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Everything posted by liveforglitter

  1. 5evah and evah. i just remember it cos i have to sit in church every sunday morning. and btw i'm Lutheran
  2. we'll stick together. i know xD my confirmation is this summer forget other OTPs, Wholock is here to stay poor us bro
  3. Poor us with men names xD i'm sometimes called Santtu which is short from Santeri which is short from Alexsanteri which is men version from Alexsandra
  4. aww he's perfect, i know my nicknames.... so many but usually i'm called Annu, Anu, Liina, Lina, Sandra, Ansku, Aleksi (which is men's name btw xD) and many other dafuq names
  5. and Mariam is finnish and georgian version of it. my name... is combination of two names Annu comes from russian name Alexsandra (which is my second name too xD and i have no idea how Annu is similar to Alexsandra ) and Liina comes from swedish name Lina
  6. *i understood that, but i have no idea how to reply to that in swedish XD* I knooooow!!!
  7. Kun kukaan ei näytä huomaavan mua, niin sitten mä puhunki suomea koko loppu illan.
  8. nooo, he must have thanks:teehee: oh, cool i gotta go for a while, see ya later
  9. cause there is no place to sit for me i'm not home atm, i'm at my cousins place and they have way too small living room
  10. Tack If something huge happens over there, i'll hear it cause everyone will shout in the living room
  11. this is probably my biggest work ever, maybe this was bigger http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/001/7/4/war_horse_by_staygoldennn-d5q1el1.jpg, but still what's up neighbor?
  12. anskjngjfkgjhgsdkjhg, i'm never going to finish this drawing 6 hours and i'm this far... https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/735024_323462521102158_2111370685_n.jpg Help meee...
  13. Hey, thanks for the request :teehee::bye:

  14. now i'm going to listen 2 hours of DW's themes and get my mood up again.. Allons-y.
  15. maybe that's what i should do... I'm quite lost with this right now, and i knew atleast someone can help me even a little bit forward... Thanks Hanna
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