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Rosie-Posie Boffin

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Posts posted by Rosie-Posie Boffin

  1. :Update:


    Gözlerime inanamıyorum!!! :shocked: İki yeni tweet daha :roftl::roftl:


    you can check out my last few columns for La Repubblica here; http://tinyurl.com/5syak2u

    about 9 hours ago via web


    today was good. two new songs, one beautiful one ****ing ace and column drama sorted, at least i know what to write about now

    about 9 hours ago via web


    başımıza taş yağacak...:naughty:





  2. :Update:


    Tweet!! Tweeet!! Sıcak sıcak yeni tweetler...:naughty:


    about 21 hours ago via web


    am loving Chris Garneau right now. Listen to Dirty Night Clowns. I adore it

    about 21 hours ago via web


    i think donkeys gotta go, he looks like sh**, how??

    8:28 PM Jan 15th via web



    I can't spell, why do i even have a column, maybe theyll let me off....

    8:21 PM Jan 15th via web



    in the studio in france, taking a break now to figure out what to write for my la republica column...6 days late.... FEELS LIKE SCHOOL WORK

    8:21 PM Jan 15th via web




  3. Evet kızlarr!! makalenin tam ingilizce çevirisi...



    You’ve obviously realised by now that this issue is about Glam. By the time you’ve finished reading this magazine (or just looking at the pictures) you would have had enough bright coloured lipstick, smeared sequins and alter egos to last you the rest of 2011.




    Imagine if you had woken up in the early hours of 2011 lying on the floor, dressed in a blue catsuit with glitter in your hair and a puddle of drool under the corner of your mouth. Well that mess was me on the 1st of Jan and the Glam rock themed new years party which preceded this ugly scene was to blame. That is the reason why I don’t feel like writing about Glam. Instead this article will be far more traditional; the ultimate new years resolution list. Trust me, I need one.




    Resolution Number ONE; I shall find myself a cannon. After the death of the legendary american writer Hunter S Thompson, his ashes were exploded out of a cannon on top of a mountain in Colorado. None other than Johnny Depp lit the taper. This is a very, very good way to go. Forget Johnny Depp though, I don’t know him. Why spend so much money on a burial plot when a story like that will travel for so far and for so long. Please note, my resolution makes no implication that I will die in 2011, I just want a cannon. A little post life theatre can’t be a bad thing.




    Resolution Number TWO; Be Kind Not Nice. Who likes Nice? Nice isn’t sexy, nor is it honest. People are only nice when they want something or when they just want to get you out of the way. Being nice is like being drunk too many times in a week. You feel tired, anaesthetised and very angry underneath. Kind is sincere and takes more effort. The plus side is that you don’t have to do it as often. It does take a lot more control however, and that takes discipline. But we all know that discipline makes you feel better about yourself. So, being nice makes you feel like **** and being kind makes you feel good and zen like. Be careful to not be too pious however, then everyone thinks you’re just a self-satisfied prick.




    Resolution Number THREE; Embrace The Posse. I went to see a play about Onassis recently and one thing struck me. Very rarely during the two hour show was he ever shown without an entourage. He reminded me of my Arab friends who always go out it groups, or of rappers whose entourage impose a sense of importance and inconvenience on everyone around them, which is the point I think. I come from a Lebanese background, with a big and very close family. Hardly ever do I go anywhere for work or play, where I am not surrounded by at least 3 or four people. Often this entourage has made me feel uncomfortable. As if, more could be achieved or observed If I were more subtle in my movements. This year I shall embrace my crew. Even if my entourage is not as cool as a rapper’s or as powerful as Onassis’, I shall walk walk around with my sisters, friends, dog, a couple of 80 year old family members and of course my mother, all in line and with our heads held high.




    Resolution Number FOUR; Find A Henchman. Ok so this is a bit of a continuation of number three but still merits its own resolution. I want a chinese looking, quiet and elegant, quite small gentleman, in a suit and tie, preferably in his mid thirties, to follow me around, everywhere. He shouldn’t say to much but must have a doctorate in something obscure, like the behaviour of a subspecies of amazonian red ant. He will be my confidante, the other part of my brain, my filter to people I cross. He will frighten the seedy and reassure the wise. Applications welcome.




    Resolution Number FIVE; Work All The Time. You know those self help guides that tell you to take lots of holiday and spend time away from work? Well, they’re bull****. Those guides are written by self promoting workaholics who want you to buy their books, feel crap again and then buy another one. When you don’t work enough you fell terrible. The things that you used to look forward to, like a drink after work or a favourite TV show, no longer have the same appeal. The more you work the more you value everything and everyone around you. At my age how could this be a bad thing?




    I hope I inspire you. I think I’ve inspired myself. Feel free to borrow some of my resolutions and make them your own, just stay away from the henchman idea, if everyone gets one, it could get a little confusing. Happy new year! Nota Benne, that was said with kindness, I’m not being nice.




    Şimdi biraz daha anlaşılması kolay olur :roftl:

  4. Was it with you who I was talking to in the mad tea party thread about a name for him and me doesn't wanting to talk about my thoughts on it? Now, do you get why? :naughty:


    Yes that would be me...:roftl::roftl:



    Now everything is more clear :mf_rosetinted:







    but I still wanna hear them...:lmfao:

  5. I'm pretty sure they didn't :mf_rosetinted:


    Didn't you ever found odd that Louboutin first wanted to make shoes for Mika? :mf_rosetinted: That's a weird relationship they have :mf_rosetinted:




    You m'am certainly have a point :mf_rosetinted: friends with benefits...:naughty:

  6. I just meant... just meant.... only t-shirts! like mika and Martin wore the same dotted t-shirt :angel_not::fisch:


    Yeh..sure you ment that!! :mf_rosetinted: besides...I don't think grey will look good on Chris... I mean...t-shirts...:mf_rosetinted:

  7. :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked:


    Ceyda..... you are my hero :blink:

    Da boys wear the same things... hm... what does it means?



    (and what else do they wear in common?)



    You're reading my mind :naughty:



    Well..close friends share everything :mf_rosetinted:

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