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Everything posted by spoony33

  1. Aw, you're so sweet! I hope you recover fully soon! :)

  2. I meant Now instead of Not! Typing too fast!

  3. Haha! Its only because we haven't seen a lot of our family in years and not that my mum is able to travel! Thanks, I hope I do! You enjoy your time in France. My throat is a lot better, its just a bit tender at times! How's the PMD?

  4. Luck you! I'm going to Norway on the 17th for 2 weeks then on the 1st of August I go to New Zealand for 2 weeks. Then to NY on the 23rd for a week! I'm really excited about it!

  5. Hey! How's things? :)

  6. No problem! Thanks for accepting! So how's you?

  7. Same, I've lived in NY! Well, hopefully you'll get to go! I was wanting to go too! I love shopping too! Well, I've lived in 7 different countries! France, UK, New Zealand, Italy, Norway, USA, Japan! It's because of my dads job!

  8. Ah, that must have been annoying! I hate it when you lose things or cant find something, it drives me nuts! :) At least you dont have long to wait. How long are you off for? I'm going to see some family in New Zealand and Norway and then I've got a girly weekend in New York! I'm so excited! Are you going to see Mika this year? Will you be doing a lot of shopping in London?

  9. Are you on your summer holidays? :)

    Are you going anywhere special? :wink2:

  10. Me too! :teehee: Same and Haha! At least she is realizing how good he is, only if my family could! Aw I love that sooooo much, I think I might go and watch that too! :biggrin2: Well, I go back on the 2nd of September, so about 2 months! What about you? Are you going anywhere this summer? :teehee:

  11. Its lashing down with rain here. I don't mind the rain that much, i just hate it when its too hot, it just makes me annoyed. Thats the same with my brothers! They think i'm so weird but its just them, they don't know what they are missing! My days been good, I got my summer holidays on Saturday! I made some cupcakes today because I was bored and because of the rain. How about you?

  12. Yeah i hate it when the weather is like that. There was a huge thunderstorm here in Paris at the weekend but its getting better. Ooh, where does you sister stay? It was good fun, thanks! Yeah the football is just too boring for me! I went out shopping yesterday and bought some summer dresses! But it was so hard finding some shops open on a Sunday!

  13. Salut! Tu m'as tellement manqué! Je vais bien, merci et toi? Quoi de neuf? J'aimerais être un artiste un jour et oui, ce serait agréable de vous. il y avait un mauvais orage à le weekend mais il s'améliore. Oui, J'ai obtenu mes vacances d'été le samedi. Allez-vous en vacances cette année? À bientôt :)

  14. Most of them aren't and I had to travel into the city to find some. The mall at the Carrousel du Louvre was open and I got some things there. Lots more shops are open on the Sundays leading up to Christmas. It can be annoying sometimes, but its tradition for the non-food shops to be closed for church!

    Aw, that's good!

  15. Cool! Mine has been good! I went shopping and bought some summer dresses and got fitted for a bridesmaids dress. My bother is getting married next month. How's the PMD?

  16. Hello! How has your weekend been?

  17. How's your weekend been?

  18. I think I will! yeah, i'm going to be busy but I've got two months off so I should fit it all in! I hope you enjoy your holiday in France too! Did they, Lucky them! I suppose they will be going back soon? I really love the pictures you took in eden, the're absolutely brilliant!

  19. Hello! Hows you? I got my summer holidays today, woo hoo!

    When does the kinds in Ireland get theirs?

    I'm going on holiday to Norway and New Zealand soon to see some family and i'm really excited! I've also got my week in NY! I can't wait!

    The weather here today was pretty bad, its been a huge thunderstorm most of the day!

  20. My weekend is going well, we're having a BBQ for the World Cup, even though I don't like football! I'm going shoping tomorrow too! What about yours?

  21. Aw, thank you so much! You're so nice and you too!

  22. Ooh, sounds fun! I'm going to see Mika twice in July, once in Nimes and Bayonne! I'm also going to Norway and New Zealand to see family and I've got a girly weekend in NY too!

  23. Yeah, its always so hard to see and everyone! Thanks, she had a stroke and a heart attack last year and we had to live in Scotland for a year so she could get specialist treatment! But she is on the mend now! :) Well done, That's amazing! Yeah me too! I get my holidays today so school is going to a lazy one probably playing games!

  24. Hey, good luck with your exams and have fun at the gig!

  25. Thanks, me too! Yeah, it was a little too hot for me! Yeah i'll easily tell you what its like because weather reports on the internet aren't always that reliable!

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