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Everything posted by mikahepburn

  1. awww :huglove: I mean I have friends up here but not in "the real world" :teehee:


    Yeah the computer. BTW my Skype is perseuswendie :wink2:

  2. I have no friend :aah:


    Oh so you're sharing with your parents? Eh good plan :aah:

  3. Songs in you guys' radio are so far better than here. They only play Vietnamese songs here and they suck!
  4. you imagine stuff, I guess? I'm not the expert in this I had several times of that too. Because you're ignoring it you're not taking control of it, which means that your sleep is deeper than it can be lucid.
  5. Forever alone I don't really use my phone :aah: that's why my parents are kinda proud of me for not using their money to "rubbish" stuff, as they would say


    LOL be careful!

  6. I did a small research today and you have it by not having a deep sleep and you're aware the fact that you're dreaming, and somehow you can take control of what you're dreaming. It's a state of mind and it can be happen certain type of ways or at certain time that you're drowse (if I make sense to you)
  7. ah I know that feeling when you're sneaking and talking to your friend, have that everyday :aah: but they're fine with you going on this site?

  8. She might want to consider an abortion but sooner or later her parents will find out. They don't know anything by now
  9. I like you. Simple but effective and I don't wanna live on this planet anymore part 2 this is one of the people I know in school http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s480x480/311618_3647474659538_1253806823_n.jpg
  10. tell me about it *girly girl flicking hair rolling eyes motion* :aah:


    BTW have you got Skype? we can talk on there :biggrin2:

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