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Posts posted by sabela

  1. I'm not saying you can't be disappointed, I was just replying to this


    That's why I said I don't get the point of comparing him with whoever you want. And yeah, some members of his family travel with him but not everyone, but maybe the problem's not just the family, maybe it's constantly being on a plane/train/bus/whatever, maybe it's something else. I don't think you can really call that a regular life even if his family is with him, can you? I understand what you're saying if I think of him as a musician, I understand his latest choices aren't good for his career and are disappointing to his fans, but before being a musician, he's a person and as a person he has the right to seek his own happiness, that's what we all do in life, don't we? Maybe he's perfectly fine with the career he has now and it's just us who think he really cares for his worldwide fame, while he doesn't. He may have chosen to give up on something in order to gain something else he wants more.

    I agree, I think he wants to be closer to family. And although he travel a lot, there is little distance between countries. Mika and family can meet easily. True, his mother travels with him, but not his boyfriend, I don´t know, maybe this is the reason.

  2. Yesterday, Fedez did a tv interview...

    He wasn`t very friendly with Mika...




    Poi Fedez passa a commentare Victoria Cabello e Mika specificando che con nessuno dei due è riuscito a creare un rapporto.


    Con Victoria non c’era alcun rapporto, forse non siamo mai riusciti a comunicare nel modo giusto; Mika invece era troppo star internazionale per pensare di poterci fare amicizia. Sai il giorno prima della gita scolastica quando pensi che sarà tutto fighissimo poi ci vai e non succede un caz**? Ecco, è andata proprio così

    Foto | Facebook Fedez

  3. http://www.elle.it/Showbiz/x-factor-2014-intervista-vincitore-lorenzo-fragola


    Cosa ci dici dei giudici?


    Victoria Cabello è una bella persona, ci ha fatto da mamma, sorella maggiore. Che sia umanamente bella è la prima cosa che salta agli occhi appena la si conosce. Morgan non posso dirlo di averlo conosciuto privatamente, ma è un grande artista e sa quello che fa, nel bene e nel male. Mika ha una vita impegnatissima, è sempre in giro, dovrebbe essere super stressato. Invece è una persona disponibile e anche lui un grande artista. Suonare al piano con lui per un minuto equivale suonare 10 minuti con un altro. Fedez è un amico, ha avuto un bellissimo rapporto con tutti noi: voleva farci fare un percorso, non ci ha mai messo in difficoltà.

  4. -Recently, you have become a friend of the singer Mika, a myth for young people.


    "He was here at my house last week, he is a very smart and cultured guy and we are working together: think to the fact that he asked me a copy of the book "Forgotten Callas" [a book written by Dario Fo and his wife, Franca Rame] for himself and another one for his mother, he is a very sweet person. "


    -But... who is the youngest? (Mika, real name Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. is 31 years old).


    To this question Fo does not respond and simply laughs, suggesting: "Ehh I'd like to... (being the youngest) ... ."


    Thank you!!:wub2:

  5. http://gazzettadimodena.gelocal.it/tempo-libero/2014/11/18/news/l-intervista-a-tu-per-tu-con-dario-fo-1.10333644



    I think Dario Fo, says that he is working with Mika. But I'm not sure..

    Can someone translate that part please?


    Thank you!!:wub2:


    Lei di recente è divenuto amico del cantante Mika, un mito per i giovani.


    «È stato qui a casa mia la settimana scorsa, è un ragazzo molto intelligente e colto e stiamo lavorando insieme: pensi che mi ha chiesto una copia del libro “Una Callas dimenticata” per sé e una per sua mamma, è propria una persona molto dolce».


    Ma di voi due chi è il più giovane? (Mika, vero nome Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr. ha 31 anni, ndr).


    A questa domanda Fo non risponde e si limita a una sonora risata lasciando intendere: «Ehh magari...»."

  6. Here the transcript and the translation:


    From 1: 25


    Il clima fra i giudici, a giudicare dall’atmosfera durante la presentazione della nuova edizione che andrà in onda su Sky Uno, sembra essere quello di una scolaresca in gita.L’armonia pare regnare sovrana e la neo arrivata Vicky ha già inquadrato i giurati, che con le sue ragazze dovrà sfidare:

    Vicky: Morgan è imprevedibile

    Intervistatrice: Fedez?

    V: è molto sicuro

    I: Mika?

    V: Mika è… l’uomo che vorrei avere

    I: addirittura, dichiarazione d’amore!

    V: È una dichiarazione d’amore perché è veramente una persona meravigliosa.Io ho avuto modo di, di conoscerlo meglio….Morgan lo conoscevo già, quindi non lo dico di Morgan anche perché ormai siamo amici di vecchia data e ci vogliamo molto bene, però Mika è stato proprio una bella scoperta.Ma lo sapevo, perché me ne avevano parlato tutti benissimo, quindi avere la possibilità di, appunto, conoscerlo meglio, spente le telecamere, spente le luci e viverlo nella sua vita quotidiana, nella sua semplicità e tutto quanto mi ha… insomma è un amico che, secondo me, indipendentemente dallo show, mi porterò dietro.


    The climate (spirit/mood) between the judges, judging from the atmosphere during the presentation of the new edition, which will be broadcasted on Sky Uno, seems to be that of a schoolchildren on field trip.Harmony seems to reign supreme and the newly arrived Vicky has already assessed (/evaluated) the jurors(/judges), who with her girls she will challenge.

    Vicky: Morgan is unpredictable

    Interviewer: Fedez?

    V: he is very self assured

    I: Mika?

    V: Mika is .. the man that I wish to have

    I: Really! declaration of love!

    V: It’s a declaration of love because he is truly a wonderful person. I've got to, to know him better. ... Morgan, I knew him already, so I don’t say it of Morgan, also because by now we are old friends and we care very much for each other, but Mika was a really nice discovery/ lovely find. But I knew it, because they all had talked to me about him very well, so having the opportunity to, in fact/ precisely, know him better, turned off the cameras, turned off the lights and live him (spend time with him) in his daily life, in his simplicity, and everything to me ... well he’s a friend that, in my opinion, regardless of the show, I will take away/keep with me.


    Thank you!:wub2:

  7. VIDEO by Corriere Tv



    21 ottobre 2014

    X-Factor Live al via e Vicky lancia il suo grido d’amore per Mika


    Al via all’edizione live di XFactor 2014 il prossimo giovedì: 12 concorrenti nuovi di zecca divisi in quattro squadre capitanate da: Fedez, Vicky, Morgan e Mika. Martedì la presentazione nel teatro tenda milanese dal quale andrà in onda la diretta su Sky Uno. Si sono mostrati emozionati i neo arrivati Vicky e Fedez ma, mentre la prima ha ammesso di essere nervosa, il rapper ha ostentato calma. E la ex Vj di Mtv ha confessato: «Sono già innamorata di Mika».









    please ,can anyone translate what Vicky says about Mika?

    Thank you !:wub2:

  8. I've been asked to translate what he said in French during the gig, but I ended up by transcribing all what I got and I eventually translated only the beginning of the french part as it's 2 a.m. , but I think it's pretty simple, so Google translator will do for those who are still interested in the whole french part.



    Guten abend (Goede navond?)

    Good evening


    Netherlands... netherlands's very difficult (nicht so gut?)


    Ok, allez, on fait pas le gars Oh come on, let's not act like children.


    Oh just shut the **** up, I'm gonna speak english

    Talking about division... we might loose Sclotland today

    Ok, that's enough.

    Alors, on n'est pas en tournée, moi je suis en studio en train de terminer un album et franchement je suis assez ravi d'etre là pour me souvenir un peu de mon répertoire, de ce que je fais parce que quand on est en studio on se perd.

    So, I'm not touring, I'm in studio finishing my album, and honestly I'm quite happy to be here so that I can remind my repertoire, what I do, cause when you are in studio you get lost. When I'm in studio I just lose myself completely. But that's it, tonight we're gonna have fun, we're gonna do something different.


    Awww that's really cute! You know? You know you could do...., if you write the lyrics on it it would be really useful, especially like BBB you can write all the lyrics down cause I always forget them. Je suis BBB, merci, c'est très gentil. I'm BBB, thanks, it's kind of you. Ok, j'ai un peu compris, on va avoir un peu une conversation, écrivez vos questions, je vais (les?) répondre. Ok, I got it, we're going to have a kind of conversation, write tour questions, I'll reply to them.


    *little break for me while fangirling on Origin of Love and Relax and Underwater*


    ... les lumières et on crie encore plus fort, un deux, trois! Underwater!


    Il est à qui? (talking about a mobile)


    Allez! Je vous entend pas! (during BBB)

    Ah, ça fait du bien de chanter quelque chose de nouveau, je vous assure. Et dans quelques mois il y en aura beaucoup plus. I'm just saying it's good to be able to sing something that's new and that soon I'll be able to sing a lot more. But for now I'm singing my favourite bits. My favourite bits. Not yours, mine.

    Maybe (he's probably answering a written question) ... oh finally someone is writing something ****ing interesting! You like unicorns! Everybody, watch and learn. That's the kind of sheet (sh.it?) you should writing on your board. She likes unicorns. She doesn't want to get married. She doesn't... Ah, that's the Tenerife. Mika, te queremos des de Tenerife. There's a Mobistar in Tenerife? Yes or no? I see, ah ****, sorry, there goes my deal. Arabe (?) Beirut? Where? Lebanon? Mallorca? Du Maroc! Ah super! (Bosse-bauze-boze ??wtf??)-toi, t'es un peu loin. How about drinks later tonight (sorryyyyyy I'm just guessing here) We'll see


    J'ai oublié les paroles, si vous connaissez les paroles, s'il vous plait, écrivez les paroles sur les panneaux parce que franchement vous fichez avec tous vos questions, j'ai oublié mes paroles!

    [...] Lyrics to Lola, I'm actually not kidding. You're not helping me! I haven't sung this song live in about a year and you're not helping me, you're in the front, ****ing help! You have phones, look up at the lyrics, whoever looks up at the lyrics and gives me the fucling lyrics can spend the rest of the gig sitting on the side of the stage


    *Ok, that's funny, you don't remember Lola lyrics, haha. Omg now it's getting worse, now I feel in distress like I was the one on stage. Oh, brilliant. A mobile will save us both... Thank God Rain is coming, this will relax me, everything will be fine :shocked: I might be a bit oversensitive*



    Alors, premièrement je dois dire qu' il ya de nouveaux gens sur la scène ce soir... I can't breathe. I've forgotten everything tonight. I think I'm getting old. This is what happens when you fly... go into many airplanes. It's like being in a microwave for too long. Well, it might be in a microwave at all, not for too long. I think it cooks your brain. You come out more stupid every time. You get off the plane like "that was a nice flight". That's what I was saying to me, I was getting stupider. Yeah, that's when you were supposed to go "Nooo" but you were like "yeah". **** you. I'm sorry little girl. I'm not a good influence. And everytime I swear, your ears are right next into that speaker... and mother's like... it's not my fault, it's the plane, it's cooking my brain like a microwave. We have two people on the stage tonight and this is the first of all we play together. Ladies and gentlemen, they are very brave to be doing this gig tonight and without them we wouldn't have been able to do it. Please put your hands up


    The Lady who won't shut up is the incredibly talented Joy! The man who hides in the back is the fierce Tim. The other man with the guitar in his hand but with hair on his head is Curtis. The man who's only been playing once before with us, who's been impeccable, we couldn't have done the gig without him is Matt. And finally on the base, the man who's never ever played before with us is Pete.

    So apparently we have to leave. If I see another "one" pointed at me, I don't know what I would do. But apparently I'm only allowed to do "one" more. Seulement encore une chanson, sinon c'est.... hugh. Ah! I waisted too much ****ing time on all those songs I didn't know. From now on Lola will be called Llllleullfgqghqgqhq.






    And here's some lyrics he embellished a little:


    - she's the meanest bitch that has ever been

    - walk out the ****ing door

    - then Bily Brown did too much with another man

    - ehm Lola lalalalala mmmmhh mhh mh not ****ing helping :biggrin2:

    - elle me dit dance, mais moi je ne veux pas dancer, meme maintenant je déteste dancer. J'ai deux pieds gauches et deux pieds de droite et mes quattre pattes ne veulent pas dancer. Allez [???...], non moi je ne veux pas dancer, meme dans la messe à Los Angeles moi je veux pas dancer. Meme au dentiste qui me chier je veux pas dancer. Meme quand je suis un con sur la scène, non, moi je ne veux pas dancer. Elle me dit dance dance dance mais moi je sais pas dancer.

    - Carolina sits on 95, with (one dollar?) gonna make you smile. Hey girl, you tease but you don't carry on is it cause you like your mother even though she's gone? Where you gonna love today? You're gonna love my way, I'm gonna make you love today, I'm gonna make you love my way and even if you need (a lot ?), you're gonna love today. I'm all you got here, are these little words

    - I went walking in with my mama one day, when she warned me what people say. Live your life until love is found cause love's gonna get you down. Now take a look at that girl next door, she's a player and a down right whore. She wears sunscreen but she wants more. Oh love's gonna get you down. Troppe caramelle ti fanno male e l'amore ti deluderà.


    Thank you!!!:wub2::bow::bow::bow::bow:

  9. Same issues here, the thing is... I think I didn't like it....

    I need to watch it again, just to be sure, but the YT vid already got removed.

    I was wondering what he meant when saying that the album will be summerish and sunny cause he wrote it very quickly...

    Summerish is different from sketchy, right? :aah:

    Anyway, I enjoyed what I was able to watch, I laughed at his faces while some parts of his old vids got played (why that face???), I learned a new small story about Relax, and it was nice altogether. And of course, they ran through his story as usual. I'll watch it again while working for the subtitles, so I'll get all the jokes I missed because of my internet issues. I want to see that guy kidding about MJ as well.

    But baby seals are the best. Except for mommy. Mommy seal was beyond fat. She was more like a painted giant ball <3


    Elwendin I appreciate all the translation work you're doing.

    Please, when you have the translation done, can you write the translation in a message?

    If the translation is in the subtitles I can´t use google translator to translate what you write in another language, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian ...

    The substitle are fine for the english-speaking, but if written without the video I can traslate in other languages.


    If you can do that, I thank you so much, but I understand that I ask too much. You work a lot in translation.


    Sorry for my english, I write badly. :doh:

    Elwendin, thanks for your time, thank you,thank you!:wub2:

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