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Mika's boo

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Posts posted by Mika's boo

  1. Happy Ending in Gossip Girl, Big Girl in the Ugly Betty commercial (thought, I think he says Betty instead of Big Girl :dunno:) and Blame It On The Girls on a commercial for cells :biggrin2:


    What episode of Gossip Girl did they play Happy ending? I remember listening to I see you on one episode :teehee:

  2. i dont know why, but i love this one :lol: its just too funny :teehee:



    i think its from the rolling stones, italy :roftl:

    he said :

    "gay friendly music? it's a offensive definition and pigra(dunno what that means) ‎muse seems like a band of drag queens to me" :shocked: i cant believe that he said that :teehee:


    As in Muse the band??? :shocked: (I secretly like when he says inappropriate things :teehee:)

  3. my God. I come here to see whose been naughty lately and all I read is "white spots around a mouth", "she's chewing on mika's STUFF..." and a borderline erotic-suggestive photograph.


    ......AND I LOVE IT :roftl::roftl::naughty::thumb_yello:


    in the most un-naughty and innocent way of coarse:teehee:

  4. Chronicles is a terrific book, and if you like it you have to read One hundred years of solitude... his best book and one of the best ever write in spanish :thumb_yello:


    Read that one too! I have read all he's published including his Autobiography, He's my all time favorite author :teehee:


    Any other recommendations?

  5. Can we re-start posting on this thread??!!!!


    Im finally reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides


    So far its AMAZING!


    Book I HIGHLY recommend:


    Chronicles of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It is a GREAT read, short and keeps you on your toes. Very detective-esque!

  6. 21883_flag_dominicanrepublic.jpg


    Bienvenidos Quisqueyanos!!!



    Quiero darles la bienvenida a toda la gente Dominicana!! Mi nombre es Johnny y formo parte del MFC como representante mundial de la República Dominicana!


    Les urjo que se sientan en confianza de expresarse libremente (claro esta, nada de vulgaridad) pero sobre todo de divertirse! ya que somos una comunidad dedicada a nuestro maestro artistico Mika!


    Aquí podrán encontrar todo relacionado con Mika, desde Biografía hasta fotos, videos exclusivos etc.!


    Además de ser un Fan Club dedicado a Mika, MFC es un lugar donde encontraras gente chulisima quienes te ofrecerán una amistad y donde se forman relaciones que llegan más aya de ser como familia


    Cualquier pregunta que tengan al empezar a usar MFC, no duden en comunicarse conmigo vía mensaje privado o un mensajito en mi Perfíl!


    Me alegra mucho poder representar a mi gente y espero verlo a menudo por aca!:thumb_yello:

  7. i don´t think rose wanted to mean that.... it´s just that if he doesnt feel confortable with that kind of fans,m&g will be over,perhaps...

    anycase,he is the master and if he wants to do private meet and greets, he is in his right.. as a human being he can do what he wants to... if he feels like chatting with some fans he knows well,and he does it,it´s his choice,so it will be right.


    Agreed. :thumb_yello:

  8. i hope so too.... but he´s getting more and more fans.... and most of them (at last here in spain) are screaming and yelling teenagers....:sneaky2: jumping around him.... i´m praying for this not to become into a "tokio-hotel"ish phenomenon... :boxed:


    Ugh! Im sorry but screaming your lungs out is NOT going to get his attention, and if it will it wont be for the RIGHT reasons :sneaky2: We don't want our meeks to think were all squeeking-hyperventalating fans who cant compose themselves:aah:


    Sorry if I came off rude but these circumstances ruin chances for the fans that truly just want to genuinely chat with him...not tackle him down and make him feel uncomfortable. If that keeps on going we can wave goodbye to M&G's...He's going to begin to get scared of coming out!!

  9. Hey, there was a big queue for the male toilet! :wink2:

    Fortunately i used the female one :naughty:


    Since i'm quite stupid and sentimental i thought that this gig could be different from the others, in particular more acoustic because the intimate venue and because the Fringe Festival atmosphere. I was wrong! Anyway the gig was great as usual.

    It seems that M sips his pearls.

    He does not sing anymore the intro of We are golden but he sings a touching final of Happy ending.


    I started queue very early at 2 pm but i'm happy about this because we were in good company. Thanks to all for this funny afternoon despite the rain.


    Probably M thinks i was rude.

    I forgot to tell him i enjoyed his gig but i told him that Beirut's gig (the day before in the same venue) was special.*:punk:


    I'm in love with Edinburgh and i will return there sooner or later.




    The day before in the same venue?? Im confused :huh:

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