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Everything posted by GingerLujka

  1. hej, da znas. je l to bila siva ili bela? ma prepala se, mukica, nisu macke preterano hrabre, nazalost :( ja bih na goli otok sve koji maltretiraju zivotinje, verujes li mi. gadi mi se ta nasilnicka crta u ljudskoj prirodi :((

    inace, sta mi radis ovih dana?

  2. polako ali postojano :P

  3. kad mi posaljes sms, ja odgovorim, ti ne odgovoris back :P

  4. kumo, imas li mozda neku sliku gde se bolje vidi meeks u ovom 'autfitu'? treba mi za kroj jednog kostima, crtam nesto slicno :)


  5. nooo, Mika as Master, nooo... but Mika as the face of Boe...
  6. and it's because she hears Mika singing and she follows him... Doctor is upset... really, REALLY upset... and you know what happens when you upset the Doctor...
  7. Doctor goes to the banana plantation, Companion goes to the beach...
  8. OK, so... Doctor and the Companion are on holidays, and they are on Haiti, 17th century. beautiful beaches, but also slave labor. they witness a scene where a rich slave owner harasses a young slave and ofc Doctor decides to put a stop to that. all three of them (the slave, the Dr and the Companion) have to run from the local authorities, and they hide in the local village.. there they hear a story about people disappearing in the night, when they go too close to the water... The Companion thinks the story is just voodoo, but Doctor has heard this story before...
  9. yeah, well, tell it to the guy whose lyrics I edit and keep saying him exactly the same for three years now I mean, it SHOULD be like that, but when a songwriter has to choose between the meaning and the rhyme, often the meaning looses the fight. to be honest, I have no idea what Mika wanted to say, maybe he was talking about a male person, maybe he just mixed up his lyrics again, bottom line is, it doesn't matter I was just stating the fact that language is a living thing and just like any living thing, it's full of strange and wonderful things and if you know how to use it, it can be both a powerful tool or a magnificent toy
  10. but nothing else would fit the rhyme nor rhythm of the song... thought I found a woman I wanted.. thought I found a person I wanted... thought I found a girl I wanted... sounds like RNB
  11. [English teacher mode] like I said, 'man' can also mean 'person' in English [/English teacher mode] I really like the topic. can't wait to see the original, I think I might even use it in class, could be interesting to hear what teenagers think about online dating they're anyway all the time on FB
  12. could be lapsus lingue... still... also, in English 'man' can mean also 'person', and therefore is neutral enough
  13. what were the lyrics you talk about? well, the normal Rain lyrics are perfectly normal, "the man you wanted" is actually him
  14. why not some other planet, or some other time? it's Doctor Who after all
  15. well, if I were Doctor Who I would definitely like to have Mika as my companion he can even take Melachi with him, as long as she doesn't mind sharing the Tardis with my cat so, let's start, episode no.1 of Mika in tardis Doctor and his Companion decide to have a holiday, somewhere where it's warm and sunny, so where do they go?
  16. well, if it came to the fully developed idea for an episode, I could do the dialogues, I wrote a couple of plays already. not in English, though but, I might as well try Oh, Mikaaaaa!! come see the Tardis thread, we've got muffins!!
  17. one technical question: should we write THE ACTUAL plot of the episode, or just brainstorm for the ideas? I'd like to do the first, in which case we should announce the beginning of the episode, somehow... in the meantime, I've been busy
  18. no, he was not actually dyslexic, he was, actually, the only one who could spell properly. I wish I had more time, I would make some more pics like the one in the first post, but I have A LOT to finish by morning but I'll be back with some more Tardis/Mika fanfics when I'm done with preparing tests and translations
  19. pa posalji mladozenju, necem se bunim :P

  20. hej darling, kad sutra da ti dodjem na caj? je l ti odgovara 14h? al moraces da me cekas na stanici ;)

  21. So, Mika, in the form of a merman (we can make it cybermerman, just to add some spice to it...) decides that the world is against him and that it should suffer the consequences.. no, wait, that's wrong, I mean, how can it be 'suffering' if he's controlling us with his song? OR, his song USED to be horrible, just like Vogon poetry, but after he's spent some time in Tardis, she affects him in the same way she affects everyone, and turns his evil song into the Life in Cartoon Motion, and that's how we all know him today... Ofc, Lady Jane is autobiographical song that we hear at the end of the episode :naughty:
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