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Everything posted by Mikaissocoollike

  1. Stopping Clint from seeing me...had a go at him,took all his money off him..I haven't met her yet seems like a really horrible person..
  2. I still don't get it,he doesn't like the music I listen to yet would go to a gig with me to see like Fun. or whoever. Anyway am off,night:bye:
  3. We end up not aha. By him asking me if I was going to any other concert I then managed to find out that way that he is also going to a concert in October.
  4. Haha yep:teehee: Can be a tad bit annoying at times though...cos he doesn't like the music I like so I feel I can't exactly go talking about Mika,Fun. etc:mf_rosetinted:
  5. That's like being in love with someone who you don't have anything in common with...which saying that,me & Clint seemed to have lasted despite that
  6. Or basically have it how like it was on Saturday,it was sunny all day and it wasn't like sunny and cold,was pretty warm day
  7. Oh yeah,can be like that here..only not so much of a thunderstorm more of it's sunny and everything but then suddenly it rains...very heavily,which reminds me it was raining once here but it wasn't cold,it was actually warm weird really
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