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Status Updates posted by A&J

  1. Com certeza. Viciei por culpa de uma amiga xD

  2. Eu também @_______@

    Virei fã há pouco tempo. Parece que ele está me perseguindo, porque foi só eu virar fã que aparece em todo lugar, até em avatares de pessoas do MFC *-*

    É tão feliz encontrar outra pessoa que gosta

  3. BOWIE.





  4. Oi Ceci!!!

    Estou bem! O livro também, devagar mas caminhando, hehe

    E você?? Saudades

  5. xD

    Well, that's a lot of people on Adrian's team, but seriously, Dimitri was there from the first book! They get each other... Oh, let me tell you.. You know the song "Gotten" (Slash ft. Adam Levine)? This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAsVg7pIQtk

    Is beautiful... And it fits perfectly to Rose and Dimitri! I think is the perfect song for them. So, so cute...

  6. I looove Adrian

  7. Great!!

    So, who you want Rose to end up with, Adrian or Dimitri? *.*

  8. (sorry for taking so long to answer >.

    So, you finished the book? @_@ Got it why I was so anxious? xD

    Did you get Last Sacrifice yet?

  9. Oooowwwwn how cute! I loveed that! Thank you!

  10. Yey! Now you eat it (?) :mf_rosetinted:

    Tell me what you think when you get to the end... :teehee:

  11. Yeah, geti it back!! Victor will be kind of funny out of jail xD

  12. Ohhhh so you're going to book FIVE! xD

    You ended Blood Promise. So all it's left is the the book 5 (Spirit Bound) and 6 (Last Sacrifice). Well, Dimitri turning Strigoi was the biggest thing that happened, in my opinion, but lots of things will happen yet... @_@

  13. Actually, the last one is the sixth now :teehee: it's called Last Sacrifice.

    The third is Shadow Kiss and the fourth is Blood Promise. Well, there's a way to know where you're at.. did something... unexpected and sad and kinda evil happened to Dimitri? :mf_rosetinted: if so, you're at book 4. If not, you're at book 3.

  14. Ok, now I've see your post about my call xD

    So, you're at book three? Wow, you won't believe in the end of that book. You're gonna die because of it. *-*

  15. AHHHHHHHHH there IS someone here that likes it too! OMG @_@

    Yeah, VA rocks *.*

    You've read them all?

  16. É, bem, estou tentando! xD

    Espera sim, aprender três línguas ao mesmo tempo deve ser demais para o cérebro aguentar ;D

    Ah, entendi, tudo bem então ^^

    Beijos 8D

  17. Ah, é caro vir pro Brasil? Eu não faço ideia dos preços de outros países para cá. Sei que é caro sair daqui! xD

    Ah, tudo bem então! Realmente é bom praticar. Tudo bem, pode falar inglês quando não souber! hehe

    Ah, sabia que estou aprendendo francês? @_@

  18. A&J

    Yeah, I can't imagine hhow is to live with wars...

    Yes, that's the important thing! It's great you are happy and love your country.

    I don't have Facebook D: actually, I don't many things online xD

  19. Obrigada! ;)

    É, chovendo bastante... e ontem estava bem quente! É, São Paulo é assim mesmo; faz sol de manhã e chove a noite xD

    Ah sim, vai ser super legal o show do Mika. @_@ Você vai vir pro Brasil ou vai ver na Argentina?

    (ps: se quiser que eu pare de falar português e fale inglês, você pode dizer, ok? ;D)

  20. Ooohhh

    Eu não estou desfrutando muito do fim de semana.. aqui está chovendo o dia inteiro T.T

    Meu livro está indo bem.... talvez já no começo de Novembro eu receba uma resposta de duas editoras!! Estou torcendo! ;D

    E você, alguma novidade?

  21. A&J

    Yeah, me too, too bad we don't control who make those wars... ¬¬'

    Uou, I didn't hear of that soldier... I hope he comes back! God o.o'

    Nothing like this happened here, 'cause, thank God, hwe don't have wars. Not even in the World Wars our part was soooo important. And that's why making everyone gets in the army is so meanless... people don't go to fight for the country. They go 'cause they have to, and that make the army look bad to everyone. But I prefer that then having a war here...

    Oh yeah, thank God it's saturday... xD

  22. Uaaau Ceci, você está ótima no português! :kachinga:

    Ah, você vai conseguir ver o show depois sim! ;D

    Obrigada! Espero que você também fique bem, e que tenha uma ótima viagem!!

    Beijo fofa :*

  23. Hola Ceci @_@

    I'm excited, Mika's gig here will be in 23 days *----* I won't go, but from what I've heard, it'll be transmited live on the internet! 8D

    So, it's been so long since I talked to you... how are you?^^

  24. A&J

    Did I? lol I mean, I don't like wars and fighting, of course. But since these things are still happening, what can people do? "Just stand there and watch them burn? That's not right, 'cause we don't like the way they hurt..." (I'm with this Rihanna song in my head xD )

    And I also admire a lot the doctors in the army. Even more after I watched Grey's Anatomy xD

    Yeah, we have army here. But I don't like much. Every man is obligated to go in the army when he turns 18, with some exeptions (like if he has a son/daughter, for example, he won't go). And some people don't wanna go. But some other guys love the army. Like my uncle; he almost cried when he was out!


    So, my week... xD it was normal... But I'm tired. Too many things to do... And I read a lot 8D and yours?

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