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Status Updates posted by ninja_master

  1. What grade are you in? I'm a freshman! School starts monday the 23rd for me. I'll look for it on google earth soon. I got a little lazy there, sorry! Lol

  2. You get used to it. I think that the hardest thing for people to get used to is the humidity. I have went on trips where the people are complaining that it's hot and so humid when it is only 80 outside and in the middle of summer! Here it gets on average during the summer 95F but the heat index is 115F! The humidity is the worst! It makes it feel like the air is boiling! Hurricanes happen about once every one or two years. Always in the spring.

  3. That is a hard one.:blink: I have no favorite band. I guess it matters on the mood, what's going on in my life, and stuff like that. Right now, its probably The Used, My Chemical Romance, Calvin Harris, Innerpartysystem, The Beatles, The doors, and a bunch of countless others(remember that it is just right now! lol). I have a very wide collection of music choices:aah:! I like so many bands that I can't name them all in this message:teehee:. I know, it's pretty sad..... lol. What about you?

  4. Well, Texas has all types of landscapes. When there is a hurricane, traffic going away from the coast is terrible. Coming towards it, traffic is good. My family usually just waits out the hurricane at my grandma's(about an hour away). First, we have scattered rain. Then, the wind starts to pick up. The winds get up to about 75 miles per hour, usually more if its bad. It floods alot right on the coast, but in other parts too. The electricity goes out the day after it starts really getting there. We are out of power through the rest the hurricane(about 1 1/2 days) and a week after it. The longest I can remember it being out is 3 weeks.

  5. Well, mostly listening to music. I love rock! If you did not notice from my name, I love ninjas. I never really had any musical talent. Are you in a band or anything, or do you just like to sing? I am not good at geography, so I don't know where in China Guangzhou is....

  6. I am in Texas. It is a great place. The only problem is that I live by the coast, so the hurricanes SUCK!!!!! I think that I would rather live in the hill part of Texas.

  7. I am awesome actually! Thank you! How are you? I'm Katie from the United States.

  8. Music is a total release for me! It makes you distracted from the harsh reality of life. I don't have any musical talent either. Mika is perfect. His songs just make you feel so much better. I just love listening to music in general!

  9. I never get to paint. I made this picture of a sunset on hills with pastels one time and everyone said that it was really awesome, and they were the type of people that think that everything sucks except their stuff. I used so many colors on it! Another time in my art class, we got to do clay work. We could make a mug or a bowl. Everyone made the most simple of things(it was the first time) but I wanted to do something else. So I made this small vase. It was small at the bottom and top but large in the middle. I used these metallic paints on it, though I should have done metallic brown and then a brighter color. But when I took it home, I showed it to some of my friends and they said that the other art teacher used it as an example and said that the teachers thought that it was the best one out of all of them! I was so happy!

  10. Oh, and I agree. Humans are below animals. Some humans just really suck!!!! Lol

  11. Well, The only think that I am majorly into is music(mostly rock) and drama. I can get really loud so I fit in drama! Lol. I love drawing! I am alright at it. There are some that I drew that I just love! Like I drew this tiger once that looked really good. It took about 4 days to draw it, but we were moving at that time, so it spread it out alot. When I write, I never get to finish them. But the beginings always start with a bang. In my opinion, those are the best. This is going to be my first year of high school. I am a little nervous, but I think that I am going to have alot of fun. Wow, you are like me. I love school. Without it, life is so boring and nonproductive. My brother is leaving for college soon. It is going to be sad, but I know that I will force my mom to bring me up there! Lol. What are you going to major in? I am going to major in vet medicine.

  12. I never got to have that many pets. My family never really had any extra money to buy any other pets. I am going to the Texas A&M for college. It is one of the best vet colleges there is in the U.S.!!!!!

  13. Ahh! Thank you! So what kind of stuff are you into?

  14. Happy birthday!

  15. Happy birthday! If you were in the United States you would finally be able to drink! Lol

  16. :happybday:Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Happy birthday!!!!

  18. Happy birthday! Hey, now you can go to the clubs! lol

  19. Happy birthday!

  20. Happy birthday! Good luck with being 14! It is a good age for me so far! lol

  21. Hey! I am Katie from the United states! It's nice to meet you too! Are you new to the website? I know I am! The best person to become friends with is Droopsy, at least in my opinion. You can get alot of friends from her! Plus she is really sweet! Anyway, how are you?

  22. Well, I'm from Texas. I am 14 and a freshman of high school. I'm a little scared about it! I start on the 23rd of this month! Of course I love Mika(why else would I be on this website!) though I am a major rocker! I am going to be a vet. My parents are divorced, so you will see me say 'my mom's house' or 'my dad's house'. People get confused if I don't tell them that they are divorced. I have 4 dogs in al(2 at mom's & 2 at dad's) and 2 fish at my mom's. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Technically they are half, but we have lived together as a true, unbroken family. Sorry, I talk alot. It's even worse right now because I just got my wisdom teeth out, so it hurts to actually talk.

  23. Nice to meet you too! I am getting more friends each day!:aah: It is awesome! I have only been on here for a few days and I already have 6 friends! On Youtube it took me 2 months to get me that many friends!!!!

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