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Status Updates posted by kaisam

  1. Päris hea oli, kuigi 19 tundub juba nii vana.

  2. haha.. we wrote the same thing on the horoscope thread:D

  3. Hei:)

    Koolis on raske periood läbi ja nüüd on palju aega rääkimiseks. Ehk vahetaks msn-e?

  4. ma lähen ka ära magama..

    Ilusaid unenägusid:)

  5. Ei ole. Tartus asun hetkel.

  6. 11.klass. Kool on julm:D

    Ma vaatan, vb nädalavahetusel jääb aega. Kaua ma ikka õpin.

  7. Hetkel kahjuks ei saa, sest mul on koolis arvestuste nädal tulemas ja vaevalt saab arvutissegi, aga kui see läbi saab, siis oleks tore küll :)

  8. Sry, et mul nii kaua aega läks, et vastata.

    Tutvusi on alati vaja;)

  9. wow... that's far away:D

    I'm from Estonia. Have you heard of it?

  10. Happy new year to you too :)

    Where are you from?

  11. Heya!!

    Thanks for the add:)

  12. oi.. seda parem;)

  13. sry.. topeltpost

  14. väga tore:)

    pärast kontserti on see koht lõpuks eesti fännidega täituma hakanud

  15. Hello and welcome to MFC!

    Are you from Estonia?

  16. I uploaded it to yfrog. That's the only place I could find, which actually lets me upload it:/ Anyway, you can see it here: http://yfrog.com/9f12345z

    I guess, this site doesn't let you to download the video.If you want it, you can tell other place to send it. I don't really get these kind of sites:sad:

  17. that's okay. i have an ability to stay invisible:D

  18. i'm uploading the video.It'll take a lot of time.

    I was the one with pinkish tutu and yellow top.

  19. Is it you?:D

    I filmed a bit of meet&greet. I'm not gonna upload the video, because it was with very poor quality. It was really dark, but someone did a photo with flash at this time, so it's the only thing in the video, which I can see.

  20. I read you were also at meet&greet in Riga. Just saw you on myspace and kind of recognized in my video. So.. if it you i think you'd like to see it;)



  21. that's too bad..i'm going to Tallinn, but I'm only 17, so no car either. I'm coming to Riga with my friend and we don't know yet, how we're coming. But if you really want to go, there's a bus going between Riga-Tallinn. it would be really easy to go;)

  22. Can't you go alone, when you have a car?

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