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Everything posted by yawnie

  1. hehe thanks it's true tho! he's probably on mushrooms when he's writing music
  2. hi guys, thanks for the warm welcomes my experience with teenagers @ concert is that they are always rowdy. they believe that [artist name] is only there for them, sees only them, and, eventually will marry them. (no matter if he doesn't actually like girls... - he will become straight for THEM!! naturally...) anyway, i've been to concerts in vienna and the girls are as screechy and pushy as anywhere in the world. i've given up on the front row since travis. and that's travis, people. cool, depressed, scottish britpop. yet i still got a blue eye, no kidding. you can enjoy yourself a lot more if you are NOT in the front.
  3. hi guys i just found you, post-gig. i think it so funny how it's only ever girls who visit these forums. but well. anyway, we arrived real late yesterday when the support band was already on. still, we got a spot quite near to the front, on the side. could see everything just perfect so i really dont see the point of getting there earlier, freezing your butt off and then having your teeth kicked in by teenagers. and to answer your questions, yes, that kind of behaviour IS normal among teenage girls. you have seen nothing yet beware of the beast which is a teenage girl in love, is all i have to say about that i was really impressed by the show last night, though. it was like a big LSD trip, hanging upside down in a kaleidoscope. my kinda crazy! dont know if mika would be happy or pissed but i enjoyed myself as much as during robbie williams. it was just so much fun really glad i went, even though i almost didnt, feeling all feverish and flu-ish. so really needed the cheering up mika is a real bonkers artist, hope he will stay put in the lime light for years to come!
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