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Everything posted by catalinutza79

  1. well, unfortunately i cannot come to cattolica on 18th :aah:...i would have loved to come and i would have been the first to get there especially because it's MY BIRTHDAY on August the 18th...but I'll celebrate it with all of you guys on 19th...wait for me ...i'm coming :biggrin2:



  2. :teehee:...relax :wink2:nu conteaza cine trimite primul...de unde esti, dragutza?:biggrin2:
  3. hello xxx


    vroiam sa iti multumesc de urarile facute pe thread-ul romanesc si pentru ca ai acceptat asa repede cererea de prietenie :huglove:...te pup...keep in touch :biggrin2:

  4. hello there :huglove:


    how are you these days? can't wait for the big day, right? :wink2: ...same here :teehee::biggrin2:...keep in touch, so we can agree how we meet :wink2:


    love catalina xxx

  5. nu te contrazic absolut deloc, mai ales ca, din cate inteleg, l-ai cunoscut si inainte de perioada asta de glorie, iar diferenta chiar bate la ochi...oricum, cand vad cate un interviu recent, parca si felul de a vorbi, atitudinea lui par usor sfidatoare, daca nu e chiar arogant, toate astea capatate de pe urma succesului dat de aceeasi fani pe care acum ii ignora...comes with the territory, i guess.... pacat ca se intampla asa....oare alte vedete care se lauda ca isi respecta fanii procedeaza la fel?? parerea mea ca da...o data ce le oferim succesul se plictisesc de noi, cica ii sufocam ...iar ROATA aia de care zici tu sigur isi va face candva treaba insa cum zicea si adda, e inutil sa ne batem noi capu' ...suntem prea mici si lipsiti de importanta...si chiar daca in alte tari tratamentul lui fata de fani e mai bun, e doar ceva de moment...se va ascunde si de ei, din aceleasi motive, explicate si de tine si de mine ...
  6. Salutare tuturor eu sunt mai noua in fanclub si abia azi am descoperit si thread-ul romanesc ...am citit cele mai recente discutii ale voastre, mai ales cele legate de graba artistului dupa gig-ul din mamaia si va dau foarte mare dreptate...si eu am resimtit aceeasi nemultumire acum o luna la un gig in apropiere de Udine, Italia...am cumparat bilet, deci n-a fost vreun festival gratuit, ci doar show-ul lui, totul s-a desfasurat f repede (puteam simti graba lui dupa cum canta cantec dupa cantec), la sf a salutat un pic publicul si dus a fost, in ciuda chemarilor si aplauzelor noastre ...am stat o multime de fani la gardul acela de protectie si l-am asteptat ...fara succes insa pt ca ne-au alungat cei de la paza...ca sa intelegeti mai bine ca si aici s-au grabit, pana si scena au demontat-o la 5 min dupa show...daca o sa va uitati pe thread-ul "concert reviews - Villa Manin, Udine" o sa vedeti ca si alti MFC-ers au avut acelasi sentiment ...doar un grup de copii dislexici au putut face o poza cu Mika...din motive stiute de noi toti nu ii putea refuza ...toata graba a avut intradevar si un motiv intemeiat: a doua zi trebuia sa cante in Serbia, iar el era deja f obosit (daca v-ati uitat pe mikasounds.com, ati vazut ce program incarcat are si apar mereu date noi)...cat despre mamaia...eu cred ca un rol f important l-a avut si intelegerea (contractul) cu Orange, + poate din nou oboseala...oricum, avand in vedere ca era pt prima data in Romania, putea sa depuna un efort macar pt fani, ca daca vreau sa vad interviuri, e plin youtube-ul de ele...anyway, eu ii mai dau sansa ...peste 4 zile ma duc la un alt gig si sper ca acolo lucrurile sa decurga altfel...italienii i-au pregatit niste surprize de ziua lui...mai vedem ... in fine...the whole point was...nu doar romanii au parte de acest tip de tratament, nu ca ar fi asta vreo consolare, dar the entertainment industry schimba vedetele si nu in bine... intre timp, eu ii ascult in continuare muzica ...pur si simplu imi place si nu pot fi suparata pe el ...cine ar putea fi suparat pe asa ceva??
  7. If you see someone wearing a t-shirt with your avatar :D it's definitely me...low memory :blink:....xxx

  8. :blush-anim-cl: Sorry Mari...It seems I'm still sleeping ...Of course, when I see you I'll come and say hello...I'll recommend myself as "Confused Catalina" :teehee:...See u soon Mari xxx
  9. I guess I'll have to remember you from the picture you have on your avatar :blink::floor:



  10. Hello Mari xxx :bye:


    It seems I was lucky enough to find smth :biggrin2:... I've been speaking to a very nice Polish girl named Eva who helped me a lot...She and her friend have been so kind and agreed to share their room with me for a few hours after the gig. So, I guess I'll be alright after all :wink2:...Thank you sooo much for your concern :wub2: , very nice of you to think about me...Really hope to meet you in Cattolica...How will we recognize each other? :blush-anim-cl::teehee:



    Love Catalina

  11. Guess your dream came true being LOLLY in Mamaia...Lucky lucky lucky you:mf_lustslow:

  12. Buna B!anka


    Am vazut tot ce ati postat voi aici, de la Mamaia...A fost intr-adevar superb:swoon:...Pot spun ca a fost chiar mai frumos decat gig-ul la care am fost si eu de la Villa Manin, Udine...Ma bucur si sunt mandra ca romanii prezenti pe plaja au apreciat artistul la adevarata lui valoare, chiar daca nu erau toti fani declarati. Sper ca MIKA sa aprecieze si el caldura cu care a fost primit si sa revina curand in Romania.


    Multumesc pentru poze si filmari. Te pup si numai bine. :huglove:

  13. Hi Madeline...Thank you for your friend request...Happy to accept it...I'm new around here and happy to be with my MIKA people:biggrin2:...I hope we'll get the chance to talk and get to know each other better...We already have something in common:wink2:...Bye :X

  14. Hi HollyD...Thank you for your friend request ...Happy to accept it...I'm new around here, but happy to be with my MIKA people:biggrin2:...It's nice to see so many MIKA lovers :wink2:...So I'm in the right place...Hope we'll get the chance to talk and become real friends...Bye bye for now :X:X:X

  15. Buna...Multumesc ca mi-ai raspuns asa repede...:X...Da, ai dreptate, in Italia vine mai des. De fapt am si fost la un show acum cateva zile in Udine :teehee:... Locatia era relativ aproape :thumb_yello: (aprox 3 ore de mers cu trenul) Mi-am zis ca trebuie sa ajung, nu se stie cand voi mai avea ocazia...E adevarat ca a trebuit sa fac oarece lucruri neplacute pentru a vedea show-ul :blush-anim-cl:mi-am mintit sefu ca trebuie sa merg la doctor, rudele mele de pe aici ma stiau la serviciu, plus ca la intoarcere aveam tren dimineata la ora 5, asa ca a trebuit sa astept cateva ore bune in gara, mai exact am dormit in toaleta garii :floor::floor: vreo 3-4 ore (chilly outside) noroc ca era curata...Insa crede-ma ca nu regret absolut nici o secunda din acea zi...A meritat totul pentru acea ora si jumatate de distractie...O adevarata aventura :biggrin2: ...


    Te salut acum si poate tinem legatura...Ciao :X:X:X

  16. Buna B!anka...Sunt noua pe aici:biggrin2: printre voi, poporul MIKA :wink2:...Ma bucur sa gasesc atatia fani MIKA romani...Vroiam doar sa te salut si sa iti spun ca ai un profil tare interesant...Esti o norocoasa ca ai reusit sa ai asemenea poze cu MIKA :mf_lustslow:...Inteleg ca vei fi prezenta la Mamaia pe 24 iulie...Poate reusesti sa faci si acolo ceva fotografii sau chiar sa filmezi cateva momente pentru ca tanjesc sa vad cum a fost :biggrin2:...Momentan muncesc in afara tarii si nu voi reusi sa ajung la eveniment :aah:...In fine, poate reusim sa mai vorbim...Mi-ar face mare placere...Deja avem ceva in comun :wink2:...


    Numai bine si distractie placuta...:X:X:X

  17. TOTALLY AGREE, B!ANKA...A free gig won't definitely last very long!...I went to the gig MIKA had in Udine a few days ago and everything happened really fast even there...only one hour and a half...HE was supposed to arrive in Serbia the very next day ...By the way, HIS schedule for this summer is insane...I don't know how he resists...traveling with HIS family also hopes a lot, I suppose......
  18. ...and actually close to the stage (only 3 persons in front of me)...it was AMAZING...HE WAS AMAZING...I'm sooo happy for going to see MIKA's gig, even though I had to do a few things (not very nice things ) to get there. I took a day off telling my boss I have 2 appointments at the doctor, I lied to my future sister-in-law who knew I was at work, I didn't tell anyone what I was about to do. Just took the train, waited for 8 hours at Villa Manin for the gig to begin. After all this waiting, I felt everything finished so fast...it lasted only 1 and half hour :sad:...and didn't even get to hear 2 of my favorites songs ("I see you" and "Pick up the floor"). Plus: I had a big post written for MIKA saying "PROUD 2B ALSO BORN ON AUGUST THE 18TH - LOVE MIKA 2DAY" , but I think HE couldn't see too much of it because of the lousy paper I wrote on which wouldn't stand right ...I also hoped for a pic at MEET&GREET, but that didn't happen either ...And, for a glorious ending of the day, I had to wait 4 hours in the middle of the night for the train to come to get back home, slept in the toilet of the train station because it was chilly outside and then, after arriving in Verona, got directly to work. Isn't that niiiice?? But you know what?? I DON'T REGRET ANY OF THAT...Because I enjoyed every single minute of the show, singing, dancing, screaming, watching THE GREAT MAN at work on an amazing stage ("film set" as he says)...It's obvious that he enjoys so much what he's doing...feeling free to act, to perform...I simply love HIM, admire HIM...If only I get to see MIKA more:wub2::wub2:... Well, that's my report...Hope it wasn't too long or boring...Keep in touch everybody:cool:
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