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Posts posted by Elizabeth.C

  1. hi!


    Mika got stuck in a trash can. #MikaFact


    I saw that video! it's too cute! :mikalove: and :floor:


    Yes!!! That's the kind of doll thi one is. It just does all kinds of black magic. :mf_rosetinted:


    ... does anybody knows what Mika thinks about black magic and that kind of stuffs? like, is he afraid of witches or stuffs like that?


    I am in love and I am confused because I know sometimes love hurts. Do I have to be so comfortable with a man if I have to suffer after? I don't know. I am single since 6 years. I don't know if he really loves me. We will together saturday. I will see after... The night was so nice, I was so comfortable close to him. :wub2:


    I totally understand u :thumb_yello: You must just follow your heart ! I mean, if you love to spend time with him, then go for it :thumb_yello:


    My best friend found my calorie counting journal. I found her in tears, and I kills me to know that my problem is beginning to hurt others. I'm not going to go down the same eating disorder road I thought I had alread conquered. It's time to get my life back on track.


    Stay strong! :hug:


    Just a word can sometimes make a difference between happiness and sadness, between death and life. Don't forget it. Sometimes in my life, just a word, a smile, can do so much in the life of some people. I am a dreamer. I dream of a word where all people will be happy, respectful and understanding with other people.


    Maybe you will think I am crazy. I can assume. :wink2:


    I'm a dreamer too !!! I want to change the world :wink2: and I know I can if I go world by world [considering that every person lives in theri own world made by their interpretations :wink2: ]


    I don't think that I [by myself] could achieve a world where people are always happy, respectful and understanding, but I do my part by trying to be happy, transmitting happyness, trying to be respectful and understanding :wink2:


    oh god. it's 5:18am in here :shocked: and I should be studing.


    sorry better world, but you must wait til I finish my exams >.<

  2. Why would you say that? :mf_rosetinted: my avatar is clearly Steve and Wendy (please tell me you saw that videoclip!! XD)


    Hay mija, a mi me dio de peque hahahaha


    Today I saw the video !!! ahahah para partirse de la risa!!!! And oh, you're right! that's not Loki, is Wendy :doh: sorry I confused them :teehee:


    existe un thread latinoamericano? ya que los threads de nuestros países están tan muertos, un thread latinoamericano sería una buena solución :wink2:

  3. I feel like she is well known in the US for her Burlesque and for being the ex-wife of Marilyn Manson.


    I liked MM when he was married with Dita. I saw the video where she dances on the martini glass. [i never liked that video :aah:] BUT I didn't knew her name then! so, I realized just a few days ago that THAT woman is now Mika's friend. :doh:


    don't need to apologize, its ok for me, i just like her as I already said :wink2:


    you are so kind! :mikalove: I wouldn't dislike you if you marry Mika :mikacool: hahaha


    Forgive my english. I have serious troubles with verbs o.o

  4. She's famous in the whole world :thumb_yello: Dita is a sweet person, and has been in my country being interviewed, she is very educated, smart and elegant :wub2: yes I am a fan her :naughty:

    I think his work is interesting and has a boundary between burlesque and be a porn star, I see some comments about it :mf_rosetinted: my thought ok :wink2:


    I think burlesque can be interesting and elegant. But at least Dita wasn't that elegant at her begginings [sorry, as I already said, i don't like her]

  5. I was feeling really happy until I found out about September 9th. This rules out Celebrate being played on the Olympic previews on TV, which was what I dreamed would happen. It also won't be a Summer hit!

    What is it with this team of Mika's? Why don't they hire someone from the MFC? He'd have a hit in no time!


    I still hope that the person who wrote that really didn't had a clue of what he was talking about :pray:


    Well they played celebrate on Swedish radio toady *happy* :boing:


    Listen at 44:48 :wink2:

    After I sent my letter to some random person at Universal music Sweden and complained :teehee:


    I still can't find an email for universal music. I tried to email a Radio but dah I couldn't, there was something wrong with the link :sneaky2: Facebook's pages are my only hope so far :pray:

  6. Look at Mika's knees.. I wonder what happened :fisch: Perhaps he wasn't aware of the fact that you need to propose on one knee, not both :naughty:


    ahah he knee while he was singing :wink2: so it was at the stage, not the proposal :aah:


    Did you see the way he was looking at Wika? :mikalove: It was definitely luuuuurve at first sight


    :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao: but yeah, Wika would melt

  7. Of course they did, ask any of them who went...

    This time he did!

    Bt you shouldn't hate her coz she was last year's flame...


    :mikalove: awee i liked her


    I've dislike Dita since the moment I saw the first photo of her and the more photos I see, the more i dislike her :sneaky2: I mean, there's something in her that I hate :sneaky2:

  8. As everyone could see at Lovebox Festival, this is the new Mika affair, even though he pretends to date famous women like Dita V.T.


    Just to lead us astray...




    See how happy they look together inside that golf boogie....




    And i bet the guy besides them is their bestman...in a summer wedding in a golf club in the south of France or summin...





    did anyone saw them holding hands or kissing?

    aha that's a stupid question, i don't think Mika does those things in public :aah:


    anyways, hope it's true. I hate Dita :sneaky2:

  9. Hi new wallpaper, nice to meet you! :mikadas:


    Btw did you flip this photos? Or is paG some new underwear shop? :aah:


    EDIT: i checked and other ppl's pics also have Gap written backward :teehee: Perhaps wearing your undies inside-out is some new fashion statement he learned from Pharrell? :mikacool:


    I also noticed that. Ok no, I didn't noticed by myself, i did it after reading your post.


    At least here in my country is said that you should wear something inside-out [usualy underwear ] for repeling bad vibes :blink:

    anyways I think that Mika probably doesn't know this and he just didn't noticed how he put on his underwear that day :teehee:

  10. I'll go to sleep :mf_rosetinted: Karla (la mexicana con la que me la pasaba platicando en el thread mexiano lol) si me dijo y estaba super emocionada pero la mugrosa me dijo por facebook lol


    dream with Mika :mikalove: I'll go and try to study :doh:jjajaja yo tengo dos facebook [uno mio personal y otro para el fansclub de mi ciudad] aún así rara vez logro hablar con los fans chilenos

  11. Everybody's taller than me :mf_rosetinted: no sé si nos regañen por andar hablando en español en threads en inglés lol, pero estamos "a salvo" en los threads chilenos, mexicanos, españoles, etcétera :teehee:


    not my case :mikacool: some babies are shorter than me :mikacool: many kids are taller tho Estaba pensando lo mismo xD el Chilean Threar está siempre muerto x.x

  12. Es que mi mamá me dio chiquitín en vez de danonino :sad: espero que en chile también se llamen así las marcas lol


    damn creo que los unicos chiquitines que he comido son los que le robé a mi sobrina [quien me contagio la varicela] o los que me he comprado yo misma. No encuentro explicación para mi falta de altura :blink:


    LOL acá es el "MILO te hace grande" Tomé mucho MILO pero no resultó:aah:

  13. it's the "loki'd" video :aah: best video ever, but i don't know where it is, i found it on tumblr so...


    Yo si comí frutas y verduras y chocokrispis así que estoy grande y fuerte! (mentira, estoy bien chaparra y ni me gustan los chocokrispis)


    I'll look for it after my exam :aah:


    y yo he comido todas mis verduras pero mido 35cm menos que Mika :mikacool:

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