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Everything posted by Micah

  1. You guys don't have one?? Thanks! I love dance. We did a Pirates of The Caribbean ( ) themed one last year that was totally badass. This year is a Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, but a cello cover. Totally wicked, but it needs work.
  2. That one dance routine we did in October with the varsity football team was so gay. Our routine to Blow was way better. I f*cked up so much (I'm wearing #60), but it was a fun routine that we learned in like two practices.
  3. I was quite a sight. Yeah, that wouldn't really work. Yeah! I'm totally stoked! I seriously can't wait.
  4. Seriously??? I just got into that kind of music, because she wanted to go with me, and she called me crying last night because of Sleeping With Sirens. I love it a lot more than I was expecting.
  5. I know! I'm so jealous! I've seen a few people (Uncle Kracker, Bowling For Soup, Charlie Daniels Band, ect.) but they were just at my local fair. Nothing too official. And it was all country music, which I'm not a big fan of, so I didn't really stay for the whole concert.
  6. I want to go soooooo baaaaaaaaaad. I don't know if I will be able, but it's a nice thought.
  7. Sure!! I'll put you back in the wanting list!
  8. I hope so too!!! Lucky for me, it isn't raining. It's actually quite sunny! But I only had on my leotard, tights, and spandex. I'm sure I looked like a hooker who was running away from home.
  9. I totally agree with you! It really does feel like two different songs. I prefer the aura of Elle Me Dit more.
  10. I was pissed! Then I almost got ran over when walking across a parking lot AND I only had slippers!
  11. I believe everyone is updated! If I miss you, just shoot me a message!
  12. Gotcha! Okay KathrineH! I'll add you to the list!
  13. My family forgot about me. They actually left and drove to a town 2 hours away while I was at my appointment and then coaching a dance team. THEY fREAKING LEFT ME TO WALK THREE MILES HOME. I'm lucky my mum and dad's best friend saw me and picked me up.
  14. Yeah. I have a full size short back soprano piano in my bedroom. Underneath my bed, actually. My bed is suspended from the cieling. Thank you!!
  15. Nope. I mean mine and Mika's. I'm never letting that go... Oh wow. Yeah, you would be in a high class than me. Yes! That works, too! Does he speak English?
  16. You guys could do a collab on mine and Mika's house when we get married! Come! You can be in my classes. How old are you? I'm sure you would.
  17. Forever and ever!!!! It is! You can make bank doing that! And..... Fortune.... Isn't he in that kind of career? It looks like a hospital that's underground and mixed with a prison.
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