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Everything posted by Micah

  1. Yeah. I totally will! They put on a pretty great show?
  2. I have the same problem with picking favourites. I can never choose because it always changes with my mood.
  3. Darn! But that will be cool if you can go next time! Either Undercover Martyn or Something Good Can Work. You?
  4. That sucks! I take it you didn't get one?
  5. I get to hang out with a super hot boy tomorrow. He taught me how to shotgun beers.... We have an interesting relationship.
  6. Exactly! My friend's face was way too round. It looked like she did it on accident. Like got her hair caught in a treadmill or something. Same with mine. Her reasoning is that it will look stupid if I don't upkeep the dye job. Easy solution. Upkeep the dye job.
  7. I shaved half of my friend's head once when I was 15. There is just something about hair that is so fun. I think it's because it's not permanent. It always grows back.
  8. Ahhhhh, high school. Isn't it a lovely place? That's exciting though! Are you doing it yourself? I did the ends of my hair blue this summer, and it didn't go too bad!
  9. I know, right??? Especially for things as simple as hair! Like, I have one of the craapiest lives ever. Just let me dye my freaking hair! It's a sign of rebellion. Good. Rebellion is good. Are you doing your whole head?
  10. I was going to do the same thing, but pink. I chickened out. I still have the bleach and dye sitting up in my closet.
  11. I do. Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha Who dumped water on your head?? But I actually mean this. I'm not getting off the couch. I'm tired and sore.
  12. Tempting... Tempting.... But sadly, no. I already told my whole family I'm not getting off the couch until Monday morning.
  13. I love the games, for the most part. I love the driving ones. I feel so bad ass.
  14. Hate. Loathe with every inch of my heart. I was kicked out of one once. I just hate all the nasty, snotty kids screaming and running around and that pedo in a mouse suit is a total creep.
  15. That explains it. Yeah! Find a good studio! I've been thinking about doing technique tutorials on my YouTube, but I'm not positive yet. Nothing much. Just watching telly and eating. The usual.
  16. Okay! I'm off for a bit. I'm watching a show about dieting and food, and it's super interesting. Bye bye for now!!Xx
  17. Ahhhh! Does your school have sport teams? Like, basketball and such? That's the gym we use for our important sports. We have two other gyms like our first one, but they're just used for practices and stuff. You're never too old to start, in my opinion! Just as long as you stretch a lot and give it your all, I'm sure you could pick it up quick!
  18. My personal favourite. Dancing to Madonna's song, "Glam". Okay, I'm done sharing.
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