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Trix the Mubbin

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Posts posted by Trix the Mubbin

  1. Like Christine said before, they seem to have a lot in common...:naughty:




    They do...


    Theres some who don't even know who mika is....:sneaky2:


    Not knowing who Mika is isn't a crime! It's just a minor problem that desperately needs to be fixed! :aah:


    Don't get irritated if they don't know Mika - Get irritated if they DO and don't like him. :aah::roftl:

  2. What is

    "Big boy, come on around

    and there we're gonna do baby"

    supposed to mean ? :blink:


    It's "they'll be calling you baby". :aah:


    Usually you don't see guys calling any overweight girl "baby". But a "big boy" will come and call the big girl "baby". :aah: Uh... I'm not good at explaining things. :roftl:

  3. I may not be agree with you in many points throughout these months-lasting discussions, but only now I understood and got this simple and important cause of your point of view - why it is so. I Must admit it.


    I didn't notice Christine's post until you responded to it, but I'll just add this and hope it's finally over - I've NEVER gone to a gig and probably won't for many years to come because my only source of transportation is currently my dad, who's a giant wimp about going places, BUT I'm totally okay with him not tweeting much. But, I'm also extremely patient.

  4. Well you could tell well enough, so I'm sure anybody else will be fine. Especially after this rather off topic discussion. Though, if we're honest, I think it's been a good few pages since anyone mentioned anything that actually properly concerned the gig. :teehee:


    :roftl: True. Well maybe if they aren't native English speakers or anything... :dunno:



    Wait... gig? what gig? :mf_rosetinted:






  5. It's not a midlife crisis til you chuck tens of thousands of pounds at one and post a picture of yourself posing with it on twitter. :naughty:


    I sincerely hope he only rented it though. It'd be nice for a sunny weekend, but no more. Stick with the Fiat Mika. :teehee:


    Everyone loves it when he tweets, but when he posts a pic, everyone criticizes. :aah:


    Now I see why he doesn't so often.


    He's fine. If I had a chance to get a shiny, bright red convertible, I'd show it off too. :teehee:

  6. Yeah but bright red with a big engine?


    And perhaps quarter life crisis if the term upsets you so. :thumb_yello:


    I dunno. Bright red is my favorite car color. And the big engine is okay by me. I'm nearly 20. Am I having a mid-life crisis?


    It doesn't upset me, it's just... well... that's just it. Mid-life. :aah: He's not there yet. :roftl:

  7. LOL. Glad you thought so :naughty:


    Well, I think he didn't do any new ones. THANK THE LORD. He also looked like he didn't enjoy it alot, well. He probably wouldn't if he isn't playing to a bunch of fans :aah:


    Actually, it thoroughly annoyed me. :sneaky2:


    I know right? Although I doubt he would WANT to do new ones for the first time for people who don't actually care about him like his fans. :aah:

  8. The feeling I got from what was said by a few was that people begrudged him doing private gigs because he wasn't doing anything public. This was at the beginning of the discussion, when the mortgages and baked beans were mentioned. It didn't move on to the old twitter debate until a fair while later, so the "connection" stuff is a bit irrelevant to what was being discussed before.


    Though, now we're discussing it, my two cents on the whole twitter "thing" are as follows. Really, I don't particularly care if he tweets or not. That's just me. I don't need it. I like that he pops in every now and then to let us know he's still alive, but otherwise, I don't particularly need him to do so like others do. However, I feel it is important not to mix the idea of him not wanting to "connect" (I'm sorry, I really hate that word) and him not caring about fans. I think right now he probably wants to keep himself to himself on his down time. In my opinion, that's fair enough, he is his own person. Other people wish for him to stay in touch, a wish that I understand but don't share. I don't think anyone should think for a second that he doesn't care about his fans though. I have friends I don't speak to for months and months at a time. It doesn't mean I don't like them, or care about them, I'm just properly sh*t at keeping in touch. My parents get two phone calls from me a term if they're lucky (or unlucky, depending on your view point). It's how I am, and it's how he appears to be when he's not touring. As somebody like that, I can understand that, so it doesn't bother me. I feel like I'm rambling now and I hope I've made my point because my dinner's just about ready. :aah:


    I'd hesitate to call the convertible "fantastic" though. Screams mid life crisis to me. Poor lad. :naughty:


    He's not really middle-aged though. It's perfectly normal for people to have convertibles, no matter what age. Although most of the time, people under 35 have them. He IS under 35. Mika having one isn't really a mid-life crisis.

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