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Status Updates posted by WeAreGolden*

  1. Yes they are:teehee:


    Ohh that's awesome! Not the exams, your birthday :aah: Good luck on the exams, mine will start soon as well -_-


    How are you? :wub2:

  2. By spring break I meant Easter Holidays, and they're in 1 month anyways, so I have to waaaait -_-

    Haha we all are :naughty:


    It was alright, boring. I went to school, stayed on my laptop and I'm going to the cinema in the evening. :aah:

    Yours? :huglove:

  3. Aww you're too nice /emoticons/default_roftl114.gif" alt=":roftl:" />


    Stressed with school as well, even though I still have one year to go :aah: I really can't wait for spring break -_-



  4. Hello! :huglove:

    Yeah I've been a bit busy with school lately :/ I still come here often and check for Mika news of course:mf_lustslow: But I really cannot wait for spring break, I can't deal with school anymore >_>


    How have you been?

  5. Fer! I tried to write to you on facebook but I can't find your profile, did you delete it? :/

    Anyways, I got your card yesterday! :wub2: IT'S SO AMAZING I LOVE IT! And the stickers. But the necklace is just epic. *_* I'm never going to take it off :mf_lustslow: Thank you so so so much, you're too nice, I love everything :huglove:

    My card looks ridiculous compared to yours by the way, just so you know. I feel embarrassed now >_>


    How are you?

  6. I'm even worse as you can see :shocked: Sorry!


    Ohh I see. You have high expectations because of Mika:teehee:

    I do actually, but he doesn't like me so yeah :/ Greek boys are not chickeny as well, the guy I like is Serbian :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


    How have you been? :huglove:

  7. Hello, I'm sorry for the late reply again! :(


    Thank you so much, you're really nice :huglove:

    Do you like anyone? :das:


    I wish I had holidays soon, wanna exchange? :mf_lustslow: I have to wait until Easter -_- But at least I don't have school on Tuesday :groovy:


    My day was alright, was kinda lazy. And I feel sick again because I was out in the rain :lol:


    How are you? :wub2:

  8. Umm...well, there's this guy I like and everything seemed to be going good but yesterday he told me he likes some other girl. I know it's silly and I'm being a typical teenager, but I can't help feeling sad :[


    Anyways, how are you? How was your day? :hug:

  9. Hello :huglove:


    I'm kinda sad, but whatever :huh:

    You? :das:

  10. Thank yoooooou!


    Until 5pm? Wow that sucks :shocked: I don't have school tomorrow, we'll go at 12pm to watch some presentations and then we'll leave :groovy:


    Did you see Mika at NRJ awards? :mf_lustslow:

  11. Sorry for late reply as well


    Things are great, I got CPE results today and I passed! :groovy: Got it with a B, missed A by 2% -_- But oh well, I'm still happy :mf_lustslow:


    How are you? :huglove:

  12. Yes we do, and it's NOT cool, trust me :sneaky2:


    It was amazing, I loved it

    Ohh so it was sad/drama? I watched Anne Frank, also with a popular Greek actress. I cried in the end:aah:


    Ohh, poor you :( We get our 1st semester grades in early February, then exams start again in late March. So I have some free time at least :biggrin2:


    My day was great! I got my English exam results (it's called CPE - Cambridge Proficiency in English) and I passed it with a B! I'm so happy:wub2: I can actually teach English if I want to when I become 18 :teehee:

    Other than that I'm kinda sick again -_-


    How are you? :huglove:

  13. Yep :huglove:


    It's amazing indeed, I love everything about it *_*

    Ancient Greek, I think I did okay. Not great, but not bad either :aah: Thank you


    I went to the theatre as well! :biggrin2: What show did you watch?

    My Saturday was so boring that I can't even remember what I did that day :lol: And I went to the theatre on Sunday and studied a bit. Exams period is finally over, I can't believe I have no exams this week.:shocked: It seems too good to be true :mf_lustslow:



  14. Sorry for the late reply again :blush-anim-cl:


    My weekend was busy! I just came home and now I'm watching Lord Of The Rings on tv with my dad :teehee: I have an exam tomorrow and I didn't study :aah:


    How was your weekend? :huglove:

  15. I like theatre as well, but I prefer cinema (popcorn is too good :teehee:). Hamlet? I saw that a few months ago, it was PERFECT. I don't know, maybe it was the actors and everything, but it was one of the best days of my life, I wanted to cry at how beautiful it was. So I hope you will feel the same :wub2:


    Byeee have fun :huglove:

  16. Oh poor you :huh: Good luck


    I can't wait for the weekend as well! Tomorrow I'm going shopping after school, then I have free Saturday and on Sunday I'm going to my friend's play in the morning and to the theatre in the afternoon. Should be fun! :biggrin2:



  17. Yeah I saw that too! And those pictures are amazing :wub2:


    Everything is okay, I've been kinda on the depressed side lately though (that's why I'm not online much), but I'll get better soon:biggrin2: Exams are coming to an end finally :naughty:


    And you? :huglove:

  18. Thank you!


    Oh yes, I saw them. He's so :mf_lustslow: as always!


    How are you? :huglove:

  19. Hey sorry for the late reply! I've been so busy with school :sneaky2:


    How have you been? :huglove:

  20. Hello :huglove:


    I'm sorry, I'm just so busy since school started :( I wish I could come here more often :/ Have I missed any Mika news? Please tell me :shocked:


    And how have you been? I missed you :wub2:

  21. I wish we had easy exams, that way I wouldn't be studying that much :tears:


    How are you? :huglove:

  22. So what, they like...NEVER refuse? That's pathetic :blink:


    And we're running with blood on our knees :punk:


    How are you? :huglove:

  23. Thank you thank you :naughty:






    It was AMAZING.


    Oh dear, I bet it's exhausting to organise the whole thing. But definitely worth it too, it should be done every year for us poor people who don't get a chance to travel to London that easily :blush-anim-cl:

  24. Yes I did:teehee: I've never talked with the other girls though, but you were all brilliant :mf_rosetinted: The funny thing was that everyone left the dancefloor when non-Mika songs were playing. And then 1st second of Mika song starts playing and the dancefloor is packed again:roftl:


    What so this doesn't happen every year?:shocked: Gosh I'm still such a newbie >_>

  25. Mair! :huglove:


    First of all, thank you for entertaining us livestreamers, it was amazing :teehee:

    Secondly, how was it? :mf_rosetinted: I mean, I watched the whole thing, but whatever. I was really sad I couldn't be there, but I'm probably coming next year:das:


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