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Status Updates posted by Ta'ra

  1. Pa ti si čovek od reči!:thumb_yello: Rekla si da nećeš o tome... tamo...:roftl::wink2:


    Za binu, za binu!:biggrin2:...A i drugo je činjenica, no sa tim smo završili...valjda...nadam se...:blush-anim-cl:

  2. Daa znaš da savršeno stoji! :tears: :tears: :tears:

  3. Aaaaaawwww, Šaki, baš si miiiiica! :pinkbow: :huglove:Nemoj ovog plačka, mooolim te!:puppy_eyes:


    Sutra, tj. danas ima sve da nadoknadimo! :boing: Plakaće onaj menadžer(?!) što me danas( juče) nije bilo!:glasses3:

  4. :partytime2:















  5. Šaaaakiiiii!:toot: Dok ja dodjoh, vi se razbežaste...:bleh:

    Valjda je MFC danas u malo boljem stanju usled mog odsustva...:biggrin2:

  6. Hey! I'm bit more activ than during the last week. :) Have some gigs with orchestra that I play in, on Wednesday and Thursday, so I'm pretty much in it.Gonna go on 2-days trip with them.

    What about you?! ;)

  7. Hey ,Chuchu!:bye:

    To answer you: I'm here for about one month,and I'm having a great time.It's lot more fun than on the MS.

    We have Ex-Yu thread( chat in serbian but guests are wellcome:thumb_yello:) and Serbian-speaking thread- many people come there and we speak in english,so come by sometimes.



    I know there's a spanish speaking section, so snoop a bit through the forum.


    Oh yeah-your name is wonderful,you know what I'm talking about!:wink2:

  8. I can not live without the music! I also play flute a bit. Well...dunno if it's hard...some people just get it like that, and some have to work very hard to get some results.It's very individual thing, and the way of teaching is very abstract. So,yes,I can sing opera,but I'm not that good, cause I had to quit clasess,so...

    Don't ask! :) It was extremly hot today, and I had some things to do-it was agony! Couldn't wait to come home and take a shower (and sing a little :) ). I took a nap and watched LICM dvd and that's pretty much everything! :) And yours?

  9. Well...it's bit hard for me to answer that question...Many different kinds really...from pop, through jazz to some soft metal stuff that I like. I also like opera,cause I was taking singing classes, but many people don't understand it.I actually have one friend that laughs at me every time when I say I was in opera ,and had a great time.

    And you? I was big Linkin Park fan when I was your age. :)

  10. Hey,Heidi! Wellcome on MFC! :flowers2: You'll see, it's really fun! It's more interesting here than on MS! :wink2:

    Fine,thank you for asking,but it's extremly hot in here,so I'm pretty much boiling!:sweatdrop:

    How are you?! :bye:

  11. Yeah,that's great thing to do! :) I also like singing in the bethroom. Everyone around me knows that if I start to sing when I'm getting ready to go somewhere- I'm gonna be late. :)

    And if I can't sing because of the circumstances,I'm humming something.It really anoys people, but it's not my problem! :) There's always some music in my head. :)

  12. That's the spirit!:thumb_yello:

    It's too hot outside, so I'll stay at home. I'm gonna sing a little!:biggrin2: I'm alone at home at the moment, and I love to sing my heart out when I have a chance like that.:biggrin2:

    And yours?!

  13. I know it's pretty dificult to fit in ,especialy during teenage years, but dont worry it'll pass, and everything will be just fine.I 've always preferd to be different from the others, and never been into stuff that people I was surrounded by were,but eventually you find someone who understands.

    And sometimes oddness really pays off- look at Mika ,for example!:naughty::wink2: So, cheer up and do your own thing!:wink2::thumb_yello:

  14. It's pretty cool,but think you should wait few more years to watch it.I mean, there are some things that I couldn't understand when I was your age, though I've always been few steps ahead in compare with people my age.I have 11 years older sister,and she had a great influence on me.

    I saw it today,and wanted to ask you- are you really trying to be ordinary, or you said it for no reason? If I may ask,of course. :wink2:

  15. Poor cat with all that fur!

    Ooooo,nice! :original::thumb_yello:

    What do you mean, S&tC?

  16. Yeah,well said! :wink2:

    Oooooh, that's bad! Did she(I asume) bite you just like that?! Have you watched ''Charlie bit my finger'' video-it so funny?! It came up to me,when you said you've been bitten.

    Nothing special...I'm gonna watch Sex & The City ( though I've watched it for about 100 times:original:), then I'll maybe go for a walk, or some of my friends will come to my place to hang out a bit...

    What are your plans for today?

  17. E sad sam se stvarno postidela! :blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl:

    Ma,nija to ništa! :flowers2:

  18. Jao MFC ja prs'o skroz! :loco:

    Ma i da je to čisto pevanje bilo ''čisto''...:blink: MIiiica mala, valjda se više smorio... A tebi Šaki, svaka čast za sluh! :clap::thumb_yello:

    Ma solidarišem se ja, ali još se nisam dovoljno psihički pripremila ni da pogledam onu ogavnu knjižurinu.:tears:


    Hvala:teehee::blush-anim-cl:, ali što?! Što ne učim?!:roftl:

  19. Hey,Šaki! :bye:

    Sinoć sam gledala snimke iz Španije-pa on ne da je bio smoren, nego je bio i nekako jaaako nervozan.:blink: I po faci se videlo,a čulo se i po pevanju. Naročito kad su mu vikali da se skine...:teehee::blink:


    Mrzelo me da u thread-u tražim tvoj post,pa da quote-ujem...

  20. Hey, Alfie! :original: It's 3.22 pm and I'm still sleepy, cause I got up like one houre ago- lazy me!:doh: How about you?! Is there something interesting going on? :wink2:

  21. Than you! So kind of you! ;)

  22. Yeah...not bad,but could be better.:original: It's my little niece Dunya. :original:

  23. It's ok, but it pretty much depends from your point of view, what your interests are and etc...

    Belgrade,the Capital, and Novi Sad are very cool places, for partying and that sort of things. We also have few nice ski-centers.

    Serbia had lot of turkish and german influences during history, so it's a mixture of everything and anything. :original:

    Many people from GB come every year to Novi Sad on the Exit festival, cos it's you can have great time there,and it's very cheap for foreigners.


    Ok,now I will stop giving you the lessons!:biggrin2: I sound like a teacher!:teehee:

  24. Yeah, but I'm not bored!:aah::aah:

    Maybe,you should try it...:naughty:

  25. Why are you asking?!:teehee:

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