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Posts posted by rian

  1. *calls mika*

    Me: miss you!!!!! how are you??

    Mika: oohhh, im fine thanks!

    Me: and how are you? :pinkbow:

    Mika::blink: you just asked me!

    Me: No, you, the double wax you!!

    Mika: ooh... he's fine i think....

    Me: youre pretty!!!

    Mika: aww thanks :blush-anim-cl: but you should see my hair right now, its...

    Me: no, i mean the double you!!

    Mika:... oh...

    Me: and i like your clothes!!!

    Mika:... my pyjamas?

    Me: nooo!!! the double's clothes:aah:

    Mika: oh....

    Me: And, will you play me something from the new album now???

    Mika: a wax statue can't move you know?

    Me: i was talking about you!!!!

    Mika: OH, youre CONFUSING WOMAN!!!!:aah:

    Me: and i cant wait to see This in wax too!!!

    Mika: what this??

    Me: This!!! your dog!!!! Geez, youre slow this morning:aah:

    Mika: :shocked:

    Me: and one more thing.... the wax double will melt in your house, put it back where it belongs! Thanks:wink2: *hangs up*

    Mika: MOOOOOOOOOOOM, we need to get the double back to Grévin, they know:sneaky2:

    Mika's mom: but i like you!

    Mika: i know, so you'll help me move it...

    Mika's mom: no, i meant the statue :fangurl:

    Mika: :aah:



  2. *calls mika*

    Mika: :shocked:hi???

    Me: HI ITS ME!!!!

    Mika: thought you forgot me...

    Me: dont be so hopeful...:mf_rosetinted:

    Mika: :sneaky2:

    Me: we're gonna miss you so much!!!!!!! :tears:

    Mika: yeah, got an album to record you know...

    Me: i know i know... but, what am i gonna do to keep myself entertained now?? no more funny interviews? no more od cyx tweets? no shows where your pants fall down??

    Mika: :aah:i dunno!!! Just... re-watch all my interviews...

    me: done:mf_rosetinted:

    Mika: :shocked: you cant know them all, there are too many...

    Me: your name means plastic bag in Morrocan, you were dating that woman in Stockholm, you shop wood in your slippers, you eat weird stuff for breakfast, youre dyslexic, your piano is falling apart, you got too many Loubs shoes and hate sharks, even if you think theyre mammals...

    Mika: you need a life:mf_rosetinted:

    Me: ooh and im planning on stealing that wax statue in the Grévin museum!!!

    Mika: youre gonna steal me?

    me: well not you-you.. just the second you.. because stealing you-you, not you, would be hard since you-you, not you, is moving, but the you, wouldnt move as much at the you-you would and where am i going with this?

    mika: if only i knew....

    me: okay, ill let you work now!!!!

    mika: thanks ....

    me: by the way, that bird shirt was horrible... *hangs up*

    mika::shocked: MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM told you those curtains wouldnt look good in a shirt!!!!




    :teehee: Yes Mika, I can verify that: Roxane know's it all!! :naughty:

  3. *calls mika*

    me: okay, i ordered my own wax statue in the Grévin museum too:teehee:


    me: guess where it will be??

    mika: :dunno:

    Me: in your wax statue arms giving your wax statue a kiss!!!!!!! :fangurl:!!!!!!!!!!

    mika: :shocked::loco: *hangs up* JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHNNNN hurry up on that Jimmy wax statue will you?





  4. Conversation in another thread:


    Ilse: I'm waiting for mail from my boss so I know what to do the next two weeks.

    Rian: Comes in handy I guess...finally knowing what to do and where to go to!

    Ilse: Can't call him... he's lost his phone!

    Rian: What's his name??? MIKA??? :lmfao:

    Ilse: Nope sadly...and it wasnt an iphone, but a blackberry!



    Ilse calling her boss:


    Mika: Hello??

    I: Hi boss!

    Mika: What do you want? :blink:

    I: Can you tell me where I go to work on monday?

    Mika: :shocked:

    I: Well, you know, I do need some direction from you! :sneaky2:

    Mika: wtf...:boxed:

    I: Still no answer? I'm getting tired of it! :sneaky2:

    Mika: But...but...I don't know...

    I: See! You still don't know what I will be doing tomorrow! :sneaky2:

    Mika: Don't get angry with me! I didn't do anything wrong!! :tears:

    I: Ooh...Who is this anyway?

    Mika: You call me and you don't know who I AM??

    I: M...M...MIKA??? :blush-anim-cl:

    Mika: :sneaky2:

    I: Oeps...sorry...wrong phone...I guess... :blush-anim-cl:

    Mika: *sigh* Another one of those :loco:


  5. :naughty: photoshoped i would say....:naughty:


    it´s gonna be hard to find a pic without photoshop....


    I know, Rosa! But it's such an gorgeous pic I just couldn't resist! :aah:


    i´m sure this one is not photoshoped as i took it myself




    Blèh!! Don't like the hair, but thats not what this thread is about right? And nobody's hair looks oké right after shower I suppose...:wink2::aah:

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