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Littlelady last won the day on April 29 2015

Littlelady had the most liked content!


734 Excellent

About Littlelady

  • Birthday 10/23/1970


  • Bio
    I't wasn't an illusion!

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    Frauke Burkhardt
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    Frauke Burkhardt
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  • Gender
  • Location -
    Bochum, Germany
  • Occupation
    Digitalization of books, dias, postcards, author
  • Interests
    Writting, animals,music, walking

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  1. Hi @SirPumpkin, welcome to MFC.. Yes, Straßbourg was a great gig. Where from Germany do you come from? I:m from Bochum(Ruhrgebiet)
  2. Wollte einfach mall hallo sagen und ich freue mich soooooooo auf Bonn. Eine meiner Schwestern, sie ist auch im Forum angemeldet, aber hat nicht wirklich Zeit dafür und meine Nichte, die mit in Paris war, kommt auch wieder mit . . Wann lauft ihr so auf? Da ich mich nach meiner Fahrerin richten muss, sind wir nicht in der Queue, aber den einen oder andren werde ich hoffentlich trotzdem sehen. Schwetzingen kann ich leider nicht machen, da mein Schwager an dem Tag Musicalprämiere in Köln hat. LG an alle hier
  3. Hi, welcome, greetings from Germany
  4. Hi, I:m still on my Mika cloud and also a bit tired( not of Mika). I have been to Straßbourg, Amsterdam, Brussels and Berlin. All shows were great but Berlin has a special place in my heart cause he has been away from Germany soo long and even I travelled if possibble I was filled with special happiness. The whole athmosphere through the gig was terrific and I was soo happy Mika liked our gift so much( thanks to all for their work an time.) Before the show I talked to some other fans which I know and was lucky to meet them again( some after years) I also talked to some young people who took notice about Mika during ESC and Berlin was their first gig- I wish it has been possible to ask them about their exprssions, feelings after the show. Thanks for your great pics and videos of the show, they are amazing. I filmed less during the concert, just enjoyed my good place near the stage and tried my best to dance and sing. I will not only miss a week with wonderful gigs also the lovely people arround me which made it happen. People who know me deeper know that it is not easy for me sometimes even things are better now. Thanks to all, love you soo much And please dear Mika you made a promise.., I promise I will support you in future as well as good as possible
  5. welcome and enjoy MFC
  6. Back from a week full of emotions, lovely people and three great Mika Gigs in Amsterdam, Brussels and BERLIN, thanks to all who made it happen 

    1. silver


      Glad you had such a good time

  7. auf jeden Fall, wobei ich so auf Köln gehofft habe, egal, endlich
  8. Hi Franzi, welcome, woher kommst du? Freuen uns über deutschen Zuwachs, du bist also auch in Berlin?
  9. Hello, I:m not really new but have not been here for a long time. I had problems with my twitter and instagram acounts as well, have to open new ones. and so I lost my followers from MFC. A few words about me. I am a 52 years old woman from Germany. My name is Frauke which means Littlelady, so I took that nickname. I love animals, espc horses, cats and dogs. I also write books, love music , singing and walking. I am working in my hometowns archive. How I discoverd Mika? I like his music since 2007 but had not made thoughts, better said not the right about the person behind ( so sorry Mika) Also I did not take the chance to see him live as I get it, or to join a fanclub. Dunno how to say in English, in German I would say: Könnte ich mir heute noch für in den Arsch beißen. However, in 2010 I saw him the first time live in Düsseldorf and then all was over. He caught me totally. A few weeks later I became a member of MFC but it took a while til I have more contact with members or could travel to the concerts. Now I have been to some , sadly not as much as other members cause it is difficult to save enough money and I also my health problems are not helpful to realize. But I enjoyed each gig. I hope it will be possible for me again, even I dont know when
  10. I'm looking forward to the publishing of the new songs
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