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Status Updates posted by Ta'ra

  1. Went on a 2-days trip with the orcheastra, had a great time,but now I have consequences!:biggrin2: Am ok now, don't worry!:wink2::thumb_yello: Are you still in London?! Haveing fun?!

  2. So you're bored again, I imagine?!

  3. Now I am!:aah: Good morning! I left the computer on,so...

  4. I asumed you have! Feeling better now, cos I have to go!Bye bye little bored carrot lover with a pin bow! :pinkbow:

  5. Not litteraly, but:lmfao:...OK


    Little song for ya!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvsQ9hYKq7c :teehee:

  6. It's up to you, so hit it!:aah:

  7. We go out pretty late... so I have probably about an houre or so to chat with you, bored carrot lover! :aah:

  8. Ok, I'll take the gun again if you want! No problem at all! As long as you're not bored...:lmfao:

  9. If I kill my self you'll get bored again?!:biggrin2::das:

    Ok, I won't then! It's worth of living!:roftl::pinkbow:

  10. This one's the best so far, but please you don't have to bother to sand me another one!:aah: I can kill my self without your help,but thanks any way! :aah::mf_rosetinted:

  11. This one's the best so far, but please you don't have to bother to sand me another one!:aah: I can kill my self without your help,but thanks any way! :aah::mf_rosetinted:

  12. Brain cells- get it?!:aah: Ok,this one is bit better ,I'm losing about 956 of them in the moment! You little terorist!:sneaky2: I see there's more of it coming.... :doh:

  13. With that song!:aah: You've killed at least 1000 neurons of mine!:roftl:

  14. OMG, you're killing me:aah: ,I'm happy for you, though!:roftl:

    :dance_man: Here's one to keep you a company! :naughty:

  15. :fisch: dancing with my seeeelf :fisch:

    Familiar with the song?!:biggrin2:

    And,you're haveing fun, right?! Right?!:roftl:

  16. Nothing much....I'm boooooored!:aah::aah::aah:

    Getting ready to go out... :wink2:

    And you?! Something interesting is going on?!


  17. Nice! :original: I'm bit tired,haven't slept properly for two days.So slow today...

  18. Not again!:aah:

    Do you have some hobby or something?!:teehee:

  19. Hello,girl! Bit tired, I was away for a few days , and haven't slept that much, so now I'm in the zombie mood.:mf_rosetinted:

    What about you?! Haveing fun, or you're bored again?!:aah:


  20. Hey, Alfie!:bye: Fine, thank you! And you?!

    Haven't been at home for few days, sorry for the late respond.

    You're in London now, right?!:naughty: You lucky girl! Have fun!:thumb_yello::wink2:

  21. awwwww!:blush-anim-cl:


    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :boing::group_hug:

    Here's a little something for you!





    P.S. Oh, and you should write on my wall if you want me to see it.:wink2:

  22. Već ga pratim!:roftl:

    Malko da se smejem! :roftl::roftl::roftl:

  23. Ja mislim da ću da ga pratim! :lmao:

    Mislim ''@mikasounds Where's the remote-control? Are you sitting on it again?'' i ''@mikasounds Thanks for the cheesecake!'' :lmao:


    Taj se tako dooobro provodi sam sa sobom...odnosno sa Mikom :freak:

  24. Hhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahh! Jooooj ,koji psiho! :floor: :floor: :floor:


    Verujem da njegove čita! :floor:

  25. Pa da imamo priliku 15 puta da ga slušamo, pa ok...al' ovako... :no: Mislim ,meni je jako važno da ga čujem kako peva, i iskreno, uopšte nisam zadovoljna količinom glasa koja je dopirala do nas- kako smo bile na sredini,zvuk nas je mimoilazio. :tears:


    Jesam, pretoplo, predobro, ona neka drami kako je kleknuo ispred nje...Koja je fora sa If Albert is golden,so are we?! :dunno::teehee:

    Kao, bend se pošlogirao kad je video taj banner... Nisam gledala da l' ima šta novo...

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