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Posts posted by SimonaG

  1. me!

    I've just won 2 tickets with Universal Italia and I have to pick them up at the venue, even if I already have mine...but my friend needed 2 more so I'm happy I won :thumb_yello:


    Normally fans let people back in the queue when they go and pick up tickets, but I'm afraid that half an hour before the show we are all inside already!

    I'm sure we can ask the venue to collect them earlier :thumb_yello :





    If not Robi I can wait outside and pick them up (if they don't need an ID)

  2. Dear friends, I will not attend the concert in London and so a friend of mine will be alone.

    It 's the first time she goes abroad for a gig without me.

    She is so inexperienced and shy so please adopt her for a couple of days.

    I don't want she feels disoriented.

    She is not fluent in foreign languages ​​and usually she needs my help to translate.

    Please talk to her slowly and force her to have a conversation, to improve language and overcome shyness.


    Thank you very much and enjoy the gig :bye:



    :doh: I forgot...

    the name of the girl is...





    P.s. Allegra we will miss you so much ( I found the tickets :wub2: )

  3. Well, I think Mika never fails to make his fans happy and proud!


    As they said, we expected nothing more than a signing session.

    Then we found out he would have sung too, and that was great yet! He arrived (a bit late, you don't say?), he looked at the crowd with that murderous smile :swoon:

    He shook hands with fans, and he looked around just with a happy Mika face! That's all I can say :naughty:


    So he started singing, the new intro for Celebrate was a little nugget!


    "Even when I'm down, when I'm feeling bad, when I'm unhappy and feeling sad, I get the whole world to celebrate." :wub2:


    We were hoping to hear Stardust acoustic, as he did :wub2: as you can see, the performance was quite brilliant, he was not trying to hide the fact that his voice was weak (we know why, but no one noticed), but he sang beautifully as well! :shocked:

    (I should not be impressed anymore, but these are things that I like to highlight)


    Everybody was singing along with him, you can see from the vids, and I guess he was glad of it. Even his italian manager, the famous Giulio Mazzoleni, was smiling and singing (especially the italian phrases, which he is author of :naughty:)


    He ended with Love Today, shortly after we started queuing for the signing stuff. While waiting for my turn I looked at some Mika-moments, that was so nice. I could see as anyone relates with him for those few seconds, and how this little time was remarkably precious for anyone.


    My turn came, I gave him the booklet, he write my name on it (as with everyone) with a little heart and an autograph.


    Than I took the picture I wanted to show him already in Rome (but there was no time). I told him about how was great for me to have been so lucky to hear the album before it was finished. I just wanted to say thanks for that, cause I had not yet had the chance to thank him for that memorable gift :wub2: And that's the result!




    :aah: My interpretation is that he was thinking "Why are they looking at me with those strange faces? What do they want from me?", that's why he had drawn question & exclamation marks :naughty:

    At least this is also a small gift for MFC, don't you think? :wub2:


    He was really pleased! Time was over for me, of course, and I was speechless once again.


    "See you next time!"


    Eugenio Thanks for this great pic :)

  4. Ciao ragazze!

    Arrivate a casa tutte sane e salve?

    Io oggi mi sono beccata 10 ore di lavoro no stop, sono decisamente a pezzi!

    Non voglio pensare che sono impegnata sia domani che domenica ._.


    Ho decisamente bisogno di 2 domeniche a settimana!!



    dai Vale resisti pensa a ieri e sarà tutto più facile..:wub2:

  5. Ebbrava la Robi!!


    Io ho fatto una pazzia e ho prenotato ieri per la data di Madrid, poi se tutto va bene mi faccio pure Londra!

    Con la scusa della fine del mondo al 21 Dicembre madre è parecchio in buona!



    Con calma scrivo anche il mio resoconto, ed in particolare l'esperienza del coro! Ovviamente in italiano! :naughty:


    ....probabilmente ci si vede a London....



  6. I try to put down in words the feeling of last friday night even if is hard to explain! I was in the choir too and when I received the e mail couldn't believe it. I'm not a singer I just like to sing , anyway as told by Lucrezia and Fra everything was magic in the backstage, Tim , Joy, Max (very funny) the whole band and later mama P. was very very kind with all of us. Mika gave us some tips and told us that the most important this is to have fun..lot of fun..and we had! We sang we danced and we laughed with him. I totally enjoyed this unique experience. Thank you to everyone the band, Mika the guys in the choir (you're amazing) :groupwave:and thanks to my friend Valentina who queued alone outside for 4 hours!!!:mika1:

  7. After a looooooooong period of rest (and I still have cooled :aah:) here's my report for Padova:


    First of all, this time I was in the choir and it was the most beautiful thing that ever could happen :fangurl:

    Tim came out at about 5 pm and he waited that all the people of choir were there to go inside. Then, once inside, he introduced us to the other members of the choir who were already inside: we were 12 people (6 girls, 6 men)

    We signed the release information and they gave us our backstage passes. We had rehersals with the presence of a part of the band and it was really good... Tim made ​​us sing to each of us a piece of origin of love to listen our tone of voice and he divided us into groups of three. He was very kind with us: he helped with the high tone of the songs and he gave us some good advices. At the end he said that we were the most beautiful chorus that he had ever heard! :punk:

    After this, we went in our dressing room ( a little room 2x2m :aah: ) and after half an hour we have done the Soundcheck with the all band. Everyone was very happy that night! it was as if we were in a big party!

    After that we had a 2 hour break and we decided to rest inside the venue and wait that the fans started to come inside. I had a little chat with some of them and then at 8 pm all the choir went backstage... the boss was coming!

    Mama P. gave us the robes and then before the gig started Mika called us in his dressing room to make a little rehearsal with him :wub2: I will never forget that... His voice was perfect! He gave us some tips about choreografy and how to sing some songs.

    Finally, the gig started! For me it was a breeze! Being on stage is a wonderful thing! You can see the show from the point of view of the singer and realize that it is difficult to set a show like Mika does! He's such a great artist!

    After the gig, we had a M&G. Mika came to us, congratulated us telling that the we were the best choir, signed our album and then we made a picture of him.


    I was really happy that night... Everyone was so sweet and kind with us :wub2: So thank you Mika, thank you Tim, thank you Max, thank you Mama P., thanks to all the band, and a special thanks for the manager who was so helpful with us.

    I'm still on cloud nine after 4 days :fangurl:


    :thumb_yello: Thank you Lucrezia... I'm still flyin' high after 4 days. Siamo stati bravissimi and Brave come ha detto lui!!!

  8. So... while I was walking the dog this afternoon, this sort of popped into my head, and I just came up with some new lyrics to "Emily". This is in no way meant to take anything away from other Mika fans who are not part of MFC! It's just that MFC fits, and that's where my heart is. :wub2:


    Anyhow... here's what I came up with:


    Mika we got your ass to number one

    But you know that we're not done

    We can try a little harder


    Mika we will support you everywhere

    Hong Kong, UK, Delaware

    Finland, Spain and French Guyana


    Mika we cannot leave the charts to chance

    You'll do better than in France

    Be a superstar or better

    Mika we don't care if you say you're gay

    What's the problem anyway

    Did it ever really matter?



    MFC loves you mad

    And we don't think that's bad

    One day you'll understand

    We are at your command


    MFC sure loves you

    And we think you do too

    We hope that we make sense

    Though we are not all French


    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Look up and you will see

    Front row's all MFC


    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Look up and you will see

    Dance with the MFC


    Mika we know so much about your life

    Where you grew, up all your strife

    And we know it wasn't easy


    Mika we may seem that we are obsessed

    And we do go to excess

    Do you really think it's too much?


    Mika we never do as we are told

    Acting like we're eight years old

    But we never give up trying


    Mika we want to see you a big star

    With a career that goes far

    We just want to see you smiling



    MFC is our life

    With drama it is rife

    But we all understand

    We do it for one man


    MFC sure loves you

    And we think you do too

    We hope that we make sense

    Though we are not all French


    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Look up and you will see

    Dance with the MFC


    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Look up and you will see

    Dance with the MFC


    Mika we never miss a chance to swoon

    Over you and how you croon

    We would sell our souls to see ya


    Mika we wait in sun, and rain, and freeze

    On our feet and on our knees

    Got us praying to the venue


    Mika we know the price we have to pay

    Tickets, albums, well, OK

    If that's what it takes to reach ya


    Mika we don't care if we never sleep

    That's just the way it's meant to be

    We could never ever hate ya


    MFC dance

    MFC dance dance dance

    MFC dance

    MFC dance dance dance

    MFC dance

    MFC dance dance dance

    MFC dance dance dance dance dance dance dance



    MFC loves you mad

    And we don't think that's bad

    One day you'll understand

    We are at your command


    MFC sure loves you

    And we think you do too

    We hope that we make sense

    Though we are not all French


    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Look up and you will see

    Front row's all MFC


    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Perdons-nous notre vie

    Look up and you will see

    Dance with the MFC


    MFC dance


    Really wonderful!!! Congrats!:thumb_yello::winner_second_h4h:

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