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Posts posted by Littlelady

  1. His drawing is just as wonderful as his music. And the quote: "Before you judge me, try hard to love me, look within your heart then ask, have you seen my childhood." is just heartbreaking. He was a hurt man. Now I really wanna read his books.


    You will love them:wink2:

  2. Yes I have those books and I absolutely love Dancing The Dream and reading his beautiful poems and stories. My favorites are the ones he wrote about animals being mistreated, they always make me cry. He was also great at drawing which some people don't know. Here's one of his drawings of himself as a lonely child:



    And here's one of his stories from Dancing the Dream:




    One of the most touching nature photographs is of a baby fur seal lying on the ice alone. I’m sure you have seen it — the picture seems to be all eyes, the trusting dark eyes of a small animal gazing up at the camera and into your heart. When I first looked at them, the eyes asked, “Are you going to hurt me?” I knew the answer was yes, because thousands of baby seals were being killed every year.

    Many people were touched by one baby seal’s helplessness. They gave money to save the seals, and public awareness started to shift. As I returned to the picture, those two wide eyes began to say something different. Now they asked, “Do you know me?” This time I didn’t feel so much heartache as when I felt the violence man inflicts upon animals. But I realized that there was still a big gap. How much did I really know about life on earth? What responsibility did I feel for creatures outside my little space? How could I lead my life so that every cell of living matter was also benefited?


    Everyone who began to wonder about these things found, I think, that their feelings were shifting away from fear toward more closeness with life as a whole. The beauty and wonder of life began to seem very personal; the possibility of making the planet a garden for all of us to grow in began to dawn. I looked into the eyes of the baby seal, and for the first time they smiled. “Thank you,” they said. “You have given me hope.”


    Is that enough? Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed. The image of one baby seal alone on the ice or one baby girl orphaned in war is still frightening in its helplessness. I realized that nothing would finally save life on earth but trust in life itself, in its power to heal, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us back when we learn to correct those mistakes.


    With these thoughts in my heart, I looked at the picture again. The seal’s eyes seemed much deeper now, and I saw something in them that I had missed before: unconquerable strength. “You have not hurt me,” they said. “I am not one baby alone. I am life, and life can never be killed. It is the power that brought me forth from the emptiness of space; it cared for me and nourished my existence against all dangers. I am safe because I am that power. And so are you. Be with me, and let us feel the power of life together, as one creature here on earth.”


    Baby seal, forgive us. Look at us again and again to see how we are doing. Those men who raise their clubs over you are also fathers and brothers and sons. They have loved and cared for others. One day they will extend that love to you. Be sure of it and trust.


    Many of Michael's poems were about innocence, love and healing the world. I think he could relate to children and animals in distress because he was being treated similarly his entire life ever since he was a young boy. I know that all he ever wanted was to be loved. That's what he said many times. He wanted to be the greatest performer on the planet so people would love him but instead they raised their clubs like he wrote in that poem and tried to destroy him. I really believe that he was sent here for a reason; To show how cruel and judgemental mankind really are.



    I agree to you. He was something special and I miss him.l Here are special people, too:huglove:

  3. Hm, by the way. Have anyone of you read Michael Jacksons books? I don't mean biographies I talk about Moonwalk and Dancing the dream. He wrote wonderful stories and poems. One of my fave title is called the thirsty fish, the other animals there don't understand how a fish can be thirsty because there is so many water around him. Or the poem dedicated to Ryan White( for whom is also written Gone too soon) the boy who died on AIDS. So sensitive and it always makes me cry:tears:

  4. I will never forget Michael Jackson. In my opinion he was great musician and man! I will never forget the gigs where I have been. It is so sad who does it all end:rip_1: I don't believe that he was guilty but so or so he was broken man and I don't know if he really has been happy in his life. He touches me in a very special way and was sure it would happen a second time but than came Mika. Also their musician style are very different they have some things in common. both are full of talent, give all on stage. Both have something childish, would like to be Peter Pan, love elemetry things and are very sensitive. Both have their individual clothing-style, have many fans but also haters. Jacko was a world star, don't know if Mika would ever be but also the world loves him. Hope it will never hapen to him waht was Jackos destiny; GONE TOO SOON

  5. love that song. Usually chips contain something that you can't stop eating it and Live your Life contains something you can't stop listening to it:naughty:( its Mika like). And I keep on hoping that also German radio stations will not stop playing it but first theey have to start with it. That ignorance makes me:blowup:

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