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Posts posted by RayaBadran

  1. I love Imagine Dragons... I heard about them at first on Glee with "It's Time" really well sung by Blaine aka Darren Criss. After I heard all the songs on the album, I totally loved! I believe that everyone in the world likes at least one Imagine Dragon song :naughty: Whether it's It's Time or Radioactive or Demons...

  2. I can answer every question Mika will receive about when he is coming to Mars, etc. "I really love [insert country here]. The fans are amazing. I definitely want to go to [insert country here]. I am not touring right now. But when the album comes out."


    And for the album question he will say yes because he has answered yes to this question every time for the past 6 years whether he was in the middle of it or a year away from even starting on it. And if he is pressed for details he will say something like "it's a lot like [insert piano based artist from the 70s here]." And then this quote will haunt him for the next 3 years when it sounds nothing like that because he doesn't know what an album he hasn't made yet is going to sound like. :teehee:


    Christine, I was about to write that until I saw your post :naughty: (probably would've said it in a way less funnier way). But I still asked this anyway, only by pure curiosity. I forgot what was my second question though :blink:








    On the eve of my 30th birthday, I decided to write an open letter to my older self. I can not read this letter again until the eve of my 80th birthday.


    Dear Mika, I hope this finds you well. I have no idea where in the world you will be when you read this. My life so far has been made up of so many twists, turns and contradictions, that there is no way of predicting where or how you will be. For starters, I just hope you are alive! Even if the world has become a terrible or hostile place, without water and without seasons, I still hope you’re in it. Not because I want to maintain my presence for as long as possible, but just because I’m curious and you’re my only way of finding out.


    You may wonder why I’m writing this, but the reason is quite simple. A lot of noise is made about someone turning 30. Yes, you can laugh, you’re about to turn 80. The only reason why I think we care is that childhood along with adolescence has been eroded. The normal transitions of life before adulthood don’t exist any more. We live a sort of ‘kidulthood’ for far too long and suddenly we hit 30 and have no more excuse. A 30 year old, a hundred years ago, was approaching the twilight era. You however, at 80, are probably not even considered old any more. I wonder how your health is and how long you might actually live? 100? 120? Perhaps you live in an augmented reality, which covers up all the destruction of the last 100 years. I hope that’s not the case. I hope things are still green and there is still winter and summer. What scares me the most, is that now as I turn 30, I don’t believe things as basic as seasons and fresh air are guaranteed in the future.


    As those around me have been making a fuss about my 30th, this is my retaliation. As a boy, the only secret power I ever wanted was to freeze time. In order to relish a little longer in moments I loved and to reap vengeance on those who hurt me. This is me freezing time just for a moment. Like a capsule or a message in a bottle. Beyond that I don’t care about my age, as long as I am free.


    I am writing this from the basement of my house in London’s World’s End. There’s a car engine outside making noise. My mother has just popped over to have a cup of tea and my dog is asleep in the corner. They will all be gone when you read this. I have never faced death, you have. How lucky you must think I am to have those I love around me in the flesh. Don’t romanticise too much however. They are not so perfect up close you know? So far I have seen terrible things happen to people I love dearly, but I’ve never lost any of them. You have and I’m sorry for the pain it caused you. I’m sure you’ve made some pretty amazing friends though. Not just the glamorous famous ones. Those ones I know already, come and go so fast, but real friends. I hope they are strange and keep you weird. Please stay weird.


    In the world right now, the US and the UK are spying on us and no one can do anything about it. Even Obama is unable to take a hard line on the subject. The Middle East is in turmoil and the incredible city of Aleppo which you visited at 25 is pretty much destroyed. In Russia, the government is turning viciously and bizarrely anti gay, as a result of the bigotry of the powerful orthodox church, but marriage in Europe and America is looking positive. Except in Italy, God knows about that! I wonder if you have children and how you got those, as I already know for sure that you haven’t hooked up with a chick. I hope you have kids, I hope they look like me. And what about Music!? OH GOD I wish I knew what that would sound like in the future.


    I could go on for ever, but I must stop. Please remember, we are not so different you and I. If you read this, and do not recognise the hand or the voice, something has gone terribly wrong. If you feel a little embarrassed, that’s OK. In the words of Doris Day, “che sera sera”. That’s true, but I can’t help but feel, that in the chaos of cause and effect that forms our future, the tiny action of writing this letter might change something further down the line. One thing, I hope your not bald, if so, wear a hat.


    With all the love in the world,

    You x


    (Illustration by DaWack)


    :wub2: is all I have to say!

  4. Yes I guess. Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are consuming enough of my time with their Toronto bar punch ups and twerking. I don't have the energy to keep up with anymore no-talent children.


    I can't believe it was only a few years ago that Amy Winehouse, Adele and Paolo Nutini were launching their first albums at that age. Now 19 year olds can't be expected to write anything at all, nevermind intelligent adult themed songs.


    Birdy is quite great and she's 16... Not known enough and not as big as the three you mentioned though. So yeah I agree... Unfortunately.


    Read 2 excellent reviews of Ariana's album but none mentionned Popular:sneaky2:


    Must admit I bought the album out of curiosity and while I won't play it on repeat, there are some songs I really love...


    I really really like Ariana Grande... I usually don't like comparisons, but I do think this time that she could be a wanna-be Mariah Carey. She has this reggae-pop sort of beat that I find different from all the pop songs these days... Popular Song is probably the outcast of the album because it's a little bit more bubblegum pop. It stands out. :original:

  5. Coldplay will release first track titled "Atlas" from "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" soundtrack on 6/8 September


    Multiplatinum recording artist Coldplay will release the first track from the official soundtrack album for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, it was announced today by Lionsgate (NYSE: LGF) and Republic Records, marking the first time Coldplay has ever recorded an original song for a motion picture. The song, titled "Atlas," is scheduled to be available via iTunes and all digital retailers on on Sunday, 8 September, 2013 in the UK and Friday, 6 September, 2013 everywhere else. Republic Records is again teaming up with Lionsgate to release the soundtrack in advance of Lionsgate distributing the film on screens worldwide on November 22, 2013.




    Got their message on e-mail a month ago for that... I'm extremely excited... I just can't wait :excite:

  6. Allo Raya! super pour tes vacances aux USA!!!!:thumb_yello:


    Salut Cath, tu me manques beaucoup :blush-anim-cl: ça va bien?


    Merci beaucoup raya! Nous espérons venir aux Etats-Unis l'été prochain, pour 3 semaines. Nous souhaitons rester 3 ou 4 nuits à New Yor et ensuite partir sur la côte ouest. Si tu as des suggestions...:wink2:


    New York est mon coup de coeur :wub2: Pendant la nuit elle est sublime!

    Mais Miami a été mon préféré: la plage, les centres commerciaux, les restaurents, c'étais super! Ou encore Orlando puisqu'il y a Disney et que c'étais magique :swoon:

  7. Erase and Ring Ring are on the American version of LICM :blush-anim-cl: I have it and Ring Ring is the 6th song (between Relax and Any Other World) and Erase the 11th (just before Happy Ending). :wink2: Your Sympathy is, as lollipop said, on the japanease version.


    Erase is one of my favourite songs. :wub2:


    oh my gosh, mine is AOW: the original version sounds heavenly. And even without his voice it still sounds heavenly. I loooove it. :swoon: No wonder why it's my favorite :teehee:

  8. Bonjour à toutes/tous!


    ça y est, je suis en vacances! Je partirai vendredi et me connecterai au fil des accès wi-fi dont je disposerai. Je compte sur vous pour venir donner de vos nouvelles de temps à autre, hein!?

    Celles/ceux qui sont allés à Ronquière ou à Monaco, venez nous raconter (même brièvement) vos impressions ou donner un petit compte-rendu, ce serait sympa ;)

    Pour l'instant, j'ai les boules de ne pas pouvoir faire Colmar alors que je serai en vacances (snif). Dommage que notre destination n'est pas du tout sur le trajet et que mon mari ne soit pas fan de Mika (même s'il aime bien et qu'il va être ok pour passer les albums sur la route des vacances). J'attends vos retours de Colmar avec grande impatience aussi.

    Ici il fait très beau mais la journée se passera à préparer les affaires et ranger la maison.

    Bonne journée à vous toutes/tous!


    Je te souhaite de très belle vacance :thumb_yello: , je viens de finir les miennes, après mes supers vacances autour des États-Unis, où je suis allée du sud jusqu'au nord! Mais les collèges recommencent bientôt, je prépare mes horaires de cours (youpi :mf_rosetinted: )


    Voilà de mes nouvelles :aah: J'espère que tout le monde va bien ici :huglove:

  9. Vous qui connaissez bien maintenant la Foire aux vins, quel est votre rapport à l’Alsace ?

    Je trouve que l’accent alsacien ressemble à l’accent québécois ! Mais quand je dis ça, les gens n’aiment pas trop (rires) ! Plus sérieusement, je trouve les Alsaciens très chaleureux, c’est toujours un public qui chante, qui danse !


    :teehee: we have an accent :shocked::naughty:


    Oh Gosh, we have an accent? *screames* You just made me realize it :doh:


    And by the way, thank you for the videos of the m&G and the overrated tease, I just hope he keeps it for next tour it would be awesome :pinkbow: I mean Mika's reaction is just... Wow! He's lovely "that was so so so sweet" indeed it was, I give my hat to the organizers! Thank you for the reports as well, I feel like I was there :wub2:

  10. Watched everything too ! :wub2: They are very funny.


    I guess everybody know it, but they filmed the 1st scene of season 9 yesterday (thanks to Jared to tweet about it). I can't wait to see it. :boing:


    Did you hear about the fact that the season premiere has been advanced to october 8th :excite:

  11. So... I guess we're all interested in comic-con here aren't we... :teehee: Here's their panel at the comic-con, it starts at 13:15 !




    Watched it the whole thing... they're lovely :swoon:

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