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Posts posted by mer

  1. a mi me encanta MFC. Y si para formar parte tengo a veces por descuido desvelar links de mis paginas de Facebook o Space y se me roban la cuenta la primera culpable soy yo. Pero la cosa no va solo ahí si creo cuentas ficticias y enlaces ficticios a veces pierdo oportunidades mayores.. Yo se que hay mucha gente sin escrupulos, o acosadores de cuentas pero es inevitable siempre que se pueda hay que proteger nuestros datos y nosotros somo los principales responsables de nuestros LOADS o de lo que entre en los sitios.

    Me extraña que Twiter no sea un principal enlace para estudiar por los agentes de cazaa de información personal porque es la más actual. También cuando entramos a una red de ordenadores compartidos podemos perder nuestra seguridad.

    O sea hay tantos responsables indirectos que es dificil controlar o castigar a las empresas y directivos que te roban la informacion para adherirte o sumarte a sus clubs"" por allamarlo de alguna manera.



    I love to MFC. And if I have to be part sometimes inadvertently reveal links to my Facebook pages or Space and stolen the account the first blame me. But it does not go there if I just fake accounts and fictitious links sometimes lose opportunities greater .. I know there are many people without scruples, or stalkers but inevitably accounts whenever possible we must protect our data and we somo primarily responsible for our LOADS or so between sites.

    I wonder Twiter not a primary liaison for private study hunting agents personal information because it is the most current. Also when we enter a shared computer we can lose our security.

    So there are many indirect responsibility is difficult to control or punish companies and executives that steal the information to adhere or Login to join their clubs "" by give it any name. somehow.


    is like a use of Copyright for all the users...


    GCHQ didn´t flout law with email intercepts


    The intellligence and Security Commitee ruled that the listenig sstation in Cheltenham acted with ministerial backing when it requested elecronic intercepts from the US National Security Agency´s Prism programme.

    But the committee raised questions about whether the rules governing intercepts are fit for purpose and whether there is a need for new laws.

    GCHQ faced criticism after NASA whistleblower Edward Snowden claimed that British spies used te Prism system to by-pass British Laws. The committee saisd the claims were unfounded" and that in each case where GCHQ sought information from US an intercept warrant signed by a minister was already in place.But crucially it has not yet investigated what happened when the NAS handed over unsolicited intelligence.

    And in dealing with only the content of private communications."" the commitee hasn´t examined the vast majority of the intelligence generated by PRISM.

    This comunications data, or metadeat reveals who sendes emails and other messazges, to whom they send them, at what time and from where.

    Findings´provide litle reassurance"

    While GCHQ hsan´t broken existing law, the watchdog sugested that the law hasn´t caught up with changes in technology that allow the listening post to tap into millions of electronic messages travelling down fibre optic cables.

    the committee said "its proper to consider whether the c urent statutory framework governing access to private communications remains adequate."

    Shami Chakrabarti direc tor of civil rights group Liberty said the committee ´s findingwopuld do little reassure people that their data wasn´t being improperly accessed.

    Daily Mail 18th July 2013

    Keeping our society safe and successful in the Internet age. GCHQ provides intelligence, protects information and informs relevant UK policy to keep our society safe ...


    And other things::: i love the respect for humans rights for freedom of expression and dthis right is violate in other countries Árabes- so i damn it.. PLS not more...



  2. Interesting article by Mojca Kleva, a Slovene Member of the European Parliament



    In recent weeks, the European Parliament discussed a lot about the biggest data surveillance scandal after Wikileaks which was revealed by a former employee of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). His disclosure to the media that the agency has been exercising communication control over the citizens of the U.S. and foreign (including European) citizens with the help of the intelligence programme PRISM definitely raised a lot of attention in the European Parliament.


    The ntelligence programme PRISM should be designed for monitoring internet communications offered by the largest Internet companies – Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, YouTube, Skype, PayTalk, AOL. Only Twitter and Amazon.com should be excluded. According to the information from the media, PRISM was supposedly gathering information regarding emails, interviews, video clips, data files, video conferences, etc.. Of course, also via the currently very popular social networks.


    And once again it has been proven that we are all controlled by the “big brother”.


    Even with all the legislation that we already adopted in Europe, the feeling that something is watching over us, is still present. Especially when we hear stories like the one of Edward Snowden. With the increasing development of information technology and its capacity to collect, analyze and disseminate information about individuals I definitely feel that we need to strengthen our legislation as regards personal data protection.


    In Europe, we take data protection much more seriously than the Americans, who are, according to a recent survey, supporting the work of the NSA, at least in the light of the fight against terrorism. Europeans see data protection as a fundamental civil right. That is why the Members of the European Parliament asked the European Commission to obtain information regarding the control of European citizens from the U.S.. In case any European government knew anything about this, the European Union will have to react.


    We are talking about the protection of our data.


    The Commission will therefore have to clarify whether the IT companies that are part of the scandal, respected the EU legislation on data protection when they gave the U.S. government access to the data. Any U.S. – EU Agreement is required to fully ensure the highest standards of data protection for European citizens. Our regulations are, fortunately, very strict. And they must adhere to all enterprises operating on European soil.


    I have a feeling that the future summer months will be full of discussions regarding data protection. How to ensure in a globalized world, where we are practically only a click away from the people on the other side of the world, that user data are equally protected? Do we trust the internet too much? Is it even possible to have different standards of data protection in this online world? And to what extent are government agencies necessary and effective in preventing terrorism? This raises a lot of questions and it is essential that we talk about it. But more than just a discussion at this point, we urgently need a clear response and action by our countries! The leaders of Member States should wake up and protect private information of their people.



    attachment.php?attachmentid=9331&stc=1&d=1373887837 I´m Holidays more interesting news.



  3. ee.gifhttps://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SOf8FlDtg0k/UcmRDa1ArFI/AAAAAAAAAQk/VCn7urdsZ94/w544-h364-no/ee.gif

    But remenber pag 206 of my dreams today...

    threat ss.



    13 · 26 de junio a la(s) 10:59


    Suemy Santana Gonzalez Es verdad

    1 · 26 de junio a la(s) 12:40 a través de móvil · Editado


    Sabine Enser Mika, thank you so much for your message. I´m so proud to be your fan and I´m also very proud to be a member of your Fanclub where I found many People who mean a lot to me. You and your Fanclub made my life so much better! Thank you!




  4. From @LaNostraTvit:

    Stasera su @SkyUno, special dedicato a @mikasounds: Mika, Chiamatemi giudice. [Leggi qui: http://www.lanostratv.it/programmi-tv/mika-chiamatemi-giudice-stasera-su-skyuno-lo-special-sul-nuovo-giudice-di-x-factor …] @XFactor_Italia #XFactorIt


    Thks for you oink and to

    mediasetitalia@mediaset.it <mediasetitalia@mediaset.it>

    http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/televisione/ and vids of corriere:mikasweat:

  5. Ready for translation? :wink2:


    The host was at the Paul McCartney concert in Verona and every time some international artist is in Italy there is always the attempt to speak Italian on their part, and it is quite a difficult thing. So they sought those who speak better among all the artists and they have tracked down "Mika" bringing him there.

    They they greet each other and "Mika" thanks the host for the compliment about his italian.

    Host: What is the biggest difficulty with italian?

    Mika: the verb future, the fifth person ( "voi") ...

    Host: the fifth person? what would it be? you (voi)?

    Mika: Yes! "you are" (voi siete) is a horrible thing

    Host: But we understand you the same even if you talk using the infinite

    Mika: yes, I'm always using the infinitive or on the first person of the present.

    Host: You can also use the Spanish

    Mika: yes, a mix of Spanish and Italian ... a perfect "spaliano"

    Catteland (the host of X Factor): yes yes he mixes a little ... I've noticed that the sentences that he says most often are: "I do not like your stilo....it is orrible ..." "but your voice, of course yes "

    They laugh

    Host: You know that stilo....it is not in Italian style ... Stilo is a pen

    Mika: yes yes I know ... it's like in French ... However, I created a new word "chooso" they laugh again

    Host: Americans use the Spanglish which is a mix between American Spagno and while now, thanks to you, we have ....

    Mika: itaglish

    Host: But I noticed that you're trying to speak Italian without using your hands as much as Americans do when they talk in Italian

    Mika: it's because I'm tired ... but after 4 coffee I'm very expressive with my hands! But Morgan gave me a vocabulary of the language of gestures

    Catteland (the host of X Factor): yes, because for us Italians is essential for making oneself understood

    Host: I would not trust so much of the advice of Morgan in every points of views... (he jokes of course)

    Mika: no but the other judges are very nice

    Catteland (the host of X Factor): he has incorporated so much well with others also because he has a very strong personality .... often happened that the other judges lose time arguing with each other and he, however, shuts up everyone saying " judges go on please"

    Mika: But it is very funny! The other judges are completely different: they are uncontrollable but intelligent and nasty

    Host: You laugh always when you have a singer who can not speak English ... we're taking you around for your Italian but you can avenge you talking about our English ... what's the story I heard about willy?

    Catteland (the host of X Factor): it is the song of the Spice Girls: i wanna really really really

    Mika sings it a bit

    Catteland (the host of X Factor): the girls sang it and turned it in i wanna willy willy willy which is .... well....

    Mika a little embarrassed tries to figure out what is it explaining that it is not free willy the dolphin .... they laugh

    Host: is it an hard work? (referring to the work of the judge)

    Mika: tiring .... I am constantly around and for that I am .... argh ... (he fails to explain in Italian)

    Catteland (the host of X Factor) talks helping him: he have to fit his work with x factor ... I follow him on instagram and I see that one day he is in japan, one day he is in barcelona ...

    Host: obviously you continue your work as singer

    Mika: yes, two ways of life completely different but I'm happy

    Host: Italy is a country that loved you from the beginning, I believe that here you have had more success

    MIka: yes, but for me it really is a pleasure to be here

    Host: What are the countries where you feel comfortable?

    Mika: France .... I am now number 1 with a new song called Live Your Life in Spain and also number 1 in korea ... korea is incredible ...

    Host: so they have you or Psy ...

    Mika: hahaha, yes, but I did my first concert for 15,000 people in seul and ... (he is in trouble with the Italian)

    Host: Look in korea but they speak English?

    Mika: yes yes, the fans are really nice

    Song Live Your Life

    Host: did it pass the test?

    Mika: yes, this is the first time I listen the song while on the radio and it has a completely different effect because when you work in studio the sound is different while on the radio is more lively .... it is like a test.

    Host: because in studio effects are always good, then not necessarily on the radio is the same thing

    Mika: But ... I have already had an experience where I listen to a song in a radio and I had moments where I was completely depressed and I realized too late that the song did not work as I had imagined in my head but for this I am very happy.

    Host: Where did you record this song?

    Mika: A Katmandu during a holiday (they joke because mika says "vacanzione" instead of "vacanza" and the host tells him to be careful because it can seem "evaquazione", the Italian verb used to explain that you're making poo....)

    Mika wrote Live your Life during his holidays near to Katmandu with his family and friends...they were 9 people. It was a very "bad" trekking because he saw a documentary about that place and he decided to go there after 24hours....But he didn't realise that during January it's very cold there because the day is -15 °C while during the night there's no heating at -25 °C

    And he wrote the melody while he's teeth chattered from the cold (laughs) So for this reason he wrote the lyrics "from the beaches of Manila down to Katmandu"

    The speaker says "Live your life" reminds him the young George Michael and the Wham and Mika says that the rhythm has something similar but he says thanks to the speaker cause he doesn't say the melody is similar too cause that could be "dangerous" of course.

    Then they say that George Michael became 50 yo yesterday and Mika says he's a genius.... He try to explain why....For example, Paul Mc Cartney is a big "maestro"...he's like the "boss" of the music industry (like Obama) but since Mika is only 29 he was born after him that's why maybe he feels closed to George Michael. But of course Paul McCartney is a genius and he wrote the best songs ever.

    Mika was talking with the speaker, minutes before about Paul McCartney but seems that he doesn't want to talk about that live so they're joking with the sentence "non avere paura" (don't be scared) that they also use during the Xfactor auditions like a motto. Mika gets the joke saying that he's always scared cause he works with Morgan,Simona and Elio (the 3 other judges, that are unpredictable).

    The speaker continue telling him that for UK people is kinda normal to see Paul McCartney instead for italians is like the once in a lifetime...it's like a big event for us and that in UK they're almost "tired" to see him everywhere cause they feel his presence all the time.

    The speaker says he started as the anti establishment but then he became part of it. Mika adds "almost establishment" and that is a really good person, very nice.


    The host says that Elio (one of the judge) fall in love with mika even if in the beginning he didn't like him at all... (Mika laughs a lot about the italian verb used by the host)... Mika says it is a reciprocal thing and that soon they will get married in Katmandu!


    Now finished the auditions, there are bootcamp where from 100 artists they will remain few people and it is difficult to choose who to leave because they're all good. But Mika gives a thickness international because for example he knows many of his colleagues such as Adele. They recall an incident happened in the audiction where Mika told of when he heard the demo of a song by Adele that a competitor had sung.

    Mika also says that one day he was at a restaurant together with Adele and after a little chat and 3 glasses of wine, Adele told Mika (seeing that at the time she was working at her second album '21') she had a melody or hmm a rhythm in her head - that was the song "rolling into the deep"


    End of the episode...they say that he can come whenever he wants, because he must feel at home, and Mika replies that it is a very chic home; the host concludes: "chic just like you, after all"


    CAUSE i don´t understand the end...at the restaurant...

    My face cagareI(Merdi) think i made a mistake"" and ellio and him .. They will get married in Katmancu?? no credi so...un matrimonio??


  6. 2013.06 Music Shows Entrevista a Mika http://www.metacafe.com/watch/107886...evista_a_mika/


    and i specially like this.



    waooou! mika you´re amazing with your answer like one enterteiment.. very funny with the stuff with the kids?? i like for them but you´re imagineing of what? i don´t understand the last word ..OKEY ThKS...

    The concerts of MADRID & BARCElOna de puta madre too..


    Der MOments ..

  7. attachment.php?attachmentid=9269&stc=1&d=1371816632

    MikaViernes, 21 de junio a las 12:15h.


    El cantante Mika, en la redacción de '20minutos'.



    En el encuentro digital se respondieron 18 preguntas


    Nació en Beirut en 1983 aunque vive desde que tenía 9 años en Londres. A los 7 escribió su primera canción y a los 15 ya cantaba como contratenor. Actualmente tiene tres discos publicados en el mercado, sus canciones lideran las listas de ventas y posee dos premios MTV y un Grammy. Tras protagonizar la última campaña publicitaria de San Miguel, llega a Espara para actuar en Barcelona (día 22) y Madrid (día 23).ed"]

    ¡Hola, Mika! Aparte de tu sonrisa, que me encanta, llama la atención lo altísimo que eres (supongo que no es la primera vez que te lo dicen), así que no debe resultar fácil pasar desapercibido. ¿Te cuesta mezclarte con la gente, o cuando vas a algún sitio tienes que estar continuamente atendiendo a gente?

    ¡Te veo el domingo en La Riviera! XD[/color]


    odio mi sonrisa. cada vez que me veo en una foto sonriendo me siento incomodo, pero creo que le pasa un poco a todo el mundo lo mismo. si, soy alto y me ayuda porque la mayoria de la gente no lo sabe y, es lo contrario, paso más desapercibido por mi altura.


    Tienes una voz muy peculiar, ¿crees que parte de tu fama se debe a ello?



    no toco muy bien el piano, pero funciona. como resultado de ello, tengo que usar mi voz de una manera más particular para contar las historias que quiero contar.esto es lo que me ha llevado a tener el estilo que tengo cantando. creo que me ayuda mucho el que tenga formación musical clásica. Me ha dado una perspectiva diferente.


    Hola! Soy fan de ti, me gusta tu música y tu estilo de vestir. Me imagino la envidia que te tendrán todos los que te hicieron acoso escolar. ¿Qué les dirías a las personas que ahora mismo están pasando por tu misma situación? ¿Cómo crees que deberían actuar?

    Un beso, eres el mejor.

    Dice ser: Rebecca

    muchas gracias por tus palabras y por el beso que me envías. le diria que buscara algo en lo que sea bueno, ya sea creativo o academico, lo que sea, cuando eso sucede, eso se convierte en algo mas grande que lo que estan diciendo o haciendo los acosadores y entonces tu estas ganando, eres el ganador, aunque no lo parezca. que no gaste demasiada energia; es mejor convertirse en un dragón más adelante en la vida que en ratoncillo acobardado.


    ¿Qué situación de tu vida te condujo al éxito? ¿Qué crees que fue lo que cambió tu vida, musicalmente?

    Dice ser: hellen

    el fracaso. el fracaso es lo que siempre me ha llevado al exito en mi vida. no creo que el exito llegue de la nada. y esoto es algo muy positivo cuando las cosas van mal. los fracasos de mi infancia han dado lugar a los exitos de mi vida actual. de la misma manera, las limitaciones musicales en mi voz y en mi musica han hecho que desarrolllara el estilo que tengo en este momento.


    En pocas palabras. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el MIKA de 'Life In Cartoon Motion', el MIKA de 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' y el MIKA de 'The Origin of Love'?


    como persona no demasiada diferencia. mi entorno ha cambiado eso si pero es algo bueno. siempre he sido alguien al que le gusant los reto y se reinventa in mi vida personal asi como en mi trabajo y en mi trabjo creativo. por lo tanto, cuanto mas cambio, menos cambio.


    With the questions without answer ..i hope you can to do...JIJIJI

    Leo que a los 7 años escribiste tu primera canción. ¿Cómo era? ¿Qué contabas en ella?

    Dice ser: Alicia


    ¿Crees que eres el nuevo Freddy Mercury? Me recuerdas muchísimo a el. Gracias Mika! NO :)

    Dice ser: Pablo Garrido


    Hola, soy Erika, una chica de Valencia a la que le gusta tu música. Me gustaría saber qué sentiste al grabar tu primer CD. Gracias!!



    Buenos días, Michael:

    Tengo que decirte que tengo 48 años y desde que te descubrí hace 3 años, me encanta tu música, y ya he ido a dos de tus conciertos en Madrid. Me lo paso bomba. Me encantan tus canciones en inglés, francés, pero...¿para cuándo una en español? Con lo bien que se te dan los idiomas, y lo que te queremos en España...¿Para cuándo nos darás ese gustazo?

    Enhorabuena por tu música, y más enhorabuena por tu actitud. Me parece espléndida.

    Dice ser: Pilar

    muchas gracias por tus amables palabras. me encantaria cantar en español. canto un poco en español en live your life. me encantaria hacer una cancion con la letra toda en español.


    Hola, Mika, ¡tu música es capaz de resucitar a un muerto! Por cierto, en el anuncio de cerveza que protagonizas no se te ve en ningún momento beber o agarrrar una botella de San Miguel. ¿Una cuestión de imagen para que no se te relacione con las bebidas alcohólicas? Gracias.

    Dice ser: Fernandisca

    Tuve la suerte de participar en el rodaje en Barcelona de tu nueva canción con San Miguel, y el buen rollo fue el protagonista ese día. Ahora que estás en España de nuevo... ¿has podido ver ya algún cartel publicitario por la calle o en la televisión? Si es así, ¿qué se siente al verte a ti mismo en una campaña como esta?

    Dice ser: Meeks

    Si he visto los carteles y me han gustado mucho y son estupendos.


    Me gustaría mucho saber qué opinas de esa "tradición" tan polémica llamada "Corridas taurinas". ¿Apoyarías que se prohibieran?

    Un beso, me encanta tu música.

    Dice ser: Baby navy

    cuando tenia 17 años, despues de mucho discutir, me llevaron a ver una corrida de toros en Francia. No queria ir por nada. una vez allí, me di cuenta que no aguantaba más y que no aguantaria hasta el final. lo que vi fue una de las cosas más fascinantes que he visto en mi vida. se convirtio en una obsesión que en la que se basó el material gráfico que estuve haciendo los tres años siguientes, incluido, un trabajo que tuve que entregar el final de curso en el colegio, cuando estaba cursando el bachiller. la ceremonia de la muerte, el deseo de poner a prueba y de enfrentarse a la muerte, el apetito del publico, la ornanentación y los detalles de la vestimenta y los colores. Todas estas cosas se han quedado como vívidos recuerdos en mi memoria. Lo recuerdo con emoción y tristeza. Una especie de pornografía de la muerte. Y con un potencial adictivo. es una tradición cruel, con una intensa y cruel belleza. creo que no nunca iré a otra corrida, pero siempre guardaré en mi memoria ese recuerdo, siempre hasta que me muera. Y espero que mi muerte, cuando llegue, no sea tan violenta como la que se ve en las corridas de toros.

    Hola, soy Erika, una chica de Valencia a la que le gusta tu música. Me gustaría saber qué sentiste al grabar tu primer CD. Gracias!!


    pues no pensaba en nada, salvo en la musica que estaba haciendo en ese momento. la idea de grabar musica y sacar un album no era algo que me resultara glamuroso. la idea de estar en el escenario, o de oir lo que hago en la radio o en una pelicula es algo que me resulta muy emocionante.



    Pareces una persona muy divertida, aunque parezcas un "Mozart" por tu precocidad, pero... ¿eres tan divertido 24 horas al día? ¿Cuál es tu límite? y... ¿por qué tan buen rollo o positivismo que trasmites en tu música? ¿De dónde sale????


    Dice ser: Sara

    No estoy constantemente feliz las 24 horas del día!! Temo que penseis que yo soy un personaje de dibujos animados, de comic, pero en esa linea, te puedo decir que si tuviera que ser comparado con alguien seria mas parecido a eyor que a tiger.


    Hay rumores de que pronto vas a sacar tu cuarto disco, ¿es eso cierto? Si es así, ¿para cuándo podremos escucharlo? :)

    Dice ser: andrea_holbrook

    estoy trabajando en mi cuarto album y saldrá el año que viene.


    Hola Mika, aunque te fuiste muy pequeño del Líbano, me gustaría saber si te sigues sintiendo libanés o ya eres totalmente 'british'. Saludos desde Alicante.

    Dice ser: Mauricio[/color]

    nunca me he sentido totalmente britanico ni totalmente libanés. soy como una maleta que viaja constantemente de un lugar a otro, lo cual es estupendo cuando te dedicas a la musica, significa que no tienes una casa a la que vuelves siempre, pero está bien,


    Hola Mika,

    primero decirte que eres un tío encantador (al menos en los conciertos :P)

    Te vi en Coruña hace ya un par de añitos y contaste una anécdota sobre la primera que tocaste con público, que fue con unos mafiosos o algo así. ¿Podrías explicárselo a todo el mundo (y a mí el primero)?

    Por cierto, hablas genial español! =)

    Dice ser: pepe

    no sé lo que dije, la verdad, pero estoy seguro de que fue algo simpatico e interesante.


    España, Francia... ya han aprobado el matrimonio homosexual. ¿Qué ocurre en Gran Bretaña que se está resistiendo? No creo que la religión protestante sea más conservadora que la católica. Gracias, Mika, tu musica siempre está en mis playlists de fiestas.

    Dice ser: Carola

    el matrimonio homosexual se acabará aprobando. no supone una amenaza para nadie ni para la calidad de vida de nadie y no tendrá ninguna repercusión negativa desde un punto de vista economica. permitir que dos personas, de la condicion sexual que sean, formen una union solo puede traer cosas buenas en lo espiritual, en lo social y en lo económico, el resto es simmplemente enfado injustificado.


    Si tuvieras el poder de poder cambiar tres cosas en el mundo... ¿cuáles cambiarías? Un beso y enhorabuena por tu música.

    Dice ser: Baby Navy

    Me encantaría poder leer a toda velocidad, me encantaría poder jugar el tenis bien y me encantaría hablar coreano.

    [/CTienes una voz muy peculiar, ¿crees que parte de tu fama se debe a ello?



    no toco muy bien el piano, pero funciona. como resultado de ello, tengo que usar mi voz de una manera más particular para contar las historias que quiero contar.esto es lo que me ha llevado a tener el estilo que tengo cantando. creo que me ayuda mucho el que tenga formación musical clásica. Me ha dado una perspectiva diferente.


    ¡Hola, Mika! Aparte de tu sonrisa, que me encanta, llama la atención lo altísimo que eres (supongo que no es la primera vez que te lo dicen), así que no debe resultar fácil pasar desapercibido. ¿Te cuesta mezclarte con la gente, o cuando vas a algún sitio tienes que estar continuamente atendiendo a gente?

    ¡Te veo el domingo en La Riviera! XD


    odio mi sonrisa. cada vez que me veo en una foto sonriendo me siento incomodo, pero creo que le pasa un poco a todo el mundo lo mismo. si, soy alto y me ayuda porque la mayoria de la gente no lo sabe y, es lo contrario, paso más desapercibido por mi altura.


    Hola Mika. Tus trabajos anteriores me gustan pero The Origin Of Love me encanta, aunque personalmente creo que, por parte de los medios, no ha tenido toda la promoción que el álbum merece... ¿salvo en Francia? ¿Es porque el éxitazo de 'Live In Cartoon Motion' condiciona tu carrera? ¿Qué opinas?

    El año pasado no pude, pero este sábado me apetece mucho ir a verte a Razmatazz y a mi el Mika de ahora me gusta más.

    Te deseo mucha suerte ! y gracias.

    BruixaBcn (Barcelona)

    Dice ser: Esther

    muchas gracias por el cumplido. estoy de acuerdo. mi album no ha tenido la promocion que hubiera merecido y eso me desilusiona. siempre trabajo todo lo mejor que puedo. creo que cuando uno hace un trabajo excelente, las cosas acaban saliendo. Uno nunca sabe cuándo o dónde algo va a tener exito comercial. Lo unico que uno sabe es que si uno hace cosas buenas, pasan cosas buenas. live your life está punto de convertirse en uno de los temas más exitososos en España y en otros paises. me gusta, pero nunca me hubiera imaginado que iba a tener tanto exito


    ¿Qué circunstancia podría hacer que te plantearas dejar la música? ¡Gracias y espero que sigas en la música durante muchos años porque te admiro mucho!

    Dice ser: Maria

    Bajo ninguna circunstancia, pero espero ir cambiando la musica que hago a medida que pasa el tiempo. hay muchos tipos de musica posibles, desde el escenario, etc.


  8. The Italian is similar to Spanish but the character Bravo the Italians do the lenguage more ....diferrent.

    i learn Itlaian every day cause is for me like the origin of LATIN lenguages. and for to understand all latinos people. But is hard spoke with wearing ...

    comparisons of languagues "confronti del linguaggio". for to say something saying other words diferents... Sometimes more that own lenguage English wear to use litle words...

    i think that your article is like a fresh air when you talk about your nanny dream...and lenguage German...

    i can imagine that this is part real cause your learnig is sometime like a film.., a dream , a nightmare or a nany... any Sigmund Froidl could translate or investigate better... NO ya ...OK ..And why the title...??

    The Years of the CAT i supose. That..

  9. :stretcher::spain::excite::throw:cf2882b0f867db2cd324446b9aa38ec5.gif?r=1221624

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MS_NvcpdSNo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



    i dream that Mika was here in spain and enjoy with me of th Party..


    from July 6 to July 14 9 days of intensive Spree San Fermin in Pamplona with Txupinazo and the running of the bulls. On 7 July 2013 Th





    THE CORRIDA DE TOROS WAS STARTING :woot_jump:AND BOTH WAS WAITING FOR RUNNING FROMM tOROS we both wearing a red handcherief like a tipic..

    with the scarf and talking about love.

    bull suddenly began to chase and I insulted them. :badword:and runing like :taz:

    and laughed out loud..

    he told me about his personal and secret life , he was a married man with a singer from Lebanese.. and with 2 daughter but any boy for this reason he very sadnes...

    I accidentally punched him in the head to get on a door of the race. For safe the life other was hiring and blood for the floor..:fish::taz::spain:

    Finally at the PLAZA de Toros we was sitting to see the spectaculo...

    very very dangerous and funny moments...

    I woke up at this moment...

    the next not working well to

    <div class="VideoContainer f16x9" data-sust="false" data-assetID="539214_es_videos"data-permaLink="http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/sanfermines/encierro-limpio-alcurrucen/539214/" data-location="embed_videos" data-idManager="default"itemprop="Video" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject"><span class="hddn" style="display: none;" itemprop="name">Encierro limpio de Alcurrucén</span><meta itemprop="duration" content="T00H00M00S" /><meta itemprop="thumbnail" content="http://img.irtve.es/imagenes/encierro-limpio-alcurrucen/1246949350715.jpg" />


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