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Everything posted by mamikitchen

  1. ;) He speaks spanish, really good!!
  2. Hi!!! I'm from Guilford Surrey Uk, a small town. I like to hear music, specially from Mika. My hoobies are to draw and play with my brother. My favourite songs from Life in Cartoon Motion are: Ring Ring, We are golden, Grace Kellu, Over my shoulder, my interpretation, stuck in the middle, and love today


    Where are you from? What are your favourite songs from Mika??

  3. Fabulous!!!!


    Look at this,

    It's my favourite vid!!!!
  4. Thx!!! Have a Mikanight!!!

  5. Fabulous!!! I love it!!! I had a heart attack during the vid!!

    A friend of mine gave me a vid on my birthday video of Mika.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hAQ-7EYRL4&feature=related

  6. I love those 2 songs. Ohh!! Really you have a cd made by his sister!!! If I have one, I would die of a heart attack!! Have you hear the acoustic version of Rain, and the mix from Benny Bennasi.

    I was on youtube, and I found this http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=ES#/watch?v=cToOVwpUeug

    A interview in french, you can find the translation in english on the description of the vid!!

  7. Ohhh, he looks super good!!! So nice!!! I love his outfit!!! :D. :D:D:D Super fabulous!!!

  8. Yes!!!

    My iPod is so full of his music, that I only have 950 gs available. I'm waiting to hear his new album. Ohh!! On twitter now he has a sign, that means it is his official twitter and he is a recognized artist. Can't wait to hear his new album. Have you heard the song Your sympathy or the only lonely one?

  9. Yes!! This place is a great home!! I love to be here. :)

  10. I want a Tofu Doll!! Don't worry there are more concerts, maybe later he comes to Spain. They left the best singer till the end because he is the cherry from the cake. (If you know what I mean)His voice, makes him the best from all the bands!! :)

  11. Yes!!! That picture!!! I love all those pictures!!! He looks fabulous!! I can't wait for the new album. Haha, my computer is going to explode too, full of 77 pics and 16 gifs. This year a friend gave me another cd of The Boy Who Knew Too Much, with a golden ticket on it. I read carefully everything, and then I found it was one of his gigs from last year!!! I was able to upload videos from Dr. John and Rain!!


    Do you like the Tofu doll with Mika's face?

  12. Thx!! Have nice dreams!!! :D

  13. Waaa!!! I can't put an image D: But, I will keep trying, until you see it. It's fabulous!!!! It's when Mika is explaining Elle Me Dit, with that fabulous shirt!!

  14. indeed!!!! indeed!!! He always looks super fabulous!! I'm waiting for some shows in UK!!!Mika_DEC_CR_Universal_Music_France.jpg&w=436&h=327&ei=S3ZiT76mCLSAsgLSksSkDA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=344&sig=102793512503228773021&page=1&tbnh=86&tbnw=119&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=76&ty=18

  15. Thx a lot for the image!!!! :D :D

  16. :) you are right, he's different. He is a nice a person, with good feelings. Mika gave £10000 for the Epilepsy Action, by making some doodles about the Origin of love. He's a nice boy!! Mika gave a lot of money, and also with the help of Christian Louboutin they gave high heels to a woman who helped his sister Paloma. On facebook, he made a doodle day competition, in which everyone could send their doodles, and win a doodle made by him. Indeed!! :)
  17. http://www.fotolog-mx.com/mikadicttion/92895269


    The part I don't like is from the 2nd page, from the paragraph 2. I don't understand why does the people is so interested on that, and make a lot of bad comments about that.


    Hope you enjoy the bio :)

  18. Ok, I'll try in amazone or eBay. Do you think I can find it in eBay or Amazon? Ohh!! I cant wait for The new album, he says his new album, it's going to be until this july. I cant wait to hear The new songs that are comming soon!!!! Yesterday I round a biography about Mika, it's very complete, maybe you would be intrested to read, I used translator to understand it, because it is in spanish. :)

  19. Yes!! Yes!! That one!! A friend of mine told me about that drawing!! It's awesome!! :D

  20. Wow!!! Really, I want to buy that book.

    How awesome the book contains a lot of things!!!!! I think there is a book called Lonely Alcoholic, I'm not sure if it's a book.

  21. Wow!!! Really, I want to buy that book.

    How awesome the book contains a lot of things!!!!! I think there is a book called Lonely Alcoholic, I'm not sure if it's a book. :)

  22. Me too!!! I love all hin song, Now Elle Me dit, a great single.

    I haven't seen The PDP and LICM? Are they great DVD's?? Wow!!! He signed you book!! What book was it?!? You are so lucky. :)

  23. We hope with his new album people from spain and from other countries can value his talen :)

    My favorite songs from LIFE IN CARTOON MOTION are: Ring Ring, Relax, Grace Kelly, Stuck in the middle, Love today, My interpretation and Happy Ending. :)

    From the other album, I love: Dr. John, Rain, Blame it on the girls, We are golden, Blue eyes, Touches you, One foot boy and I see you


    And your songs from THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH?


  24. We hope with his new album people from spain and from other countries can value his talent.

    My favorite songs from LIFE IN CARTOON MOTION are: Ring Ring, Relax, Grace Kelly, Stuck in the middle, Love today, My interpretation and Happy Ending. :)

    From the other album, I love: Dr. John, Rain, Blame it on the girls, We are golden, Blue eyes, Touches you, One foot boy and I see you

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