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Posts posted by stéph2222

  1. It was soooo rainy and muddy and cold but after Mika started I forgot it all :blush-anim-cl: Loved the show, he did great and didn't even look much tired, don't know how he does it! The stage looked awesome with big symbols, the lights were clear and pretty, loved especially Popular with pink lights (sorry, can't not notice details like this, lol). Will upload some pics later, not sure how my vids turned out. I was worried the whole show that he will come down from the stage and he did in the end and fell because it was so muddy but looked okay and they ended the show looking really cheerful and hugging and carrying each other. Lovely people :wub2: Confetti fit perfectly, i hope i got some nice pics of it. Well worth traveling :wub2:


    oh Nina I was happy to be there with you

    sorry, I don't speak enough because of my poor english

    hope you don't hear me too much on your vid :fisch:


    It was an amazing show :wub2:

  2. Hi!


    Indeed, it's what I've been told as well...


    People were contacted last Friday ad had to answer if they were going or not.


    As I'm not a regular customer, I had no hope to be choosen :overreact:


    As I live not far from Brussels, I might just go and see what's gonna happen there...


    Who knows: entering (just dreaming :pray:) or just see him at the end of the showcase :fangurl:


    Does anybody knows if some of the Belgian MFC'ers are going to attend the show?


    See you!


    does anyone know what time does the showcase? I live in the north of France and I said that if I do not work I would like to just wait to see him...:fisch:

  3. Salut Deb!


    Eh oui je viens de temps en temps par ici prendre la température et quelques nouvelles fraîches! :sneaky2:


    J'admire ta performance, j'aurais adoré être à ta place mais je me serais sûrement liquéfiée en voyant le public! :teehee:


    J'ai eu droit à un Mikamoment sympa le mois dernier à Bordeaux. Ca faisait très longtemps que ça n'était pas arrivé et j'avais peur que Mika m'ait oubliée, mais non! On a enchangé quelques mots et il m'a trouvé bonne mine, bref le gentil garçon dont je me souvenais... :wub2:


    Tout va bien pour moi, j'ai déménagé dans le Sud-ouest pour démarrer une nouvelle vie et je poursuis ma rééducation. Ca va de mieux en mieux même si je ne suis plus comme avant. Dommage que Mika ne tourne pas plus dans ma région, dans l'Est j'avais plein de concerts à portée de main, ici il faut faire des kilomètres pour le voir et je ne peux pas encore voyager. Heureusement nous avons de quoi l'attirer : Doriand et du bon vin!!! :fisch:


    contente d'avoir de bonnes nouvelles de ta part (ah les mikamoments...y'a rien de tel!!)


    je vous souhaite à tous de très bonnes fêtes de fin d'année!!!!!

  4. nina and me were SO lucky yesterday! we only arrived at 7 because nina wasn't in london earlier, and i was supposed to be but my bus from manchester was stuck in traffic so it took 2 hours longer. anyway we asked a few people whether they had spare tickets/places (like teresa and the others had done before), but it was only few arriving at that time and they didn't have any. and then the doors were closed and no one got in anymore. we went round to the backstage entrance, thought everyone would be inside already because everything was quiet and were just wondering whether to go in a café, when suddenly mika arrived! :shocked: him and max and tim in a van. he said he doesn't know whether he can get us in because he had already got 3 people in (the french girls who had met him in the afternoon when he was at the soundcheck), but told us to wait a few minutes and *maybe* someone will come to get us... but we didn't have to wait, he had just gone inside when one of the crew guys there told us to follow him. it was awesome! :wub2:

    gotta leave now, will write more when i have time. :wink2:


    you're lucky :thumb_yello:


    thanks for celebrate and lenon's song


    can't wait for vid :mf_rosetinted:

  5. He is such a sweet popstar :wub2: I was in the choir too! Everyone knows I'm not a good singer but they needed one more member and Tim said "it will be fine don't worry" and I promised to do my best dancing and opening my mouth :teehee: I always thought Tim is gorgeous but he is really nice and sweet too and the whole band was incredibly kind. And we did a little bit rehearsing and suddenly Mika was there, wearing jeans and a blue sweater and with sleepy hair (:wub2:) and not shaved (:wub2:) and I thought oh well yes it's worth it. And a bit later he told me to go closer to the microphone and I did a hand move explaining my missing talent and suddenly he realized my point and laughed so much (:wub2:) and it was so totally worth it.


    Everyone in the choir was really nice and we had a lot fun and I did my best dancing etc even I wasn't sure what to do. Eight songs!!! We were also on stage during Toy Boy even it wasn't a choir song and I could just stare him and sigh, it was lovely (:wub2:) Afterwards he forgot us but Mama P had told him the choir is still there and he came in and joked with us for a while and signed and took individual pics, and we all got lovely pics except I closed my eyes when he put his arm around me but he was smiling in a lovely way (:swoon:) so I'm so pleased. We took another pic and he is staring at the camera and I look bored, but still, it's my first individual pic with Mika!!!!! How cool is that?! And he knew my name!!!! At least I think he mentioned it (and I wasn't sure he can remember names, so it warmed my heart).


    I have all our photos in my camera but I can't see the emails (I took a photo of them) but don't worry, I will find out and I will send everyone their pics. Will do it tomorrow, my plane is leaving soon and I'm leaving to the airport in on hour (and I need to pack etc).


    What a wonderful night, thanks to everyone for being so kind! We met Mama P and she was so super sweet and kind as always and gave some good advices and the crew was fab as always. The gig was hard to Mika, but I hope there were some other reasons than the bad choir too. The audience was great, imo.


    This is the end of this little fangirl report. I'm really tired and I don't have any time to sleep.


    Oh Nina I'm very happy for you

    being on the choir is the most beautifull think for a fan


    happy - happy - happy

  6. I didn't expect to be on this show but I want more Mika before being on the choir so I came to bruxelles (thanks to miek for tickets :thumb_yello:)


    This show was amazing and I loved how he was dress


    I love the Only love you when I'm drunk video from the stage


    thanks for all pics and vid


    thanks for bag with ballons, Mika loved it :fisch:


    all my pics are on my facebook but they are not good :blink:

  7. bon aller je me lance

    ce show a roubaix a été pour moi une aventure inoubliable


    contre toute attente, j'ai reçu un mail de la part de la MIKA TEAM m'annonçant que j'avais été choisie pour faire partie de la polka dot choir




    mon rêve se réalisait donc


    je suis arrivée très tôt à Roubaix et nous avons été prises en charge par Tim (le guitariste) et très vite nous avons commencé les répétitions. Il était là avec sa guitare et nous faisait chanter les passages durant lesquels nous intervenions. Joy et Max nous ont rejoins et n'ont cessé de nous applaudir et nous encourager.


    puis ils sont allés répéter avec Mika. ensuite on est venu nous chercher pour aller les rejoindre



    Mika était là, sur scène en train de répéter avec ses musiciens :wub2:

    on nous a installé, réglé nos micros et on a commencé à répéter Popular avec Mika qui nous observait et réajustait nos micro :wub2:


    nous sommes ensuite revenu dans notre loge, nous avons reçu les consignes des moments ou nous intervenions et la maman de Mika nous a distribué nos tenues


    dans les couloirs, il y avait Doriand avec qui nous avons beaucoup parlé


    au moment de partir pour la scène, Mika est venu à notre loge, nous à tous salué en nous demandant nos prénom et a dit "tout ce que je vous demande c'est de vous amuser!!!", il a croisé les doigts, on lui a dit merde et nous nous sommes tous dirigés vers la scène


    le show était fantastique

    j'ai adoré être sur scène avec Mika, j'en ai pris plein les yeux et j'ai d'adorables souvenirs

    j'aurais souhaité que ça ne s'arrête jamais


    à la fin Mika est revenu nous voir dans notre loge, il nous a félicité, on a fait des photos avec lui mais aussi avec Doriand et les musiciens

    Tous étaient super sympas et étaient content de passer ces moments avec nous














  8. Being part of the Choir was such an amazing experience! Met amazing fans, Tim, Joy and Curtis were real sweethearts and we got to see the MAN himself doing soundcheck for half an hour - almost as a private gig! :naughty: the show itself was amazing, very emotional, Mika at his best! I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to be a part of it. More details to come as soon as I get home! :thumb_yello:


    nothing more to add, it was magical to be part of the choir

    I have stardust in my eyes, I have the sun in my life :wub2:

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