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Posts posted by Cherisse

  1. DOAMNE, nu imi vine sa cred ce frumoasa de scena de la Compiegne :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:. E extremely dreamlike si sincer, nu mai am rabdare pana nu o sa apara ceva videos. Sunt asa de fericita ca a ales stilul asta pentru cel putin un concert (desi, sper sa continue cu settingul asta, e superb) :wub2:


    And then he appeared for Relax, looking really contented, not tired at all. It was a good sign, for sure. One of the girls standing behind us made a remark in Hungarian: „OMG How can he look sooooo good?” :roftl:During the first three songs there were tons of photographers around and they did bother me a lot, but it is part of the routine, I shouldn’t complain. Mika was in a really good form, you could feel it right from the beginning and the crowd was really supportive of him – something I would have never imagined before. In fact, we earlier thought we might need to shake up the audience a bit with some special effect, so we decided to bring some bubble blowers. The idea did work, even though it was only a few of us with the device and all on the right hand side of the stage. The most important thing was, however, that the Hungarian audience did really well on Happy Ending – with or without the bubbles. Basically, when they heard the first chord of the song they sang the whole chorus. :wub2: It felt like such a genuine reaction of an audience to a song and I was really pleased to experience that in my country. Although the songs from LICM are often heard in films and tv programmes here (just hardly ever on the radio), Mika is not well-known in Hungary, so I was surprised how these younglings were so much into this song… I can absolutely see where it is coming from though: Happy Ending was always played as the last song of X-factor last autumn/winter and although many people may not even know it is Mika singing it, they know and love the song itself.



    OH YES, I know what you're saying when it comes to gig photographers. They kind of pissed me off at the B'estfest gig just because they were all over the place and sitting in the front row got even worse than sitting in the back of the audience with all of them around :roftl: No, but really.


    Thank you for the report, you did a great job and you were fast after one night of dancing and jumping around :biggrin2: !!


    PS, take your time and write about the M&G whenever you feel like doing it! I'm really curious how that went though.

  3. Familie numeroasa and jazz, ce tare suna asta :roftl: Adevarul e ca vine dintr-o familie superba, si asta mi-ar placea sa isi creeze la randul lui.. Cand vad poze cu Pennimans am goosebumps.. sunt asa frumosi impreuna, si asa fericiti.. :blush-anim-cl:


    Exactly what I'm talking about! Sunt incredibili :wub2:

  4. HUH?? Face it Diana, you're just jealous cause I'm gonna marry Mika one day :freak:




    HA! Deci nu sunt singura care si-l imagineaza tata, cu o familie asaaa, traditionala :wub2: Cred ca o sa aiba cei mai frumosi si mai fericiti copii, si o sa se transforme intr-un fel de super-hot thing si in acelasi timp genul wise-reliable, practic un barbat perfect. Wake up, Daria. You're freaking people out. :mf_rosetinted:


    :roftl: No but really! I don't really care about his labels rejection and stuff, nu ma prea intereseaza, dar tot ce as vrea de la el ar fi sa aiba copii, doar pentru ca sunt sigura ca ar fi un tata excelent. Mai ales dupa environmentul din care provine, cu o familie numeroasa and jazz. He'd make a great one :biggrin2:.

  5. important e sa ii placa lui, nu noua:blink: nu stiu ce treaba am avea noi cu persoana cu care-si va petrece restul vietii :aah: si sincer, i'm sooo tired of those girls who still think they're gonna marry Mika at some point in their lives:mf_rosetinted:


    GOOD JOB SAYING THAT, GIRL. Deci dupa cum iti spuneam ieri, I just want to see him having a big ass family with kids running around him pentru ca I do believe ca ar fi un tata EXTRAORDINAR. I mean it. Deci chiar ma mananca asteptarea momentului in care il voi vedea la casa lui :wub2::wub2:. If you ask me, let that be Ida :mf_lustslow:.

  6. App de faza cu orientarea sexuala, nu pot sa imi scot din minte faza de aseara de la NRJ. :aah: Nu stiu daca ati ascultat tot.. Basically, o fana l-a intrebat la cati ani s-a sarutat prima oara... A povestit el, fara sa zica de ce GEN era persoana cu care s-a sarutat, logic :mf_rosetinted: Nu avea nici 15 ani, si din cate stiu eu, primele lui loves au fost fete, deci cred ca despre asta era vorba..

    Urmatorul telefon a fost de la un tip cu o voce SUPER creepy, care a inceput sa ii zica lui Mika tot felul de chestii random de genu "te-am vazut intr-un bar, cu cineva, blabla.. Dar am ramas :shocked: cand Meeks al nostru a zis ceva de genu "tu erai persoana cu care m-am sarutat prima oara, dar miroseai ca naiba, aveai cosuri si mi-ai taiat limba cu aparatul tau dentar, de-asta nu te-am mai sunat.. Toata lumea era :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: Cred ca numai eu nu m-am obisnuit inca cu side-ul asta pervers si chiar grose a lui mika :doh:


    Random post over :aah:


    WHAAAT :roftl::roftl: NU POT SA CRED CA AM RATAT

  7. Alle, Vanessa a zis deja tot ce am vrut sa spun si eu :roftl: Genial site-ul. :fro: Pt ca erau asa multe moods am dat totusi cu banul, ca eu n-aveam niciun mood specific right now, si am ajuns pe Vintage. pana acum nu regret :thumb_yello:


    Merci pt site nu stiam de ei !Nici nu stiu care mood sa aleg :naughty::roftl:


    yep, chiar e brilliant! keep listening :naughty:

  8. I also recommend SmartFm,Goldfm and Radio Guerrilla :thumb_yello:


    Europa FM merge all day long la radio in bucatarie, dar pe aici ascult almost all the time stereomood.com. Poti sa dai de unele piese absolut amazing daca ai rabdare sa cauti/asculti ce iti dau ei :naughty:

  9. you've said it, girl :thumb_yello:...


    pe alte thread-uri se vorbeste de o incercare de a ne reuni fortele si, prin tweeter, sa determinam radiourile sa difuzeze elle me dit...ceea ce la noi in tara e clar IMPOSIBIL tocmai din cauza acestor posturi pomenite de tine, vanessa :sneaky2:...nici nu stiu if it's worth trying:blink:


    LET'S TRY!! Oare daca am incerca sa le lasam linkuri cu piesa pe Facebook sau alte locuri, nu ne-ar baga in seama? :roftl: I mean, toate raspunsurile vor fi "NU" pana nu incercam, isn't it? :mf_rosetinted:

  10. HOLY SH*T.:wub2::wub2:




    Eu am feeling-ul ala ca se va intoarce pe plaiuri mioritice, la fel cum l-am avut si dupa concertul de la Mamaia si nu am gresit:mf_rosetinted::wub2: Anyway, eu, Daria si Sonia am experimentat concertul din mai multe perspective si unghiuri(front row,partea dreapta a scenei cu mai putini oameni,spatele scenei si PE scena) si vreau sa spun ca the overall vibe a fost ceva de genul :mf_lustslow::punk::woot_jump::dance_man:.


    anul trecut cand eram cu my time's lollipops in partea dreapta a scenei oamenii erau ceva in genul "who the **** is this man and why the **** are these girls going crazy? :boxed:" but yeaaaah :blush-anim-cl:. Cred ca totusi la B'estfest (I mean, B fest) si-or mai intrat in atmosfera romanii nostrii :mf_rosetinted:.

  11. AAAAAAAA,am uitat,felicitari pentru toate care ati fost pe scena,sunteti tari,eu cred ca nu puteam sa fac un pas..:emot-sad:.Cica au fost vreo 7000 de oameni dar tot mi se pare putin,e MIKA totusi.Cand ma uit la PDP visez ca va fi si la noi asa un gig(poate cu noul album).Cred ca la Compiegne va fi BIG,francezii stiu sa aprecieze.Ok,deci front row&scream,o sa tin minte:thumb_yello:


    yeah, francezii stiu sa aprecieze way more decat noi cand vine vorba de Mika-related stuff. DAAR, trebuie sa recunoastem ca si el pune accentul pe Franta si Anglia waaay more decat pe restul tarilor europene, mai ales est europene. Deci daca oameni astia au platit biletul ala si au fost 7,000 de persoane in mijlocul campului si au stat sa il vada pana la ora aia, bravo lor. Sincer, sunt super multumita de neamul nostru in cazul asta :roftl:

  12. Here is a pic of my husband, he looks and dresses just like Mika, he always gets stopped in the street and people ask him for autographs, he hates it, he's a little bit shorter than Mika, he's 6ft 2..





    OH YEAH, funny :roftl: that's Meeks all the way, look at his birthmarks on the neck!

  13. Vorbesti serios ca nu a ajuns trending topic anul trecut?? :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: Nuuu, chiar trebuie sa facem ceva memorabil, ca doar o data implineste "sefu" (vorba dianei :roftl: ) 28 de ani!! :mf_rosetinted:


    Mda, nu a iesit nimic :roftl: faza e ca eram aproximativ 100 de persoane care tweetuiau toate in prostie si defapt trebuie sa fim undeva over 1,000, nu neaparat sa tweetuim de 100 de ori fiecare :teehee:. DAR DA, we have to GET IT GOING anul asta. We realllllllyyyy do :mf_rosetinted:.

  14. Anul asta trebuie sa facem something big de ziua lui :dance_man: Zic facem, dar se subantelege ca eu nu gatesc nici cartofi prajiti pentru ziua lui Mika :mf_rosetinted: Deci, cumparam smthing big si sarbatorim online :das:


    God, presimt ca iar o sa fie gen "let's trend #HappyBirthdayMika" si nu o sa iasa nimic :roftl:. At least this is how it went last year. Deci da, eu sunt pro... doar idei sa fie :biggrin2:

  15. I really enjoyed this festival, Mika was exuberant and sexy as hell :mf_lustslow:

    It was great to meet some of the Romanian fans :thumb_yello:


    My pics: http://s980.photobucket.com/albums/ae286/plasticsastic/Mika%20at%20Bucharest%2002-07-2011


    And my videos:


    The sound is saturated thanks to the dozen of bloody loudspeakers in front of us... :sneaky2:

















    Playlist (without soundcheck):


    they're brilliant, seriously good job!! :mf_lustslow:

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