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Status Updates posted by DongDong

  1. 啊,惨啦,sui姐姐你个blog系中国大陆地区上唔到啊。:boxed:

  2. 哦,那太好啦,你还可以找到另外一些中国的面孔的,去the Chinese thread看一下吧。

  3. Hi,sui姐姐,最近好吗?

  4. Hi,很高兴在这里再次看到中国mika迷的身影。你是来自中国的哪里呢?我来自广州。

  5. 你可以去the Chinese thread里交流的,那里会有很多的中国mika迷的哦。

  6. Thanks,hope you have a great week too.:biggrin2:

  7. hi,Cherry,how are you,are you busy these days?

  8. Hi,Andrea,I will go back to school tomorrow,and hope I can chat with you on next weekend,see you.:wink2:

  9. Hey,Alfie. How are you?

  10. Hi,I'm from China too,how are you?

  11. yeah,I think I am get used to it.

  12. Oh,everything is been good,and I feel better than before in school.:wink2:

  13. Oh,I'm fine these days,and I had some exams last week,it's so tired last week.:naughty:

  14. Hey,Andrea,how are you?

  15. ha ha,I miss my home everyday,and i just went back home.

  16. The CD is from Adam Young(Owl City),i don't know hows the CD like,the CD will arrive at next week.

  17. "An Airplane Carried Me To Bed",and I asked my friend to ordered it.And it's fine this week.

  18. Oh,I just came back home from my school.And I just ordered the CD of Sky Sailing on the internet.

  19. I'm fine,thanks,what are you doing now?

  20. um,maths and physics.

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