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Posts posted by francoise

  1. j'étais vraiment très très bien placée !! je ne pouvais pas espérer mieux ! si tu y étais ou si tu as vu comment était faite la scène, il y avait une avancée dans le public avec une plate-forme au bout. j'étais au 2ème rang face à la scène mais contre la rambarde de l'avancée (ouh là là, est-ce bien clair ?? :teehee:) bref en premier rang sur le coté de l'avancée. et il se trouve qu'il venait très souvent se placer juste devant moi !!! pile à ma hauteur !! dès qu'il s'avançait un peu. c'était trop trop bien !! je ne me remets toujours pas de ce concert ! j'aime tellement poupet pour ça, son côté très intimiste et quelle ambiance chaleureuse !!!


    Place idéale en effet...

    Moi qui venait pour la 1ère fois à Poupet, je n'ai pas vu l'avancée en rentrant dans l'enceinte et du coup, je me suis placée au 1er rang mais sur le coté droit face à la scène - juste en face de Imma et Jimmy et du coup, j'avais très souvent Mika dans le dos...:sneaky2: chaque fois qu'il allait sur l'avancée...

    Mais bon, je le comprends, vu la taille de la scène, il n'avait pas beaucoup de place où aller...:naughty:

  2. Oui je viens de voir tes photos par hasard ! merci beaucoup de les avoir partagées ! c'est super gentil .... moi c'était mon 1er concert, et toi? Et Poupet est un super site je trouve, c'est une bonne ambiance.

    Quel travail fais-tu en Corée? Dans mon groupe-classe, j'ai une Coréenne :) je suis professeur de français langue étrangère à Angers dans une petite école :)


    En fait, j'ai suivi mon mari qui est expatrié la-bas mais j'ai la chance d'avoir trouvé un travail à mi-temps dans un institut de formation.

    Le mi-temps, c'est parfait parce que ça laisse beaucoup de temps pour le MFC...:aah:


    C'est un pays sympa la Corée et les gens sont très chaleureux même si la communication n'est pas toujours facile :teehee:


    Mais ça fait du bien de rentrer en France. On en profite pour recharger les batteries...

    Des fois je me dis qu'en vivant ici, j'aurai quand même beaucoup plus de chance de voir Mika régulièrement en concert.

    Je n'ai pas trop à me plaindre, je l'ai déjà vu en Corée 1 fois (et je sais que beaucoup d'autres pays n'ont pas eu cette chance..) mais bon, tu sais ce que c'est, on en aimerait toujours plus...:naughty:

    Une fois qu'on y a gouté, on ne peut plus s'en passer...:roftl:

  3. au fait, souvent sur le site de Poupet ils mettent des photos des spectacles, le problème par contre c'est qu'à mon avis elles sont protégées .... :( et moi je n'ai pas voulu emmener mon appareil-photo, pensant que je risquerai de le casser avec la foule, et du coup je comptais sur le site de Poupet pour avoir de belles photos souvenir du concert, mais apparemment je ne pourrai pas les imprimer :(:(:(:( est-ce que certains d'entre vous ont pu prendre des photos?


    J'en ai prise quelques unes et je les ai mise sur le thread du concert:



    Tu peux les sauvegarder de là si tu veux mais je peux aussi te les envoyer en PM si tu préfères...:thumb_yello:


    Moi je vis à l'etranger et je passe juste 1,5 mois par an en France, à Nantes plus exactement pour les vacances alors crois moi que j'étais super contente quand j'ai vu que Mika passait à Poupet :roftl:

  4. Salut à tous ! Je viens de voir Mika en concert au Festival de Poupet en Vendée pour la 1ère fois jeudi dernier, et c'était époustouflant, j'avais jamais vu un truc pareil !! On se demande comment il fait, mais quelle énergie sur scène !:biggrin2: c'était vraiment magique j'ai adoré :wub2:

    Voilà, je voulais juste partager ce moment de bonheur avec vous :blush-anim-cl:


    Bonjour Elise,


    Moi aussi j'étais à Poupet :mf_lustslow:

    et d'accord avec toi, c'était tout simplement magique

    Il faut vivre ça au moins une fois dans sa vie..

    Le problème, c'est qu'après en général, on peut plus s'en passer...:naughty:

  5. I forgot to mention another one : during the introduction of La Solitude, he told us he had only two opportunities to sing it remaining. And he wanted to "justify" it, because when he was in Musilac, it was a "festival atmosphere", so people only wanted up tempo music. So when he said "I'm going to sing a song by Barbara", half of the 45 000 people started to boo (the cliché about Barbara is that she's an "intellectual" singer who sang only very long, very slow, very sad , very darksongs). But he said the song is so strong it doesn't need to be justified. And he sang it in a perfect way :wub2:


    Agree with you Florian...

    It was a perfect version of La Solitude, so emotional and pure....:wub2:


    I aslo liked a lot when he has sing Over My Shoulder.

    1st time I heard it live and it's really the best way to realize how perfect is his voice..pure crystal...:wub2:

  6. always thanks for your french-english translation :biggrin2:




    aww happy to hear that you could be at the front row in France!!

    did the festival staffs prepare those light sticks for the audience? amazing!!

    (it would be quite expensive huh?:naughty:)


    sad to hear that he'll finish the 2nd album soon.... just wish he could have a (quick) nice break and come back to us with 3rd album....(as soon as possible....can't wait toooo much long :teehee:)


    Hello Yuna,


    Happy to have been at the front row... but you know in France it's simpler than in Korea. No numbered seats. So no war tickets...:aah:

    All you have to do is to come early at the venue :teehee:


    Yes, the festival staff gave us the lights sticks for free.. even if they were not as nice as the korean ones...:thumb_yello:

  7. I can sump it up :wink2:

    This moment was after "Blame it on the girls". Before the song, Mika divides the audience : those on the right sing "Blame it on the gi-i-i-irls", those on the left (where I was !) sing "Blame it on the bo-o-o-o-oys".

    This time, Mika did something amazing : he stepped down from the stage into the audience ! (I hope you understand what I mean in English...) And joined the crowd to explain to us the thing and to make us sing :shocked:

    Anyway, at the end of the song, he said that those on the left were the best. So we began to sing "On a gagné " ("We won") and he said that was just like a football team. But you know, these days, in France, we don't like our football team really much, so we protested ! And he said (this is a summary, not a real translation !) : okay, you know, I can't even play football. When I was a child I was the goalkeeper but the only thing I did was playing with mud. Indeed I made figurines of the other guys who were in the team. They were like voodoo figurines so when the other guys, from the other team, went in front of me I couldn't prevent them from kicking a goal but I was happy since they crushed the mud figurines, which meant they crushed the other guys. But I wasn't able to be a goalkeeper so I got fired. I was really disappointed (that was ironic, as you may have guessed...)


    After that, it was time for "Billy Brown" :mf_rosetinted:


    Thanks so much Florian...

    I had forget that story about football :roftl: and to be honest I didn't understand everything during the gig

    I had forget also the fact that Mika has jumped into the crowd :shocked:


    2 days already...:crybaby::crybaby: and so many days to wait until the next gig....

  8. Translation

    For Rosa who asked for it:teehee:


    (sorry if there's a few bit that i might miss some words... the crowd was loud:naughty:)


    Mka:*talks about the light sticks* It's really impressive... *people cheering* and really beautiful. I'll tell you a story. I've been working with my mom for a long time now. I don't talk abuot her very often. She's paranoiak. Whenever she sees a photographer, she throws her sandwich at him. She's so afraid that everyone might see her. I don't know why.. She's always talking about (sorry, i cant get this part!:aah:). Anyways, we were doing Bercy, but they werent as organized as all of you... *people cheering* It's like im in a Pixar animation! And with 10 000 UFO's in front of me (im not sure thats what he says here:naughty:) And so, we did the first night, and was disappointed. So, as a surprise, my mom left in the morning with the promoters and they bought, we she bought herself, in a store, well in every Paris store, 18 000 glow-in-the-dark bracelets and, well it was almost 30 000 bracelets really, they gave every person 2 bracelets so i could come up on stage and have 18 000 people with color on their arm. And tonight, it wasnt my mom! You did it yourselves and its very impressive. I dont even know why im talking that much! And all my musicians dont understand a thing. Jimmys learning well. He likes that people love him. But seriously, dont be too nice to him. He's like a cat. He wants you to love him and then, when you love him, he bites you!

    *someone screaming in the audience*

    Mika: well, if you want him to bit you... Go ahead... its free... *looks at Jimmy* What are you doing?? *laughs*

    *jimmy doing funny things, people cheering*

    Mika: Be careful, he really can bite the first person... After talking about Jimmy, my friend Billy Brown looks totally... (end of video!) :teehee:


    And merci Francoise pour les vidéos et photos!!!!:wub2:



    Thanks so much Lilstar

    I didn't had time to do it...

    Funny, isn't it? Poor Jimmy....:teehee:


    About his mother, he has say that she always wears pink or blue dresses and this is not very discrete.


    After the 1st trumpet solo, he also insulted Jimmy in french (for joking of course): idiot, bastard, clown face and few other really bad words which I can't write here :naughty: and said at the end: 'I can say whatever I want, he doesn't understand french...' :aah:


    But no video for this one... :tears:

  9. Also found this....






    The live Poupet No. 8: the festival as if you were there


    Mika puts the outdoor theater of Saint-Malo-du-Bois on fire


    Welcome to the Festival of Poupet! All the team of Ouest-France newspaper bends over backwards to help you experience the festival of Poupet, as if you were in the outdoor theater of Saint-Malo-du-Bois.



    The team of Mika arrived Thursday morning, with nearly half past one behind the roadmap. Therefore, the race against the clock was started to unload a semi-trailer equipment. The biggest load of all the dates of the festival! The two large trees, decorative elements of the show, have had trouble finding their place in the forefront. It took up two trice a new bridge at the top of the tent Poupet ... "The team of Mika is very organized with it, it goes straight! "Says a volunteer. The stage equipment is particularly heavy and bulky. "The removal would be a long, breath ahead of one of the linchpins of the festival. Cheers Volunteers! Friday, he will do it again! "



    Major safety briefing as rarely in the corridors of Poupet, with the commissioner and the chairman of the festival. The team of strong men was reinforced: it increases from six to smaller dates, eleven guards! "He will in all corners of the strategic air theater," says the head of SNCS, the security firm commissioned by the festival. Even backstage, the barricades are installed to isolate the star of volunteers and journalists …



    A first for this tour ... Two volunteer seamstresses of the festival were tapped to remove the lining of all costumes of Mika and his band later in the afternoon. Heat when you hold us!



    Jennifer is a fan for almost four years: "I like his style, as he dressed, his universe. It's huge to see Mika in the Grove? A little later, a dozen groupies than fifteen years eat facing the stage, ready to welcome their idols: "We love her eccentric style, her voice, her clothing style and his image. What emerges! "



    It was not easy to know when Mika would enter the outdoor theater ... The environment of the star leaked the information to the maximum. Even volunteers of Poupet wanted to know more. Otherwise, they amused themselves by imagining an arrival of the mad: In a helicopter, balloon, where jet ski? The gambles were open! Results of races is a Megane (Renault's car) that filed the showman at the foot of the outdoor theater of Saint-Malo-du-Bois. Dressed simply in jeans and a T-shirt, he signed three autographs before the service order does sucks backstage, away from view.



    Newton Faulkner, the young prodigy English, launches the first chords of his pop-folk. By the end of his first song, he broke a fingernail. "Oh, okay, it's good for time ...», there, before resuming her set.



    The concert Newton Faulkner not enthusiastic crowds. The public is calm before the British pop-folk (Wrong!!! He really has a good welcome...)



    Volunteers are involved. They must inflate 100 balloons for the show.



    "Bohemian Rhapsody" to finish. The resumption of Queen enchants festival of Poupet.



    Relax! Mika enters. The hit puts people on fire.



    The young Mika is already a veteran of the stage. Colorful costumes, frenetic races, humorous interludes, fantastic scenery, he cooked his recipe itself ... And it works!



    The audience is on fire when Mika is singing Love Today its success. The ecstatic crowd takes up the words by heart




    Mika kills his musicians on stage. They fall like rabbits ... Fictitiously of course!



    Moment of grace. Mika is rarely done. He covers La Solitude, the song of Barbara. Festival-goers are like hanging by a thread. Magic!



    A shower of balloons descends on the theater. Everybody plays to send each of the balls while the song sung by Mika is Lollipop with his falsetto voice. Onstage different atmosphere. the musicians were wearing huge masks skull. Contrast succeeded!



    After nearly two hours of concerts, the show ignited ends. The fans have had their behalf. Relax, take it easy once again to finish.


    Hope the translation is not too weird... A big thanks to Google Translate which helped me to do it fast :naughty:

  10. Here is my report...

    Just came back home, 4am and far too much excited to sleep....:wub2:


    This gig has been my 2nd Mika's gig after Seoul more than 1 month ago and it was totally different because of the venue.


    Only one thing in commun: it was fabulous!!!:swoon::swoon:


    We arrived around 4.30pm and were surprised to see only few people in front of us :boing:


    Newton Faulkner started to sing around 8.20pm for an hour!!! (very good singer BTW, especially his cover of Queen).


    The stage was very small (15m maximum), really too small to put all the stuff. So we had only sunflowers and the inclined stage.

    We had a front row on the right but were a little bit hampered by one of the 2 big trees in front of us which unfortunatly stucked the view on stage.

    Mika and the band arrived on stage after 10pm.


    Mika was perfect as usual, brillant.... :fangurl:

    The venue was totally packed. 3000 people only but really on fire. Everybody sang a lot and the festival staff had the good idea to give light sticks and light key rings to everybody and Mika has really appreciated it (he talked about his mother who bought light straps for the 2nd Bercy's gig in April because it was too dark... :dunno:)


    The small audience (compared with other huge festivals) really created an intimate atmosphere and it made Mika being in excellent mood, very talkative and relaxed. His voice was unreal despite of 3 shows in 3 days and a huge number of gigs this month. I was also stunned again by his energy. This man never looks tired and to be honest I don't how he can be so energetic, so generous when I see his gig's schedule....:aah:


    Mika said that regarding the small audience, he really need us to succeed in this show. He asked for help to place the piano in the middle of the stage.

    He started with Relax and BG and of course we had Kick Ass.

    At the 1st encore, he sang La Solitude and Lollipop and came back for a 2nd encore with GK en french, Any Other World and another Relax.

    The gig last more than 2 hours.


    He also confirmed that after Colmar in august he will not come back to France for a gig before the release of the 3rd album which means in a long long time..... :crybaby:


    Anyway, I went out exhausted but full of glitter and stars in the head. That's the Mika effect....:thumb_yello:


    Pics will follow...

  11. @françoise: je connais d'autres Français qui y vont. Certains sont inscrits ici et d'autres sur un forum français appelé le http://www.mikawebsiteforum.com, viens t'y inscrire ("présentation" puis va dans "concerts" et tu trouveras le festival de Poupet) :wink2: comme ça, tu passeras encore plus de temps devant ton pc :naughty::aah: Bonne journée!



    Bises à toutes les francophones/francophiles!! J'espère que vous allez toutes bien, profitez de vos vacances (moi, je serai en vacances dans 3 jours :biggrin2::biggrin2:). Bonne journée à toutes! :wink2:


    Merci pour l'info macboll:thumb_yello: et bonnes vacances!!!!!

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