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Posts posted by Cherisse

  1. This photo of Mika and Paloma is probably my favourite photo of him ever! I am really sad.. I can't even tell or imagine how does he feel right now. We should all be on his side these days but at the same time, try not to invade his privacy and his family privacy. They must need it more than anything. God bless them all!! :tears:



  2. You mean Adele from chaving pavements? :shocked::shocked::shocked:

    I love her music :teehee:

    Okay, I'm a bit confused, I thought I've read on MFC that Mika was in some kind of relationship with a boy at the moment ...


    Argh, you never know with Meeks :roftl:


    Yep indeed, Adele from Chaving Pavements :teehee:

    I'm not sure about his relationships but they are friends that's for sure :biggrin2:

  3. I know about the tweet but I have no idea who Adele is. Who is that? :teehee:


    She's an english singer songwriter as well and they are friends. Some thought/still think there is more than friendship going on there, but we dont know for sure. However, I do like her music quite much :biggrin2:


    Type her on youtube and you're gonna find some nice tunes!

  4. where is Mika now? in tour? or in london?


    He is definetly not on tour as he just finished his big tour recently :wink2:. He has a few more gigs to do on October and November but they're part of different festivals, so his tour pretty much ended. He might be in London because a few days ago he tweeted that he is 'with Adele and the dogs watching Xfactor'. I think that means he is in London, but as long as he's not tweeting that often, we don't know many things about his actual schedule :teehee:.

  5. Hello, guys! I just found out about this thread today, but however, I think it's time to introduce myself too :roftl: I'm Alle and I take photos for like.. two or three years now. I have a flickr portofolio and I post photos almost every day. I got my dslr on Christmas the last year and that's when I started to take more portraits and stuff. I used to take quite lame nature and cliche photos until that :blush-anim-cl:.


    It is really great to see there're so many of you who like photography here!! :mf_lustslow:


    Here are a few photos of mine:



    Untitled by Cherіsse, on Flickr



    Beautiful young people are accidents of nature. Beautiful old people are works of art. by Cherіsse, on Flickr



    I live for glitter, not you by Cherіsse, on Flickr


    more on flickr...

  6. eu tot n-am apucat sa o mai prind inca o data...cum e? despre ce e vorba?mai apare tipul ala blond?:mf_rosetinted: glumeam.


    anywayz... noul articol din La Repubblica XL e extraordinar. adica inca stau sa il analizez. cred ca e inca o dovada a geniului lui Mika.


    isn't it??!! deci e absolut brilliant.


    si cu reclama.. nu mai e tipul blond :aah: adica eu nu l-am vazut ca oricum am vazut doar de la jumatate, dar aparea ca la reclama cu WAG. :teehee:

  7. Okay folks,time to chase commercials AGAIN. a aparut o noua reclama Orange care are pe fundal Grace Kelly :pinkbow::biggrin2: (din pacate n-am vazut doar sfarsitul -- cand se prezinta ofertele & etc,deci nu stiu despre ce e vorba in reclama :naughty: )



    My oh my, abia astept sa o vad! La stilul la care ma uit eu la TV.. nu stiu cate sanse am, dar fingers crossed :teehee:

  8. Daca ar fi si Mika de aceeasi parere... :wub2: Oricum cred ca feedbackul pe care l-au primit la mamaia nu a fost neglijabil, si sper ca asta a inclus Romania pe harta concertelor viitoare :teehee:


    Mda, sa speram :aah: Desi nu cred ca la un concert cu bilete ar strange atatia oameni, to be entirely honest.. dar chiar imi doresc din tot sufletul sa ne includa pe lista!

  9. 28110385799053181898624.jpg


    S'anyone know where this is from? I'm just curious. :aah:


    It is from Paris. The girl in the front and two boys from there were part of a band called 'La Patere Rose' and they sung before MIKA at Bercy, Paris on April 26th and 27th! I was there and they were just incredible. Check them out! Also, the pic is real cute too :wub2:

  10. Nu stiu daca ati ascultat emisiunea radio la care a fost Imma invitata aseara (gateway978), dar puteam trimite mail cu intrebari pentru Imma, iar ea raspundea live la ele. Am intrebat-o in ce tari dintre cele care le-a vizitat s-ar mai intoarce sa petreaca mai mult timp, iar din Europa a ales Romania!! :mf_lustslow:


    I was like.. OMG! Ah si nu a stiut ca intrebarea vine din Romania sau ceva.. she was honest! :wub2:

  11. Eu tocmai m-am intors de la Let's do it Romania, a fost ge-ni-al :biggrin2: Am plecat cu 3 microbuze din fata liceului si am mers intr-o padure de langa Bucuresti... ne-au spus ca am fost cea mai mare echipa din zona :naughty: Any of you girlz has participated? :original:

    P.S: Are cineva facebook? Pana acum am dat doar de diana si cherisse :teehee:


    edit: ca tot veni vorba de facebook, I found this guy, Joe Boyle... are un grup numit "The 'I Hate Mika' Society" ... L-am gasit si pe twitter, am de gand sa ii fac viata un cosmar :bash: Astept sugestiile voastre :boxing:


    Mpai nu am mers, sa fiu sincera. Mi sa parut foarte OK, dar nu am putut ajunge si oricum.. cred ca e important sa fi in primul rand un cetatean bun si daca iti faci datoria fata de natura & stuff in felul asta, este mai mult decat suficient. However, va felicit pentru ce ati facut :wub2:

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