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About ninja_master

  • Birthday 12/11/1995


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  • Occupation
    Freshman in high school(yes it is a job)
  1. I heard about your mom. I am very sorry. I know how much it hurts. We love you though!!!!!!!!

  2. Ya I'm bi. Sorry I only just now replied! My computer sucks, so when I forgot my password it would not tell me what it was through email! Ugh! Oh well. I used to be catholic. I ended up not believing after 4 years of catholic school. I can debate really well and the nuns don't like that. Especially when you start asking certain questions that are unanswerable about god. It was actually quite funny to see some of their reactions! I'll end up going to hell for it, but oh well! I had fun! Lol

  3. Please,show you care about HollyD, join this group I've just created for her...I want to cheer her up a bit as whe needs love from us..she lost her mum on November 2nd


    Thank you

  4. ha ha,I miss my home everyday,and i just went back home.

  5. Haha, thanks! I've never been to another school, so I don't know any different. And once you get use to it, its not all that bad! Yeah its stressful and all but we make it fun! LoL I'm sorry to hear that your parents aren't together but at least you stay in contact with them. Yeah I suppose.... Never thought of it like that! Haha Are you Bi or Gay? I've never really thought about it before. only because I've never had free time to hang out with my friends and date people. But I get al flirty when boys come to my school! Haha And I'm catholic so that wouldn't be approved of!

  6. Ya. I miss my brother. Stupid college education, taking my brother away while I sit in high school!!! Lol

  7. Oh my god! I'm ssssoooo sorry! I might be able to deal with that life style, but it seems extremely stressful! I get pretty stressed alot. My dad is so controlling. And of course him and my mom are divorced! That means I have to go back and forth and hear them talk mess about eachother. I bet that your school would be fun if you are bi or gay! I might have fun there! Lol. At the same time, I can't just go for anybody. If the chick is mean, there is no way I would date her!

    I get up at 5:30 each morning. School starts at 7:30 but I get there at about 6:45. It ends at 2:30 and I get home about 3. I walk so I don't worry about buses.

  8. Yeah,it's fine,and I always miss my home.ha ha:biggrin2:

  9. Your school sounds amazing! I wish I went there! I'm pretty girly... I'm a sucker for dresses and shoes. The last time I counted, I had 52 pairs of shoes.

    Boarding school isnt as fun as what your school sounds like. Its an all girl school that is very strict. We have a cram packed routien, I wont go into detail unless you want to hear it? I start school at 8am and then finish at 5pm! We get a longer lunch though and we have dinner at 9pm and its sometimes a long time to wait. I have an evil matron that wakes us up by ringing a bell at 5:30! AGH Haha

    I have really good friends here, that I have known for years. We have little parties and sneak out and nights. We also make cake and cookies at night to eat while watching a movie. But I dont get home on weekends and the next holiday I have, Isn't until christmans!

  10. I'm awesome! High School is sssooo much better than any other school so far! I've made alot of new friends! My older brother is jealous because when it was his freshman year, he had almost no friends, especially not senior friends but I do! Sucks for him! Lol. Homecoming just pasted last week. We won the football game and I went to the dance. Everyone was so suprised that I did, because it was formal so I had to wear a dress. I am not a girly type so nobody ever sees me in a dress, unless its required. I had sssooo much fun though! So, tell me how life on your side is!

  11. Yeah, maybe one day! How are you? How have you been? I'm at a boarding school!

  12. Woohoo! Friendly peoplz! So how is life now?!

  13. Lucky!!!! I wish I was you! I am hoping that I will win the lottery so that I can do that. But even then I might not be able to...

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