I know, I have read Manzoni's I promessi sposi and the story of the girl that has to become a nun is really heartbreaking...


    But why can't they change them if they have nothing to do with religious issues whatsoever... Oh, well, I am too naive for all that but I don't think we will see any big changes in the church in our times.

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