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Everything posted by EstonianGirl

  1. Yeah, it really is:wub2: Though I've never been a fan of them:teehee:

    Of course I love skiing! I'm not good at it, that's why I do only cross-country skiing but not downhill skiing. I'm too scared of it:aah: My favourite sports are football and high jump:teehee:

    Hahaaa, well, I think it's all about the age cos my little sis hates it too, though she doesn't have to do this counting stuff:aah: No, it isn't the tradition... at least I haven't heard about other people doing that xD It was just a rule my parents created in order to got me into sauna:aah:

    Yeah, it is a dream and you wish it will never end:wub2: it's obviously too hard question for me:naughty:

    Hahha, I'm not used to it, it was too cold even for me, but I just wanted to swim:aah: no, it isn't, don't scare:naughty: The temperature during summer goes up and down, once is drought then the rains... but it's mostly over 24 degrees. It's rare when there's 30'C outside, but it happens sometimes:teehee:

  2. Oh it sounds really cool!! And north pole is closer than south pole, though the weather is same... so, it's right choice:aah: or there are another reasons why exactly north?:teehee: I guess it's fun but I haven't tried it... yet, but I'm gonna definitely do it some day xD I just thought that maybe you have tried it, as you live in Sweden:teehee:

    those film descriptions seem always good but tricky, they are written in order to get as many people in cinema as possible:sneaky2: Thrillers are pretty scary, sometimes I can't sleep after I've watched them:aah:

    I don have Disney Channel. What a pity!:sneaky2::aah: I can imagine! Kids always say what they really think about something and that can be so hilarious:naughty:

    Why so sad? Cheer up:wink2: yeah, I remember when I was 11/12 I was never bored, I had always sth do to, play with other kids and everything was just so easy:teehee:

  3. That's the sentence I was expecting to hear:mf_rosetinted:

    and I think it's better to not find it out:aah:

    I thought you are a bit braver girl and don't scare cold:mf_rosetinted: have you ever tried ice hole swimming?:teehee:

    Ohh, bad luck with this movie:aah: I actually hate action films. comedies and love stories are much better:naughty:

    Hahhaa, you know, all those cartoons are so cool nowadays. it doesn't matter how old you are, it's still a lot of fun watching them:aah: you mean, those kids who were at the cinema?:teehee:

    Did you have a crazy party?:teehee: You're so right :huh: Well, I'll be 18 too, so I know what you're feeling. It's like... when I was younger I wanted to grow up as fast as possible, but now I just wanna stop the time or turn it back if I only could:sad:

  4. (sorry, too long post again xDD )

    I'm pretty sure it was cold cos I went to swim when there was 15'C outside:aah: You think so??:mf_rosetinted: I wanna go somewhere is warmer than here!! As estonians say "Estonian summer is awful (=*badword*) skiing weather" xDD

    You didn't?:blink: was it cloudy? I was outside yesterday night for only 5 mins and I saw 3 ones:teehee: btw, I haven't changed my mind about moving to Italy soon, especially cause what you just talked:mf_rosetinted: and cos of the weather ofc:mf_rosetinted:

  5. oh it reminds me this really old song:teehee:

    it kinda makes me sad...

    Sorry:teehee: but maybe you'll like it xD

    Yeah :aah: I guess those saunas there aren't as good as they are here, that's why nobody uses those:naughty: actually I've never tried it after skiing but I should to!:teehee: you know, when I was little i hated sauna... cos I had to threw water over hot rocks to create the steam as many times as old I was ... so I didn't want to get older any more:aah:

    yeah, you're right! It's the moment when you forget what you're doing and just enjoy every second:wub2: is it possible to get the same feeling as at Mikakigs anywhere else?:teehee:

  6. "Mika, who just came out of the closet, is now #4 with his song Celebrate" .... nice news, but without this 'coming out part' it would have been much better:mf_rosetinted: And it annoys me how Estonians pronounce K in Mika like G in GaGa:aah:
  7. no täpselt:aah: see on see kui inglise keelt ei oska:mf_rosetinted: aga ma ei saa aru, kuidas on võimalik et ta BG ära ei tundnud, kui ta on seda laulu sada korda kuulnud kui väike õde seda laulab?
  8. No kes ei jumaldaks:das: xD BG juba mitmendat korda seal... paar nädalat tagasi emps ütles, et kuulis Mika laulu Vikerraadiost ja see oli kontserdil ka.... ja selles on sõnad Girl ja Telephone... mul oli nagu:boxed: Küsisin, et kas see oli äkki BG aga ta ütles, et eiieii see oli hoopis teine:aah: ei noh, nüüd siis tundis ikkagi ära, et see oli see lol xD
  9. hahaa kujutan ette:aah: Vikerraadios on praegu Big Girl??!!:shocked:xDD
  10. Hi there!! yeah, it's been more then a month O.o but I haven't forgot you yet though my memory is awful xDDD how have you been? =)

    hahha I think i never get over it!! but I'm not that emotional when I watch vids of it.aah:

    oh you're right! but i can wait, I think, cos I know it's worth it :D phhhphh I even didn't think about it. but it's really nice idea xD exactly my thoughts! beauty lies in simplicity, you know ;D

  11. Me:mf_rosetinted: you know, i have a split personality... Me and Myself:mf_rosetinted:

    Maybe?:blink:i hope not:aah:

    Oh yeah, you're right:aah: though.... When the air temperature is below the zero, i'm not that sure any more:mf_rosetinted:

    Which movies did you see? Sth good?:teehee: Oh your bday was fun, right?:das: dunno , it's kinda sad to get older... Fortunately my birthday is coming mikasoon:aah:

  12. sest MFC-is on eesti keeles VÄGA harjumatu kirjutada:mf_rosetinted: Ei, tegelikult ma ei tea... Kuigi meid on siia viimasel ajal juurde tulnud...
  13. It's really nice =) Hmm... For Mika's bday? i'm really bad at guessing xD :groovy:xD Drawing is always fun:naughty:
  14. @Mary Your Sherlocks and Mel are fantastic !! Not Mikaish but GaGaish, right? I really love it! I find this picture magical... maybe cause it looks like a mosaic:mikalove: btw, what special occasion is it? (:
  15. :lmfao: yeah, that's for sure xD i don't need air.... all I need is love:fisch:

    but you promised to.. so:naughty:

    Hahhaa I got you! hmm.. not actually... I take a shower everyday but sauna at least once a week, but yeah:aah:

    oh somebody had a really nice time there:naughty: well... I think I am like he/she... my singing sounds like screaming:aah: especially high notes xDDD

    Yeah, thanks:hug: The fever and runny nose are almost gone... but my voice is still like old man's:aah: Of course it was:aah:... cos we don't have a nice weather and beaches everywhere:mf_rosetinted:

    I've never heard about it before but it sounds really amazing:wub2: Wish something really good when you see a shooting star:teehee:

  16. You can't say so if you don't know who my boss is:mf_rosetinted:

    It is!! Nice it isn't anything severer:mf_rosetinted: Thanks:hug: I hope too xD being sick in summer isn't good at all:aah:

    Yeah it was:aah: I enjoyed the time there, especially the calm:teehee: though I was hoping better weather and then go to the beach and sunbath... but it didn't stop me to go to swim:aah: it was only about 15*C outside but the water in sea was soooooo warm:teehee:

    How have you been these days? :huglove:

  17. yeah, there's no air to breath xD... though I don't need air to live:mf_rosetinted:

    actually I can't picture myself jumping in ice-cold water:aah: ohh then I shouldn't worry about it:mf_rosetinted: Ahaa you're right:aah:

    wait, for the first time?:blink: then you really have to come here:aah: This was fun for sure, right?:naughty:

    Well... I've been sick since weekend:aah: But I don't care about it and I'm going to a sauna-party today:teehee:


  18. No, I can't tell you, my boss don't allow me to do it:mf_rosetinted:

    now I know, it took me a little time to find it out, it was secret information :mf_rosetinted: the punishment is the illness I have atm:mf_rosetinted:

    I watched it :lmfao: I understand why you couldn't go to sleep at that night:naughty: Let's say, there was radio in one town and sometimes near some cafe but not anywhere else xD It's the second largest island in Estonia, there are only forests everywhere and beautiful sea around it:aah: but now I'm finally back home:teehee:

  19. I know all about you! I even know those things that you don't know:aah: That's why i don't tell you anything, you should find it out yourself:mf_rosetinted:

    i believe you :mf_rosetinted: what is it?? :nervous:

    (i'll watch it later, cos i don't have earphones and i'm in restaurant atm:teehee: though i don't know when i'll have the internet connection next time.... Here in the island even radio doesn't work:aah:)

  20. Hahaa i like this sentence :lmfao: it isn't that hard as i thought xD actually sometimes it's tropical weather here but atm i guess it's normal again :aah:


    You'll never know if you don't try so i'm waiting you here in winter. Let's do that together for the first time cos i'm too scared to do that alone :aah: and someone has to save me if it would be needed:mf_rosetinted: don't worry about frozen blood, sauna will make it boil again :aah: actually you guessed right, estonians are cold-blooded, everybody knows it:naughty:


    do you know how jealous i am atm? :aah: now it's sure, I'll move to Italy when i've finished high school here:naughty: anyway, have a lot of fun there! ;P

  21. Ahaaha i'm wondering how did they taste:aah:

    Yeah maybe correct sentence would work better cos it seems mosquitos here aren't estonians... They just don't understand me if i ask them to leave me alone:naughty:


    Well I don't cos i'm pretty awful swimmer xD But a lot of people do that every morning or they jump in there stright from sauna :aah: mad people:mf_rosetinted:i think our temperature is just a little above 0°C:mf_rosetinted:


    Yay!! When? :teehee: xD whlat kind of events? :mikadas:

  22. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here!
  23. Yeah i really like it! Just voted, good luck!:wink2:

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